triumphs (date)
March 08, 2006
- Re: Jacking it UP!, rgb, 22:35
- Re: Head Gasket - TR6, rgb, 22:35
- Re: brake calipers, rgb, 22:35
- Re: TR6 Trailing Arm Bushings, rgb, 22:35
- Re: New Electronic Ignition, rgb, 22:35
- New Electronic Ignition - TR6, rgb, 22:35
- Re: TR6 - Diff. mount cracked, rgb, 22:35
- Re: N.O.S. Redlines, rgb, 22:35
May 31, 1996
- Re: TR4A Horn <>, Berry Kercheval, 16:35
- Re: TR6 Seat Foam <960528135220_74106.1335_FHD69-1@CompuServe.COM>, Berry Kercheval, 15:09
- Re:TR4A Horn, David Rupert, 14:47
- Re: VTR, rgs03, 14:10
- [no subject], rgs03, 14:09
- VTR96 accomodations update, rgs03, 13:53
- Re: Voltage Regulator TR4A, Bruce T. Clough, 13:29
- Voltage Regulator TR4A, Larry_Young, 12:34
- Re: TR4A Horn, Doug Mitchell, 12:14
- TR4A Horn, Rtrickey, 12:06
- TR-6 Hulk in barn, rgs03, 08:40
- GT6 FS - fwd from, Jerry McDonald, 07:33
- Re : Bleeding Mystery, GB79fyR9, 06:26
- 1971 TR6 4sale, Milo Kral, 05:25
May 30, 1996
- re:Personalized Plates, PxA5%EngPpl%GS, 21:56
- request list, Sang Cheol Park, 20:21
- help me, Sang Cheol Park, 20:17
- 74 1/2 TR-6 vacuum lines, (Steve Sutton), 19:29
- Re: Bleeding Mystery, CBrown1500, 18:47
- Re: more zoommmmm!, CBrown1500, 18:47
- Non-LBC Help Wanted, Max Blyton, 18:14
- Re: paint prep?, KVacek, 17:40
- TR-6 Hulk in barn, Tom Tweed, 17:20
- Re: TR6 - Half Shafts, Chad Jester, 14:06
- Re: Dual SU HS2 Emission Control Valve <>, Dave Chu, 13:07
- Re: paint prep?, Tony Robinson, 12:54
- Re[2]: TR6 - Half Shafts, jim.sudduth, 12:02
- Re: TR6 - Half Shafts, Tom Tweed, 11:55
- Re: paint prep? No LBC content, jim.sudduth, 11:45
- Re: TR-6 Wiring Supplies needed, Tom Tweed, 11:41
- Re: TR-6 Wiring Supplies needed, Ralph Jannelli, 11:37
- Looking for TR6 in San Jose area, Mark A. Wise, 11:06
- TR-6 Wiring Supplies needed, Chad Jester, 10:08
- Re: Jacking it UP! (no lbc content) <>, Ken Streeter, 09:20
- Re: Misc. GT6 parts questions, Mark Bryon Joslyn, 09:06
- Re: TR6 - Half Shafts <>, Ken Streeter, 08:53
- paint prep?, Don Haw, 07:30
- Re: TR-6 Wiring Supplies needed, Philip E. Barnes, 07:15
- RE: Pop goes the weasel - TR6, Dave Garron, 05:46
- Value of original barber stripe hose set, Henry Frye, 05:26
- Re: TR6 - Half Shafts, Philip E. Barnes, 04:27
- TR6 Rear-End Rebuild (longish), mike, 03:09
- RE: LBC Museums in England, Daren Allder, 02:00
- Car diaper, Thomas Pannenbacker, 01:10
May 29, 1996
- Re: TR3 Motor Brushes, TeriAnn Wakeman, 21:51
- Re: Vitesse electrical woes, CBrown1500, 20:43
- Re: Dual SU HS2 Emission Control Valve, CBrown1500, 20:43
- Re: Bleeding Mystery, CBrown1500, 20:43
- Re: Ballast resistor wire-Drive resistor(Crane Ignition), CBrown1500, 20:42
- Re: Cross Roads Auto?, TheHerrs, 19:02
- Re: Personalized Plates, TheHerrs, 19:02
- Stuck TR-6 head, TTone007, 18:41
- Re: TR3 Motor Brushes, Andrew Mace, 18:30
- non-TR; Vintage MC at Mid-Ohio, Tom Tweed, 18:00
- Re: TR4 Engine Rear Main Seal, John Wroclawski, 17:34
- Re: TR6 - Half Shafts, Tom Tweed, 17:04
- Re: LBC Museums in England, Jeremy DuBois, 15:58
- Re: LBC Museums in England, Bob Lang, 15:41
- Vitesse electrical woes, Liquid, 15:31
- TR7 Questions, Hashouse, 14:29
- Re: TR7 Transmission Woes (too), Hashouse, 14:27
- Re: Dual SU HS2 Emission Control Valve, Andrew Mace, 14:13
- Re: Misc. GT6 parts questions, Jeremy DuBois, 13:39
- Re: Misc. GT6 parts questions, Tony Robinson, 13:39
- Lug Nuts for TR250, Mark Walker, 13:25
- Re: Bleeding Mystery, Tony Robinson, 13:20
- Re: TR3 Motor Brushes, Tony Robinson, 13:14
- re: Misc. GT6 parts questions, Larry E. Snyder 314-694-3626, 13:05
- Misc. GT6 parts questions, Bruce Hedin, 12:58
- SUmmary of TR6 coolant question, J Gautreau, 11:24
- Re: re:Personalized Plates, Jerry McDonald, 09:47
- re:Personalized Plates, Mark Bryon Joslyn, 09:28
- Re: Personalized Plates, Mark Bryon Joslyn, 08:54
- Re: Late TR3A wiring, TeriAnn Wakeman, 08:13
- Bleeding Mystery, GB79fyR9, 07:56
- Re: More Zoommmm!, Chris Boston, 07:44
- TR3 Motor Brushes, DLTinkey, 07:36
- More Zoommmm!, Michael Spray, 07:23
- Re: Jacking it UP! (no lbc content), DUHART JOHN, 06:25
- Re: TR4 Engine Rear Main Seal Setting Tool, Bruce T. Clough, 06:13
- Re: TR4 Engine Rear Main Seal, R John Lye, 05:27
- Re: Carbs and MPG - I Win!<>, Richard Jackson - Network Technician ext. 2570, 02:37
May 28, 1996
- Dual SU HS2 Emission Control Valve, Dave Chu, 23:36
- Re: TR4 Engine Rear Main Seal, JHarroun, 21:40
- Re: Weight of 2138cc Triumph engine, JHarroun, 21:27
- Re: TR4 Engine Rear Main Seal, John Wroclawski, 17:11
- Re[2]: Pop goes the weasel - TR6, jim.sudduth, 16:38
- New life for HB Race, Ross Vincente -- TransAmer. Financial - Los Angeles, 16:30
- Re: Tow Vehicles, McGaheyRx, 16:12
- Re[2]: Jacking it UP! (no lbc content), jim.sudduth, 15:49
- Re: Pop goes the weasel - TR6, Larry E. Snyder 314-694-3626, 15:44
- New life for HB RaceSpit4, Andrew Mace, 15:44
- Re: Thanks! RE:Late TR3A wiring, Andrew Mace, 15:19
- Re: Triumph 1800 Roadster, Andrew Mace, 15:13
- Jumping Back in to the Fray, TJ Noto, 14:52
- Re: Oil mat from MOSS, Paul g. Wiegman, 14:22
- Re: Jacking it UP! (no lbc content), David Williams, 14:17
- Weight of 2138cc Triumph engine, Andrew Mace, 13:49
- Re: TR6 gearshift woes-help, Bob Lang, 12:49
- License plates Triumph TR 4A, Dunst, Mordecai, 12:46
- Re: Personalized Plates, Andrew Mace, 12:45
- LBC Museums in England, ACES7, 12:43
- Pop goes the weasel - TR6, jim.sudduth, 12:39
- re:Personalized Plates, Jerry McDonald, 12:02
- Re: Jacking it UP! (no lbc content), Kurt Oblinger, 11:59
- Re: Thanks! RE:Late TR3A wiring, Lawrence Schilling, 11:53
- TR 4a-6 "Shocking proposition", Tom Leake, 11:42
- Jacking it UP! (no lbc content), DUHART JOHN, 11:06
- Re: Personalized Plates, CMaster808, 10:57
- Personalized Plates, Tom Tweed, 10:39
- Re: Turn signal switch smoke, Mike A Gendimenico, 09:16
- re: Cross Roads Auto?, Larry E. Snyder 314-694-3626, 08:58
- License Plate, Lawrence Schilling, 08:30
- Re: Jacking it UP! (no lbc content), Philip E. Barnes, 08:30
- Re: Turn signal switch smoke, JoeSimcoe, 08:18
- Oil mat from MOSS, Bruce A. Krobusek, 07:52
- TR6 Seat Foam, Bruce A. Krobusek, 07:52
- Re: RE:Late TR3A wiring, TeriAnn Wakeman, 07:46
- Thanks! RE:Late TR3A wiring, TeriAnn Wakeman, 07:46
- Turn signal switch smoke, Ron L'Herault, 07:33
- re:Personalized Plates, Gregory Petrolati, 07:00
- RE:Personalized Plates, WATSON, 05:46
- RE:Late TR3A wiring, Dave Garron, 05:25
- Re: Late TR3A wiring, R John Lye, 05:07
- Cross Roads Auto?, MR STUART BOLLEN, 04:47
- TR6 - Half Shafts, mike, 03:11
- TR6 gearshift woes, MR STUART BOLLEN, 02:43
- Mailing list statistics, Mark J Bradakis, 01:52
- Re: TR4 Engine Rear Main Seal, Tony Robinson, 00:33
May 27, 1996
- Re: TR6 gearshift woes-help, Nickbk, 23:45
- BOUNCE triumphs: Non-member submission from [ (daleh)], Mark J Bradakis, 23:30
- BOUNCE triumphs: Non-member submission from [], Mark J Bradakis, 23:29
- Oil mat from MOSS, Pat Leask, 19:56
- Re: Late TR3A wiring, Chip Old, 19:32
- TR4 Engine Rear Main Seal, WDKLINE, 19:29
- Personalised Plates, David Williams, 18:11
- Late TR3A wiring, TeriAnn Wakeman, 16:57
- Spitfire Re-wiring Woes..., David M Brock, 16:38
- TR6 gearshift woes-help, MR STUART BOLLEN, 16:26
- Personalized license plates, Dean Mericas, 15:23
- THANKS! chip re OD soleniod Question, TeriAnn Wakeman, 12:42
- reply to chip re OD soleniod Question, TeriAnn Wakeman, 09:54
- Re: OD soleniod Question, TeriAnn Wakeman, 09:47
- Re: Personalized Plates, Craig R. Stone, 08:50
May 26, 1996
- Re: OD soleniod Question, Chip Old, 21:18
- TR6 rear suspension rebuild results (LONG), Brian Lanoway, 20:17
- OD soleniod Question, TeriAnn Wakeman, 19:33
- Re:Personalized Plates, JoeSimcoe, 19:24
- Re: Carbs and MPG - I Win!, Bob Edgar, 11:24
- Re: Personalized Plates, Odd Hedberg, 09:30
- Re : General O/D question, GB79fyR9, 07:25
- Stainless brake hoses, GB79fyR9, 07:25
- Dual SU Fuel Bowls, TRIA73, 06:29
May 25, 1996
- Re: personalized plates, John Matthews, 23:15
- Personalized Plates, tgentr, 18:35
- Car Names and Personalized Plates, TR6Massey, 16:59
- Re: Australian "whip", TR6Massey, 16:59
- Re: General O/D question, TR6Massey, 16:59
- Tow Vehicles, Nickbk, 16:33
- Re: Personalized Plates, Nickbk, 16:32
- Re: TR6 Compression Test Results, TR6Massey, 16:12
- Carbs and MPG - I Win!, Chris Boston, 15:33
- "Hard-To-Find Hardware" Source, KVacek, 09:36
- Re: TR2/3 ball joint nut?, KVacek, 09:36
- RE: Personalized Plates, Wes Grady, 09:12
- Re: Personalized Plates, KHoward313, 09:06
- More on Naming Cars, Chalmers E. Bennett, 08:42
- Re: re:Personalized Plates, TeriAnn Wakeman, 08:39
- Re: personalized plates, TeriAnn Wakeman, 08:37
- re:Personalized Plates, Bruce A. Krobusek, 07:51
- Personalized Plates, Jdttrs, 07:26
- Tow Vehicles, TRIA73, 05:54
- Re: General O/D question, Chip Old, 01:45
- Re: TR4 Surrey top/Arthur, Chip Old, 01:34
May 24, 1996
- Re: Six Appeal, Tony Robinson, 23:08
- List Post, PxA5%EngPpl%GS, 22:18
- Personalized Plates, PxA5%EngPpl%GS, 19:08
- Non TR. Too much attention!, PxA5%EngPpl%GS, 18:55
- re: Naming Cars, PxA5%EngPpl%GS, 18:38
- Re: TR-6 Transmission vent, Tom Tweed, 18:36
- Six Appeal, Tom Tweed, 17:49
- Re: TR6 Gender...hey..., jim.sudduth, 16:51
- Re: Tow Vehicles (no lbc content), Craig R. Stone, 15:13
- Spitfire 1500 (1979) for sale, Andrew Mace, 14:54
- TR6 Gender...hey..., Jacob ben-David Zimmerman, 14:50
- Re:Australian "whip", Ross Vincente -- TransAmer. Financial - Los Angeles, 13:50
- Re: late Spit 1500 v, Andrew Mace, 13:17
- TR2/3 ball joint nut?, Mark Gendron, 13:01
- Re: Late Spit engine numbers; CAR FOR SALE, Andrew Mace, 12:54
- Re: 6 owner's comm., Chad Jester, 12:02
- Re: Tow Vehicles (no lbc content), John Matthews, 11:17
- General O/D question, Bruce A. Krobusek, 11:11
- re: late Spitfire 1500 valve cover colors and engine numbers, John W. Hazelton, 10:26
- Re:Australian "whip" test??, Ken Boetzer, 10:04
- Triumph list server, Ross Vincente -- TransAmer. Financial - Los Angeles, 09:13
- Re: Naming Cars, Chalmers E. Bennett, 08:23
- Re: Re[2]: Poster on ceiling Results !!!, rgs03, 08:19
- Re: RE: Bad Vendor Experience, KMNTR6, 08:13
- 6 owner's comm., Van S. Griffin, 08:06
- Re: Engine Rebuild (was M-F Limey cars), KVacek, 07:43
- General O/D question, Philip E. Barnes, 04:20
- Re: 6 owner's comm., Philip E. Barnes, 03:46
- forwarded response; TR6 rear end sag, Philip E. Barnes, 02:00
- TR4 Surrey top/Arthur, john gillis, 01:57
May 23, 1996
- TR6 Headlamp Column Switch '71 WANTED, Jacob ben-David Zimmerman, 23:42
- RE: TR6 Rear End Sag, Brian Lanoway, 21:10
- Re: J-type O/D Adaptor Plate '74 TR6, Marie A Harkins, 21:03
- Re: M-F Limey cars, JoeSimcoe, 19:51
- AUD (AUC?) 1310 float bowls for SUs, CBrown1500, 19:31
- Re: M-F Limey cars, Thomas Augustus Kimberly, 18:26
- M-F Limey cars, Tom Tweed, 17:38
- BOUNCE triumphs: Non-member submission from [ (Dale Hickman)], Mark J Bradakis, 17:35
- Re: Panasports, Shane Ingate, 17:27
- BOUNCE triumphs: Non-member submission from [], Mark J Bradakis, 17:13
- BOUNCE triumphs: Non-member submission from [], Mark J Bradakis, 17:09
- TR6 engine number, Lars G. Johnsen, 17:08
- Late Spit engine numbers, S1500, 17:02
- Re: late Spit 1500 v, Ross Vincente -- TransAmer. Financial - Los Angeles, 16:48
- RE: Poster on ceiling Results !!!, Gregory W. Smith, 16:35
- Re: Poster on ceiling Results !!! <>, Berry Kercheval, 16:19
- Re: Tow Vehicles (no lbc content), John Matthews, 16:04
- J-type O/D Adaptor Plate '74 TR6, jim.sudduth, 15:22
- Naming Cars, Bruce A. Krobusek, 14:11
- Re: Re[2]: Poster on ceiling Results !!!, Hu Stanley, 14:10
- TR-6 Transmission vent, Peter Firla, 13:56
- Re: Triumphs masculine or feminine, John Matthews, 13:52
- Re[2]: Poster on ceiling Results !!!, jim.sudduth, 13:42
- Re: Re[2]: Poster on ceiling Results !!!, Tony Robinson, 13:32
- RE: Triumphs masculine or feminine, Wes Grady, 13:06
- Re:TR6 compression, Karl Theis 1-2573, 12:58
- Re[2]: TR6 Compression Test Results, jim.sudduth, 12:56
- Re: TR6 engine number, Brian S. Thomas, 12:34
- Re: Poster on ceiling Results !!!, Hu Stanley, 12:30
- Naming Cars, Bruce T. Clough, 12:20
- Masc/Fem, Ken Boetzer, 12:18
- Re: Poster on ceiling Results !!!, jim.sudduth, 12:17
- Re: Bad Vendor Experience, Doug Mitchell, 12:09
- RE: Bad Vendor Experience, Wes Grady, 12:08
- RE: Triumphs masculine or feminine, Wes Grady, 12:05
- Bad Vendor Experience, KMNTR6, 11:58
- Re: Tow Vehicles (no lbc content), Tom Tweed, 11:54
- [no subject], rgs03, 11:49
- Re: Triumphs masculine or feminine, Christian Simonsen, 11:48
- Re: TR6 Compression Test Results, CMaster808, 11:04
- Re: Tow Vehicles (no lbc content), John Allard, 10:53
- Re: Tow vehicles (no LBC content), Mike A Gendimenico, 10:22
- TR6 Compression Test Results, Bob Lang, 10:21
- Re: TR6 Compression Test Results, Tom Tweed, 10:02
- Re: TR6 Rear End Sag, Bob Lang, 09:59
- Re: TR6 Compression Test Results, HENSONJ, 09:54
- Tow vehicles (no LBC, Ross Vincente -- TransAmer. Financial - Los Angeles, 09:49
- Poster on ceiling Results !!!, Pat Leask, 09:38
- late Spit 1500 valve, Ross Vincente -- TransAmer. Financial - Los Angeles, 09:27
- Re: TR6 Compression Test Results, Ken Boetzer, 09:03
- Re: TR steering stop again, JHarroun, 08:57
- Re: TR6 Compression Test Results, JoeSimcoe, 08:35
- TR7 for sale (SE Michigan), Doug Mitchell, 07:06
- Re: TR6 Compression Test Results, Christian Simonsen, 06:50
- Re: TR6 Compression Test Results, James A. Snyder, 06:49
- RE: Tow Vehicles (no lbc content), Wes Grady, 05:53
- TR steering stop again, john gillis, 05:25
- More on TR6 Rear End Sag (LONG!), mike, 03:39
- Re: More on TR6 Rear End Sag (LONG!), Philip E. Barnes, 03:38
- Re: TR6 Compression Test Results, Philip E. Barnes, 02:09
- Re: TR6 Compression Test Results, Philip E. Barnes, 01:50
May 22, 1996
- Spitfire Factory Offered Colors (Colours?), Les Francis, 21:52
- TR6 Compression Test Results, Jeff Nathanson, 20:50
- Re: O/D for '71TR6, TR6Massey, 20:46
- Re: Gearbox case, TR6Massey, 20:46
- TR6: What is it???, Bruce Krobusek, 20:41
- Sprite For Sale, Jerry Greenberg, 19:53
- Re: Photocopying my car, David Williams, 18:57
- Re: Tow Vehicles (no lbc content), Jamie Palmer, 18:00
- Re: Factory offered pain[t], Andrew Mace, 17:31
- Photocopying my car, Pat Leask, 16:44
- late Spit 1500 valve cover colors and engine numbers, Andrew Mace, 15:47
- Carbs and MPG - I Win!, Chris Boston, 15:00
- Re: Weber carbs, Mark J Bradakis, 13:11
- Local Ads, Lawrence Schilling, 12:26
- Re: Herald Driver's Door Locking from Inside car., Daniel Burrows, 10:45
- Re: TR6 Rear End Sag, Tom Tweed, 10:39
- Factory offered pain, Ross Vincente -- TransAmer. Financial - Los Angeles, 10:21
- FS: TR7, LAWTON.I.F-, 08:29
- Re: TR6 Rear End Sag, LMD/T/TB Peter Thorsen, 08:03
- Re: TR4 - Overdrive questions (Warning - LONG reply), KVacek, 08:01
- More on TR6 Sagging Rear End, mike, 05:50
- Tow Vehicles (no lbc content), Jamie Palmer, 05:26
- I was off...+TR-3 Thermostats, Jamie Palmer, 05:23
- TR6 Rear End Sag, mike, 03:27
- TR steering stop, john gillis, 01:54
- Herald: Door locking., Daren Allder, 01:45
- Re: British Car Meet in Nashville, TN, TRIPHSTEVE, 00:03
May 21, 1996
- Factory offered paint colors, DTait44495, 19:34
- Re: TR4 - originally a exported to germany?, TheHerrs, 18:49
- Bob Tulius of Group 44, Chasgee, 18:08
- BOUNCE triumphs: Non-member submission from [Terry Whitford <>] -Reply, Tom Leake, 17:22
- '71 TR6 for sale, Milo Kral, 15:53
- Apologies for a momentary lapse of judgement, dan parslow, 15:24
- RE: I've passed the bar, and I'm on a mission fro, Tom Tweed, 15:23
- Re: TR clutch-idle hold, Tom Tweed, 15:14
- BOUNCE triumphs: Non-member submission from [Terry Whitford <>], Mark J Bradakis, 15:13
- BOUNCE triumphs: Non-member submission from <>, Mark J Bradakis, 15:11
- RE: I've passed the bar, and I'm on a mission from God. (fwd), Wes Grady, 14:59
- TR6 smog pump, Brian Zuchowski, 14:35
- RE: I've passed the bar, and I'm on a mission from God. (fwd), dan parslow, 14:35
- RE: I've passed the bar, and I'm on a mission from God. (fwd), Wes Grady, 14:16
- Re: swing axle trunnion bush removal, David Williams, 14:13
- Team.Net Server downtime, Mark J Bradakis, 13:10
- Re: TR6 wipers, James A. Snyder, 12:15
- Server downtime, Mark J Bradakis, 12:05
- Re: TR4 - Overdrive questions, Philip Searle, 11:48
- Re: TR4's, dan parslow, 11:35
- Wiper return, Michael Burdick, 11:35
- Panasports, Richard Jackson, 10:16
- Gearbox case, Bill Georgas, 09:57
- Couldn't resist, Wes Grady, 09:44
- Re: TR4's, Chip Old, 09:37
- Re: swing axle trunn, Ross Vincente -- TransAmer. Financial - Los Angeles, 09:24
- RE:, Wes Grady, 09:16
- Weber carbs, w. Baldwin, 08:50
- Re: TR4's, Peter Barrance, 07:15
- I've passed the bar, and I'm on a mission from God. (fwd), Gregory Petrolati, 07:06
- Re: anyone got a number for TriumphTune ?, philw, 07:05
- TR6 wipers, Philip E. Barnes, 06:58
- O/D for '71TR6, Greg Grohoski, 06:56
- anyone got a number for TriumphTune ?, James A. Snyder, 06:44
- Gearbox case, WATSON, 05:34
- Re: SPITFIRE 1500 PARTS, Don Haw, 04:37
- [no subject], wise, 04:10
May 20, 1996
- Re: TR4 - Overdrive questions, Chip Old, 23:38
- Re: Panasports, Chip Old, 23:23
- Re: TR4's, Chip Old, 23:15
- Re: TR7 Windshield Wipers, Jeff Nathanson, 21:29
- Re: swing axle trunnion bush removal, Tony Robinson, 21:08
- Re: TR7 Windshield Wipers, Tony Robinson, 20:59
- Austin Healey Sprite For Sale, Jerry Greenberg, 20:51
- 78 spit runs 3-4 mins., DTait44495, 19:25
- 78 spit runs 3-4 min.IT"S ALIVE, DTait44495, 19:16
- unsubsribe triumphs, marshall katzman, 18:34
- TR6 Paint (tail) and Six Pack, TR6Massey, 17:07
- Re: TR4 - Overdrive questions, TR6Massey, 17:07
- TR4 for Sale, TR6Massey, 17:07
- Re: TR6 Fuel Level Sender (was Tank), TR6Massey, 17:07
- Re: TR7 Windshield Wipers, TR6Massey, 17:07
- Re: ZS Carbs on '71 TR6, TR6Massey, 17:06
- Re: swing axle trunnion bush removal, Mike A Gendimenico, 16:41
- swing axle trunnion bush removal, Liquid, 15:19
- TR6 smog pump, Brian Zuchowski, 14:48
- Re: TR4 - originally a exported to germany?, Andrew Mace, 14:04
- TR-6 Dunlop Road Wheels, Vito Pacione, 12:59
- TR7 Windshield Wipers, Jim Van Riper, 12:24
- Spit 1500 - radiator, Tim Gaines, 12:20
- TRF Summer Party Hospitality, Bruce T. Clough, 11:48
- Standard-Triumph Automobile Association, Thomas.Geoghan, 09:56
- re: TR4 - originally a exported to germany?, Larry E. Snyder 314-694-3626, 09:38
- Yikes, I threw a flame at the TRF summer party, Christian Simonsen, 09:02
- Re: Panasports, Mark Bryon Joslyn, 08:59
- Champagne British Car Festival May24,25,26 Champaign/Urbana,Illinois, Mark Bryon Joslyn, 08:46
- TR6 Differential, Bruce A. Krobusek, 08:22
- TR4 - originally a exported to germany?, Bruce A. Krobusek, 08:22
- TR4 - Overdrive questions, Bruce A. Krobusek, 08:22
- Re: Trailer Ramps, James A. Snyder, 07:18
- Re: Panasports, Gregory Petrolati, 07:00
- TR4 - originally a exported to germany?, Christian Simonsen, 06:48
- [no subject], jpratchi, 06:47
- TR4 - Overdrive questions, Christian Simonsen, 06:31
- TR4 - Rear diff. When to rebuild?, Christian Simonsen, 06:25
- Panasports, Richard Jackson - Network Technician ext. 2570, 02:38
- Arthur, john gillis, 02:22
May 19, 1996
- TR7 door locks, Jason Clark, 20:22
- Re: 2 REDLINES for sale, Craig R. Stone, 20:12
- British Car Meet in Nashville, TN, HENSONJ, 19:48
- Re: TR6 Fuel Tank Removal, HENSONJ, 19:45
- Re: British Car Day (fwd), TheHerrs, 19:28
- TR6 Fuel Tank Removal, Brian Lanoway, 16:09
- RE: want suggestions for TR6 perormance increases., David and Kay Greed, 15:32
- Triumph rental on the West Coast, Greg Dowling, 07:57
May 18, 1996
- Restoration Shop Recommendation, WOTTATR, 15:42
- TR4's, FNSortwell, 09:13
- Trailer ramps: source of GVT surplus, oliverc, 07:56
- Re: Brit Brake Bits, Bruce Krobusek, 07:04
- 2 REDLINES for sale, Chad Jester, 05:50
- Re: TR Clutch-idle hold, KVacek, 05:42
May 17, 1996
- ZS Carbs on '71 TR6, Jeff Nathanson, 23:03
- Re: Trailer Ramps, ArthurK101, 21:28
- more wheels/tires, Tom Tweed, 20:03
- Re: Trailer Ramps, Tony Robinson, 19:46
- Re: TR Clutch-idle hold, Tom Tweed, 19:45
- Re: TR3 thermostats, TeriAnn Wakeman, 19:25
- Re: Restoration,1967 TR4A, John Matthews, 18:05
- Re: Wheels and tires, Don Taskey, 16:21
- Trailer Ramps, KMNTR6, 15:44
- Re: brake piston inserting, Jim Van Riper, 15:28
- Wheels and tires, Joe Merone, 15:02
- Re: TR6: Diff question, TR6Massey, 14:28
- Re: suspension bushes, TR6Massey, 14:28
- Re: brake piston inserting, TR6Massey, 14:28
- Re: TR Clutch-idle hold, TR6Massey, 13:41
- TR6 4sale, Kevin O'Driscoll, 09:13
- Re: suspension bushes, dave eaton, 08:57
- Re: suspension bushes, dave eaton, 08:38
- suspension bushes, rgs03, 06:51
- suspension bushes, john gillis, 02:07
May 16, 1996
- Re: Restoration,1967 TR4A, Tony Robinson, 22:55
- Restoration,1967 TR4A, George and Betsy, 22:17
- Re: TR4 A windscreen wiper motor lube, Chip Old, 20:57
- Re: plonka fore shore, Tom Tweed, 18:56
- Re: TR-6 Wheels 4 Sale, CMaster808, 18:44
- TR3 RF Fender WANTED NOS or Perfect Used, Chad Jester, 15:30
- Re: TR4 A windscreen wiper motor lube, Tony Robinson, 12:45
- TR3 - Fender beading question, rgs03, 11:36
- Re: Spitfire-6 Progress, Ken Boetzer, 10:20
- hi to all, Scott D. Sanders, 10:16
- Re: Rust Protection products, KVacek, 10:14
- Re: New, Lawrence Schilling, 10:14
- Re: hi to all. (Scott S), Scott D. Sanders, 10:08
- want suggestions for TR6 perormance increases., James A. Snyder, 10:02
- Re: hi to all..., Scott D. Sanders, 09:45
- Re:Suspension Bushings, David Rupert, 09:05
- Re: Spit rear ends, Mark Bryon Joslyn, 07:35
- brake piston inserting, Keith B. Thompson - Sun, 07:07
- Re: wot a plonka!, Bruce T. Clough, 06:56
- 65 Spit for sale, oliverc, 06:41
- TR-6 Wheels 4 Sale, Chad Jester, 06:09
- Re: want suggestions for TR6 perormance increases., Philip E. Barnes, 06:06
- Spit carpet, WATSON, 05:27
May 15, 1996
- TR6: Diff question, Bruce A. Krobusek, 19:30
- Spitfire Progress, Ross Vincente -- TransAmer. Financial - Los Angeles, 18:20
- Bushing Materials, Ross Vincente -- TransAmer. Financial - Los Angeles, 18:17
- Nylatron bushings vs Urethane, wanted TR4A seat tracks, Tom Leake, 17:02
- Rust Protection products, Tom Leake, 17:01
- Nylatron bushings, Tom Leake, 15:08
- Wanted: rear float lid for SU HS6 carb, Gregory Petrolati, 14:36
- Re: TR6 rear half-shafts, Tom Tweed, 14:28
- Re: Running out of oil?, Gregory Petrolati, 14:25
- Spit rear ends, Tony Robinson, 14:00
- Re: Spitfire 1500 trailer hitch, Andrew Mace, 13:16
- re: thread repair, Silikal, 12:44
- Re: TR4 A windscreen wiper motor lube, Tom Leake, 12:24
- Bushing mat'l, Tom Tweed, 12:20
- TR6 Rearend, Jenny Parry, 12:08
- Re: Bushing materials, Ken Boetzer, 10:27
- RE: triumph vitesse rear suspension clunking., dan parslow, 10:24
- Re: Bushing materials, Ken Boetzer, 10:17
- Re: TR-3 Guages, Carl Musson (EVENTS), 09:30
- Re: Rimmer Bros., Rory Bernard, 09:16
- TR-3 Guages, JHarroun, 08:49
- Re: TR3 thermostats, JHarroun, 08:45
- Re: TR3 - Old Wiring Harness Wanted, JHarroun, 08:40
- Spitfire 1500 trailer hitch, John Welch, 07:39
- TR4 - Zenith carb float replacements possible, Christian Simonsen, 07:28
- Re: Running out of oil?, Henry Frye, 07:17
- Re: Running out of oil?, Gregory Petrolati, 07:12
- Re: triumph vitesse rear suspension clunking., Doug Mitchell, 06:15
- triumph vitesse rear suspension clunking., S R Brown, 06:00
- Re: Running out of oil?, Don Haw, 05:33
- Bushing materials, Philip E. Barnes, 04:53
- Re: hi to all...<>, Richard Jackson - Network Technician ext. 2570, 03:07
- Spit/GT6 Info, Richard Jackson - Network Technician ext. 2570, 02:56
- Re: Rimmer Bros., J�rgen Klitholm, 01:58
- Re: PLEASE, specify car in subject line (RE: too much to read), J�rgen Klitholm, 01:45
May 14, 1996
- Re: TR6 Trailing Arm Bushings, Tony Robinson, 21:58
- Re: TR6 rear suspension bebuild advice wanted, McGaheyRx, 21:48
- re: too much to read, S1500, 20:11
- TR3 - Fender beading question, Carl Musson (EVENTS), 19:33
- Re: TR6 rear suspension, Bruce Krobusek, 19:22
- Re: too much to read, Max Blyton, 18:46
- RE: TR6 temp guage, Jeff Wagner, 17:09
- TR6 rear suspension, John Bertsche, 17:00
- Re: brake piston removal, TR6Massey, 16:47
- Re: TR6 sticky clutch when hot, TR6Massey, 16:47
- Re: Rimmer Bros., TR6Massey, 16:47
- Re: TR Clutch-idle hold, TR6Massey, 16:47
- Re: TR6 rear suspension bebuild advice wanted, TR6Massey, 16:47
- Re: Triumph Tune (UK) Suspension Kits (TR-6), TR6Massey, 16:47
- Re: TR6 Trailing Arm Bushings, TR6Massey, 16:47
- Re: new member with question, Michael Burdick, 15:39
- Re: Triumph Dealer in Kentucky??, DLMAssoc, 14:08
- Re: hi to all..., Andrew Mace, 13:06
- Re: tr-6 cooling system question, Andrew Mace, 12:33
- RE: TR6 sticky clutch when hot, Bruce Harding, 10:27
- TR6 Brake Rotors, TTone007, 09:53
- Re: Insurance Costs, Bill Georgas, 09:39
- Re: Spit MkIV, Mid-Missouri Farmers..., Larry E. Snyder 314-694-3626, 08:16
- hi to all. (Scott S), rgs03, 07:32
- Thermostat, mike, 07:23
- Caravan for SW Ohio LBCs going to Columbus (OH) British Car Day, Bruce T. Clough, 05:14
- TR3 - Old Wiring Harness Wanted, Bruce T. Clough, 04:54
- PLEASE, specify car in subject line (RE: too much to read), Anders Odgaard, 04:03
- Light Switch problem, Francois Demont, 03:48
- Spitfire MkIV Trunnions, Jonathan Smith DD-SP, 03:19
- hi to all..., Scott D. Sanders, 00:37
May 13, 1996
- tr-6 cooling system question, J Gautreau, 20:42
- Parts Houses, Joe Laurito, 20:40
- Re: too much to read, Gregory Urban, 20:25
- spits with webers, Joseph R Schneider, 20:04
- Re: The Great State of New Jersey, Bill Sohl, 19:42
- Re: Insurance Costs, marshall katzman, 19:12
- Rocks in the head, jim.sudduth, 19:03
- Re: fast idle screws, Bob Edgar, 17:27
- Re: too much to read, Bob Edgar, 17:27
- Re: new member with question, KVacek, 17:17
- RE: new member with question, Alan Coleman, 17:04
- new member with question, Tim Gaines, 16:23
- Re: Insurance Costs, Joseph Schneider, 14:32
- TR6 - Old Wiring Harness Wanted, Chad Jester, 12:42
- Re: '77 Spitfire 1500 Horn/Dimmer/Flasher/Signal Switch, dan parslow, 12:30
- Monza exp. on TR7 (long), David Rupert, 11:14
- Re: TR6 - Floor Pan Rust (Bad or Not too Bad????), Pat Willems (@chong, 11:07
- Re: '77 Spitfire 1500 Horn/Dimmer/Flasher/Signal Switch, S1500, 10:43
- Re: brake piston removal, Jim Van Riper, 09:41
- Tr6 trim rings, flame trap bracket, MR STUART BOLLEN, 08:13
- Spitfire parts, MR STUART BOLLEN, 08:10
- TR3 for sale, MR STUART BOLLEN, 08:07
- TR3 for sale, MR STUART BOLLEN, 08:06
- Re: Engine Noise, Robert Norway, 08:02
- TR6 sticky clutch when hot, Peter Barrance, 07:12
- brake piston removal, Keith B. Thompson - Sun, 07:09
- Triumph Dealer in Kentucky??, KMNTR6, 06:43
- Re: Generator to Alternator Conversion, Mark Bryon Joslyn, 06:09
- Rimmer Bros., DUHART JOHN, 06:02
- TR4 fixing - rear brake questions, Adrian Jefferies, 06:01
- Re: TRF Bashing, Rick Jackson, 05:21
- TR7 For Sale, TERRY MURPHY, 02:41
- Re: brake piston removal, Philip E. Barnes, 02:29
- Re: fast idle screws, Chris Boston, 02:18
- Re: Generator to Alternator Conversion, philw, 02:17
- Re: Generator to Alternator Conversion, Tony Robinson, 01:19
- BOUNCE triumphs: Non-member submission from [Ca Surfer <>], Mark J Bradakis, 00:23
May 12, 1996
- Re: TR6 engine, Carl Musson (EVENTS), 22:55
- Insurance Costs, GBSimcoe, 17:19
- re: support, Carl Musson (EVENTS), 15:01
- re:TR Clutch-idle hold, PxA5%EngPpl%GS, 13:51
- too much to read, John Bertsche, 11:51
- Re: TR6 engine, Nickbk, 10:36
- fast idle screws, Chris Boston, 09:38
- Re: TR6 - Floor Pan Rust (Bad or Not too Bad????), Bill Georgas, 08:06
- TR6 rear suspension bebuild advice wanted, Brian Lanoway, 07:44
- Generator to Alternator Conversion, Chalmers E. Bennett, 06:54
- re: support, marshall katzman, 04:29
May 11, 1996
- Re: Spit valve cover color, John W. Hazelton, 23:02
- Re: It has a suspension now! Well... mostly. (TR7), Chris Gooderham, Vancouver,Canada, 22:29
- It has a suspension now! Well... mostly. (TR7), Gregory W. Smith, 21:24
- Young, Immortal, Stupid, MR2, Jacob ben-David Zimmerman, 20:53
- Re: TR6 - Floor Pan Rust (Bad or Not too Bad????), Jeff Nathanson, 20:40
- Re: The Great State of New Jersey, Bill Sohl, 18:56
- Re: TR6 Trailing Arm Bushings, Tony Robinson, 13:47
- TR6 - Floor Pan Rust (Bad or Not too Bad????), JoeSimcoe, 11:54
- Re: TR-6 paint question, TR6Massey, 10:25
- Re: TRF, TR6Massey, 10:25
- Re: RE : Engine Noise, TR6Massey, 10:25
- Re: Re[4]: We're SPOILED! (was Re: The Roadster Factory), TR6Massey, 10:25
- Re: TRF Bashing, TR6Massey, 10:25
- Re: TR6 Trailing Arm Bushings, TR6Massey, 10:25
- Re: Engine Noise, TR6Massey, 10:25
- Re: General TR6 discourse, TR6Massey, 10:25
- Re: TRF Catalog, TR6Massey, 10:25
- Re: General TR6 discourse, Hctcbob, 10:10
- Re: We're SPOILED! (was Re: The Roadster Factory), TeriAnn Wakeman, 10:03
- Bye for a week, Ralph Jannelli, 09:58
- Re: More on Spitfires, Hctcbob, 09:57
- Triumph Tune (UK) Suspension Kits (TR-6), Gregory Urban, 09:14
- TRF, DonSTR4, 06:17
- TRF, Tony Robinson, 02:51
May 10, 1996
- Re: We're SPOILED! (was Re: The Roadster Factory), emanteno, 23:25
- re: support, marshall katzman, 22:29
- Re: TR3 thermostats, TeriAnn Wakeman, 21:59
- Re: We're SPOILED! (was Re: The Roadster Factory), Hashouse, 21:47
- The Great State of New Jersey, Bill Sohl, 21:23
- Re: TRF Catalog, TheHerrs, 18:44
- Re: driving tests, speed limits, etc, TheHerrs, 18:44
- Re: driving tests, speed limits, etc, TheHerrs, 18:44
- Re: Seasonal Affective Disorder and the LBC, jim.sudduth, 18:42
- Looking for my vidio friend in NC, Pat Leask, 17:30
- Re: REPLACING A TR2 REAR END WITH A TR3 MODEL?????, Andrew Mace, 16:21
- re: Spit valve cover color, Silikal, 16:17
- re: Blown Spits, Silikal, 16:17
- Re: TR3 thermostats, Kurt Oblinger, 15:35
- Re: Engine Noise, Andrew Mace, 15:25
- RE : Engine Noise, Francois Demont, 14:20
- Red Line tires, Wes Grady, 13:56
- Re: TR6 engine, John Lupien, 13:55
- Re[4]: We're SPOILED! (was Re: The Roadster Factory), jim.sudduth, 13:21
- Brake hose question, dan parslow, 11:55
- Re: Engine Noise, David Williams, 11:20
- Re: Rear Bearing seal, TR3, John Matthews, 11:14
- REPLACING A TR2 REAR END WITH A TR3 MODEL?????, Christian Simonsen, 10:03
- re: Spit valve cover color, Todd Luchette, 09:50
- New Address, Chris Boston, 08:46
- Re: Rear Bearing seal, TR3, Kurt Oblinger, 08:33
- RE: Re[2]: We're SPOILED! (was Re: The Roadster Factory), Lindberg, Andrew (MN12), 08:33
- TRF , Charles bashing, Moss, TeriAnn Wakeman, 08:26
- Re: Engine Noise<>, Richard Jackson - Network Technician ext. 2570, 08:23
- Re: Brake hose question, Todd Luchette, 07:33
- NJ, Etc., DonSTR4, 07:02
- Re: Crack testing, JHarroun, 07:01
- Re: Fwd: The Roadster Factory: The only game in town, Gregory Petrolati, 06:39
- Re: TRF Bashing, DUHART JOHN, 06:28
- TR3 thermostats, Bruce T. Clough, 05:35
- Re: NOS, TRHeaven, 05:25
- Re: Alcohol/State Lines, TRHeaven, 05:25
- Re: Driving Tests, etc., TRHeaven, 05:25
- TR-6 Paint Question, Vito Pacione, 04:27
- Seasonal Affective Disorder and the LBC, Philip E. Barnes, 04:04
- Re: Plastic Bumper Spitfires?, Rick Jackson, 03:48
- TR6 Trailing Arm Bushings, mike, 02:43
- Re: THE THREAD (almost nil LBC content), Daren Allder, 02:03
- Re: Plastic Bumper Spitfires?, Chris Boston, 01:09
- Re: TRF Bashing, TRIPHSTEVE, 00:12
May 09, 1996
- Re: The great state of New Jersey, Nickbk, 21:53
- Re: slightly bent hubs...any problem?, Nickbk, 21:52
- Diff lubricant, S1500, 20:38
- TR4 A Owners only (Re oil pan), Pat Leask, 20:06
- Re: Rear Bearing seal, TR3, Tony Robinson, 19:52
- Re: Engine Noise, Tony Robinson, 19:43
- TRF Bashing, TRIA73, 19:27
- Rear Bearing seal, TR3, jmike, 19:10
- Re: We're SPOILED! (was Re: The Roadster Factory), Andrew Mace, 18:47
- Engine Noise, Robert Norway, 18:37
- Re[2]: We're SPOILED! (was Re: The Roadster Factory), jim.sudduth, 18:01
- Re: Engine painting, vendor kvetching, and Spitfires, Andrew Mace, 17:43
- Re: The great state of New Jersey, McGaheyRx, 17:25
- Re: Crack testing, emanteno, 16:33
- Re: Valve Cover Color, Andrew Mace, 16:27
- TR$ (a true typo), FNSortwell, 16:22
- Re : GT6 vibration, Francois Demont, 16:09
- Re: TR3 thermostats, Jamie Palmer, 15:38
- Re: Crack testing, Kurt Oblinger, 15:29
- Re: Fwd: The Roadster Factory: The only game in town, Gregory Urban, 15:05
- Re: General TR6 discourse, Gregory Urban, 14:32
- Re: grease, Jim Sickler, 14:29
- Re: Crack testing, KVacek, 13:58
- Re: THE THREAD (almost nil LBC content), Joseph M. Kramlinger, 13:46
- Re: Valve Cover Color, Ralph Jannelli, 13:40
- Re: Engine painting, vendor kvetching, and Spitfires, Ralph Jannelli, 13:32
- Re: We're SPOILED! (was Re: The Roadster Factory), Andrew Mace, 13:27
- Re: Valve Cover Color, Carl Musson (EVENTS), 13:16
- The great state of New Jersey, DonSTR4, 13:12
- Re: We're SPOILED! (was Re: The Roadster Factory), Lindberg, Andrew (MN12), 13:11
- Re: Engine painting, vendor kvetching, and Spitfires, John Wroclawski, 12:45
- Driving tests, etc. continued, rgs03, 12:41
- Driving tests, etc., rgs03, 12:19
- Engine painting, vendor kvetching, and Spitfires, Larry E. Snyder 314-694-3626, 12:02
- Re: Crack testing, John Matthews, 11:26
- grease, Keith B. Thompson - Sun, 11:07
- Re: Driving Tests, etc., urban, 10:58
- Re: Crack testing, Gregory Petrolati, 10:52
- Re: Charles Runyan & TRF, dan parslow, 10:51
- Re: Crack testing -Reply, Tom Leake, 10:49
- Re: Crack testing, Doug Mitchell, 10:12
- Re: Charles Runyan & TRF, JoeSimcoe, 08:20
- More on Spitfires, oliverc, 08:17
- TRF Catalog, Lawrence Schilling, 08:08
- 1969TR6, PHILIP SMITH, 07:52
- Re: Blower for a Spitfire, Kurt Oblinger, 07:48
- Spitfire MKII bumpers, Ralph Jannelli, 06:56
- Re: Crack testing, wise, 06:52
- Re: We're SPOILED! (was Re: The Roadster Factory), marshall katzman, 06:17
- Re: Crack testing, Philip E. Barnes, 06:03
- Caravan To Scottish Weekend, Carrollton, Kentucky, Bruce T. Clough, 05:15
- Crack testing, wise, 05:00
- Re: Driving age (no lbc content), marshall katzman, 04:42
- General TR6 discourse, Philip E. Barnes, 03:56
May 08, 1996
- TR-6 paint question, (Steve Sutton), 23:37
- Re: Valve Cover Color, Killjoy, 22:27
- Re: gt6-wrecked, slld3, 21:56
- Re: Paint code, John Wroclawski, 21:54
- Charles Runyan & TRF, Bruce Krobusek, 20:43
- Re: Gear Ratios, JoeSimcoe, 20:05
- re:Re: driving tests, speed limits, etc, Andrew Mace, 20:01
- Indy Issue, BRITREGSTY, 19:49
- Re: Blower for a Spitfire, Thomas Augustus Kimberly, 19:40
- Re: slightly bent hubs...any problem?, Nickbk, 19:14
- Re: Pilot bush question (Spitfire), TR6Massey, 17:10
- Re: TR-6 Tachometer Error - Update, Tony Robinson, 16:01
- We're SPOILED! (was Re: The Roadster Factory), Michael Burdick, 14:37
- Alcohol/State Lines, Don Haw, 14:28
- Re[3]: driving tests, speed limits, etc, jim.sudduth, 13:16
- Re: Driving Tests, etc., James A. Snyder, 13:15
- re:Re: driving tests, speed limits, etc, tgentr, 12:54
- TR-6 Tachometer Error - Update, tgentr, 12:35
- Re: Driving Tests, etc., John W. Hazelton, 12:15
- Re: speedometer surgery, McGaheyRx, 12:03
- Fwd: The Roadster Factory: The only game in town, RWynne1494, 12:02
- MG in commercial, Don Haw, 11:57
- Re: Driving age (no lbc content), dave eaton, 11:50
- Driving age (no lbc content), Henry Frye, 11:16
- re:Re: driving tests, speed limits, etc, Gregory Petrolati, 11:08
- Spit MK2 bumper, dave eaton, 10:50
- Re: New Electronic Ignition, Mike A Gendimenico, 10:47
- Driving age?, dan parslow, 10:12
- re:Re: driving tests, speed limits, etc, Ken Boetzer, 09:52
- Re: TRF As a Whole (or hole), Paulsv, 09:47
- Blower for a Spitfire, oliverc, 09:26
- Re: british auto parts, DUHART JOHN, 08:14
- re: TRF As a Whole, PxA5%EngPpl%GS, 07:49
- Re: driving tests, speed limits, etc, Gregory Urban, 07:23
- Re: Blower for a Spitfire, Vito Pacione, 06:58
- TR4 windscreen frame, john gillis, 06:26
- speedometer surgery, Adrian Jefferies, 06:25
- Re: Tire ratio Guru?, hal, 05:39
- Re: driving tests, speed limits, etc<>, Richard Jackson - Network Technician ext. 2570, 02:49
- gt6-wrecked, slld3, 00:35
May 07, 1996
- Re: british auto parts, Tony Robinson, 23:21
- Re: Insurance, Jeff Nathanson, 22:54
- Insurance, Joseph M. Kramlinger, 22:02
- Re:TR6 - Diff. mount cracked, Glenn Franco, 21:11
- Indy Issue, BRITREGSTY, 21:07
- Re: driving tests, speed limits, etc, TheHerrs, 20:46
- Re: tr4 windshield, TheHerrs, 20:45
- Re: in need of a good mechanic, Andrew Mace, 18:48
- Re: TR6 Susp., Hctcbob, 17:50
- slightly bent hubs...any problem?, DLMAssoc, 17:04
- Re: TRF TR6/250 Summer Newsletter, Irv Korey, 16:11
- Re: Tire ratio Guru?, CMaster808, 15:54
- re:Re: driving tests, speed limits, etc, Joseph M. Kramlinger, 14:01
- Re: british auto parts, Tony Robinson, 13:35
- Re: GT6 vibration, Tony Robinson, 13:28
- re:Re: driving tests, speed limits, etc, Gregory Urban, 13:18
- re:Re: driving tests, speed limits, etc, marshall katzman, 13:17
- Burgers (BPC) at Carlisle, Dick Burger, 12:23
- Re: NOS/Windshield Scratches, dan parslow, 11:09
- Re: TRF TR6/250 Summer Newsletter, DUHART JOHN, 10:35
- Re: driving tests, speed limits, etc, Joseph M. Kramlinger, 10:21
- Re: GT6 vibration, dave eaton, 09:42
- GT6 vibration, Karl Theis 1-2573, 09:22
- Re: NOS/Windshield Scratches, Kevin O'Driscoll, 08:28
- TR-6 Tires (the thread with tread), Bruce A. Krobusek, 08:17
- Vast Improvement., Richard Jackson - Network Technician ext. 2570, 08:14
- TRF TR6/250 Summer Newsletter, Larry E. Snyder 314-694-3626, 07:17
- Re: TR6 Susp., Kdoc111, 07:11
- Re: tr4 windshield, Gregory Petrolati, 06:46
- Need source for headlights, Wes Grady, 06:39
- Tire ratio Guru?, CMaster808, 04:28
- Re: Family cars<>, Richard Jackson - Network Technician ext. 2570, 03:15
- Re: tr4 windshield, Tony Robinson, 00:17
May 06, 1996
- Re: TR6 - Reconditioned window guides - save $$$ ??, Tony Robinson, 23:36
- Spit coil ballast, Tom Omalley, 23:01
- Suggestions on taillight connections - TR3, Carl Musson (EVENTS), 22:56
- Spit rod bearings, Tom Omalley, 22:53
- re:None TR-driving tests, speed limits, etc, PxA5%EngPpl%GS, 22:06
- tr4 windshield, Tim Clayton, 21:09
- Re: 205 Size Tires, Gregory Urban, 20:59
- TR-6 Suspension Questions, Gregory Urban, 20:55
- Re: NOS, Bruce Krobusek, 20:46
- TR-6 Tires (the thread with tread), Gregory Urban, 20:45
- Re: driving tests, speed limits, etc, TheHerrs, 20:44
- Re: Spitfire MK III Distributor, TheHerrs, 20:44
- Carlisle Import Show, Joe Laurito, 20:15
- Re: General advice sought-no LBC content, Nickbk, 20:09
- Vintage Racing Auto Association Web Site, Dunst, Mordecai, 17:06
- 205 Size Tires, Liebetreu, 16:03
- Re: Spitfire small end bushing question, Tony Robinson, 15:21
- Re: Ramblings on Speed Limits (& licenses), Andrew Mace, 15:14
- Re: Paint code, Christian Simonsen, 15:07
- Paint code, A^6'@(&q\\2FH1f)d, 14:40
- TR6 - Reconditioned window guides - save $$$ ??, Richard R. Olson, 14:05
- BOUNCE triumphs: Non-member submission from [ (Carlos Robinson)], Mark J Bradakis, 14:00
- BOUNCE triumphs: Non-member submission from [Steve Obert <>], Mark J Bradakis, 13:59
- BOUNCE triumphs: Non-member submission from [ (John Wroclawski)], Mark J Bradakis, 13:57
- Back on from IndyCar, Chris Bullock, 13:43
- Re: NOS?, Andrew Mace, 13:20
- driving tests, speed limits, etc, Joseph Schneider, 12:00
- Re: Dayton Events, Kdoc111, 11:48
- Re: NOS?, Gregory Urban, 11:35
- Re: NOS?, Mark Bryon Joslyn, 11:21
- Re: NOS Redlines..., Mark Bryon Joslyn, 11:09
- Re: General advice sought-no LBC content, Peter Barrance, 11:02
- Re: NOS?, marshall katzman, 10:45
- TR6 for sale, Philip E. Barnes, 08:43
- Re: TR6 - Camshaft Removal, Correction, tgentr, 08:40
- re:TR6 - Diff. mount cracked, PxA5%EngPpl%GS, 08:26
- TR6 - Diff. mount cracked, Rich Olson, 08:13
- Columbus, Ohio Car Show, Doug Mitchell, 07:29
- RE: My LAST word on Red-Lines, Wes Grady, 06:51
- Early Spit Distributor Problems, Ralph Jannelli, 06:31
- Early Spit Distributor Problems, Ralph Jannelli, 06:31
- RE: N.O.S. Redlines, Chad Jester, 05:24
- General advice sought-no LBC content, Philip E. Barnes, 04:52
- Electric fan on TR6, Philip E. Barnes, 04:36
- Re: Spitfire small end bushing question, CMaster808, 04:04
- Re: NOS?, Philip E. Barnes, 03:54
- NOS?, mike, 03:52
May 05, 1996
- British Car Events (CA), Carlos Robinson, 20:08
- My LAST word on Red-Lines, JoeSimcoe, 19:44
- Re: tr4 gas tank, Chip Old, 19:02
- Join the Vintage Triumph Register, Bill Sohl, 18:10
- tr4 gas tank, Tim Clayton, 17:04
- Spitfire 1500: Rod Bearing Exchange, M. Schwemmle, 16:53
- Spitfire MK III Distributor, TRIA73, 16:27
- Re: Spitfire Paint Codes, Bob Edgar, 15:42
- Re: NOS Redlines..., Peter Barrance, 14:51
- Re: TR 6 Horn, TR6Massey, 14:20
- Re: TR6 - Camshaft Removal, Correction, TR6Massey, 14:20
- TR6 for sale, Bruce Krobusek, 14:10
- Spitfire Paint Codes, TRHeaven, 12:56
- RE:re:Panasport Wheels help, Larry_Young, 12:43
- re:Tire size, PxA5%EngPpl%GS, 10:04
- re:Panasport Wheels help, Gregory Petrolati, 09:03
- Re: NOS Redlines..., Mark Bryon Joslyn, 07:55
May 04, 1996
- Throw-out bearing, Tony Robinson, 23:01
- Re: Clutch, Tony Robinson, 22:43
- Re: GT6 clutch, Tony Robinson, 22:30
- GT6 clutch, Marie A Harkins, 22:19
- NOS Redlines..., (Steve Sutton), 21:55
- TR6 Rear Hub, Chris Schroeder, 20:55
- Report on TR-3 Engine problem, jmike, 19:39
- Re: Spitfire frozen clutch woes, Bob Edgar, 19:34
- Re: Spitfire frozen clutch woes, Thomas Augustus Kimberly, 19:13
- re:Panasport Wheels help, Larry_Young, 15:37
- TR6 tub/body shell needed, emanteno, 13:01
- Spitfire frozen clutch woes, Newron, 12:57
- Ad posted in VTR, Wes Grady, 11:21
- RE: RE: N.O.S. Redlines, Wes Grady, 11:09
- Re: Ramblings on Speed Limits, TRHeaven, 10:26
- Re: heatshield, JHarroun, 10:06
- re:Panasport Wheels help, PxA5%EngPpl%GS, 09:37
- TR3.DCOE linkage, TeriAnn Wakeman, 07:44
- Ramblings on Speed Limits, Les Francis, 07:40
- Re: RE: N.O.S. Redlines, KMNTR6, 07:12
- Re: tr-6 transmission rebuild, KVacek, 06:12
- Re: support, marshall katzman, 05:30
- Re: Family cars, TRHeaven, 04:51
- Re: Ramblings on Speed Limits, Joseph M. Kramlinger, 00:22
May 03, 1996
- Re: Ramblings on Speed Limits (& licenses), S1500, 22:07
- Re: Ramblings on Speed Limits, TheHerrs, 21:24
- Dirvers Seat, Robert Norway, 21:07
- re: tr-6 transmission rebuild, Bill Sachse, 19:43
- Re: TR6 - Camshaft Questions, johnny hinman, 19:30
- Re: Help with a Spitfir, Andrew Mace, 18:39
- Re: Ramblings on Speed Limits, KMNTR6, 17:46
- re: Ramblings on Speed Limits, Silikal, 16:17
- Re: RE: N.O.S. Redlines, JoeSimcoe, 15:52
- Re: Spitfire small end bushing question, Tony Robinson, 14:38
- Re: one last carpet question..., Tony Robinson, 14:30
- TR3 for sale (Connecticut), DonSTR4, 14:05
- RE: N.O.S. Redlines, Wes Grady, 13:36
- Trans. tunnel, Don Aldous, 12:32
- Re: one last carpet question..., Kirk Stanford, 11:22
- statesville, Jon Moody (BME), 10:35
- Re: Shows, BThorsen, 09:54
- Re: Wheel recovery, marshall katzman, 09:45
- Family cars, Chiahotny David, 09:45
- Re: Help a Newbie, JoeSimcoe, 09:40
- Spitfire small end bushing question, Larry E. Snyder 314-694-3626, 09:26
- one last carpet question..., Jon Moody (BME), 09:18
- Wheel Recovery, Ross Vincente -- TransAmer. Financial - Los Angeles, 09:18
- Help with a Spitfir, Ross Vincente -- TransAmer. Financial - Los Angeles, 09:17
- Re: Help a Newbie, Henry Frye, 09:12
- Re: floorpan seam prep..., Jon Moody (BME), 09:05
- Help a Newbie, Unger, Larry @ MAN, 08:33
- N.O.S. Redlines, Vito Pacione, 08:21
- N.O.S. TR-6 Trim Rings, Vito Pacione, 08:21
- RE: Wheel recovery, Wes Grady, 07:51
- Wheel recovery, Van S. Griffin, 07:36
- Re: floorpan seam prep..., Pat Willems (@chong, 06:11
- request, Chang Gyu Ahn, 05:28
- re: support, marshall katzman, 05:00
- Re: Help a Newbie, Philip E. Barnes, 04:18
- Re: Wheel recovery, Philip E. Barnes, 02:53
May 02, 1996
- Re: plugged water passages & wiper motors - TR4, Doug Daverne, 23:31
- 1970 GT6+ (targa-top) for sale in Austin, TX, Michael Noerregaard, 22:49
- Re: 78 SPIT-WON'T RUN MORE 3-4 MIN., KVacek, 22:33
- Help with a Spitfire rear suspension, Kevin M. Beam, 22:15
- 78 Spit won't run, DTait44495, 20:43
- TR3 Hoosticks, joe richards, 19:58
- It' Alive but w/o Oil pressure, joe richards, 19:24
- 78 Spit won't more than 3-4 minutes, joe richards, 18:57
- Carpet underlayment, Larry E. Snyder 314-694-3626, 15:24
- Spitfire Mk.3 piston available, Andrew Mace, 15:12
- Re: plugged water passages & wiper motors - TR4, Andrew Mace, 15:05
- where to get carpet underlayment?, Bill Georgas, 14:53
- Re: Fuel Line, Kdoc111, 14:33
- Re: Lucas Electronics -Reply, Thomas Augustus Kimberly, 14:01
- Re: where to get carpet underlayment?, Tony Robinson, 12:25
- Re: TR 6 Horn, Doug Mitchell, 11:51
- Re: where to get carpet underlayment?, Doug Mitchell, 11:42
- where to get carpet underlayment?, rgs03, 11:34
- Re: Spitfire Mk.3 piston available, dave eaton, 10:28
- Re: Ramblings on Speed Limits, Joseph M. Kramlinger, 10:12
- Re: TR 6 Horn, Jeff Nathanson, 10:01
- TR 6 Horn, Neil Beasley, 09:42
- TR6 Trans. Rebuild Sum., Don Aldous, 07:33
- Support Group, marshall katzman, 07:29
- floorpan seam prep..., Jon Moody (BME), 07:21
- Ramblings on Speed Limits, rgs03, 07:15
- FW:, Wes Grady, 07:13
- plugged water passages & wiper motors - TR4, Adrian Jefferies, 05:05
- Re: TR 6 Horn, Philip E. Barnes, 04:57
- Re: TR6 - Camshaft Removal, Parts Supplies<>, Richard Jackson - Network Technician ext. 2570, 04:57
- Re: Ramblings on Speed Limits, Philip E. Barnes, 03:04
- TR4 hood question re-phrased, john gillis, 02:01
- BOUNCE triumphs: Non-member submission from [ (Thomas Elmo Marsh)]]], Mark J Bradakis, 00:15
May 01, 1996
- Re: 78 SPIT-WON'T RUN MORE 3-4 MIN., Chasgee, 22:43
- Triumphest '96 - Preserving the Marque, Kurt Oblinger, 17:33
- Rerouting the fuel line, Chris Kantarjiev, 12:08
- Re: Lucas Electronics, Kurt Oblinger, 10:25
- heatshield, Jon Moody (BME), 08:05
- where to get carpet underlayment?, Jon Moody (BME), 07:48
- Rerouting the fuel line, tgentr, 07:26
- Re: TR6 - Camshaft Removal, Parts Supplies, tgentr, 07:11
- Re: 78 SPIT-WON'T RUN MORE 3-4 MIN., Hctcbob, 06:44
- Re: Lucas Electronics<>, Richard Jackson - Network Technician ext. 2570, 03:12
- Re: ?, Tony Robinson, 01:59
April 30, 1996
- Monza Exhaust, TRIA73, 20:20
- Those Russian's, Pat Leask, 18:25
- Re: Spitfire timing problems., TR6Massey, 16:11
- Re: TR6 - Camshaft Removal, TR6Massey, 14:57
- Re: Wrong Info. -- LONG "soapboxing" follows!, Andrew Mace, 14:04
- re: 78 SPIT-WON'T RUN MORE 3-4 MIN., Bob Sykes, 08:24