triumphs (date)
January 31, 2000
- Generator problems and tuning carbs, David Lee, 23:50
- Re: Losing wire wheel, Randall, 21:33
- re: wheel loss, stud & nut, Roy, 21:09
- Re: TR6 Oil Canister Removal, Joseph J Burlein, 20:16
- Re: Slow TR6 overdrive, Joseph J Burlein, 20:15
- Re: *!#% Rear Studs., R. John Lye, 19:55
- Supercharger Pictures, Joseph J Burlein, 19:52
- Oxymoron for Triumph Enthusiasts, Joe Curry, 19:04
- Re: Paint overspray, Brian Kemp, 18:52
- Re: electrical problems again, Geo Hahn, 18:35
- RE: Needed TR6 headlight dimmer switch, DPaige, 17:29
- Needed TR6 headlight dimmer switch, Dave Massey, 17:28
- Needed TR6 headlight dimmer switch, DPaige, 17:00
- Re: *!#% Rear Studs., Malcolm Walker, 16:51
- Re: Dwell Angle for TR4a...Anyone?, James A. Ruffner, 16:39
- Re: Losing wire wheel, Don Marshall, 16:30
- RE: Losing wire wheel, Randall, 16:27
- Re: Slow TR6 overdrive, RaceF1, 16:13
- Re: *!#% Rear Studs., Greg Gelhar, 16:01
- FS : Spitfire OD tranny on eBay, Randall, 16:00
- Saratoga Springs NY-S&J Used Auto Parts, Keith R. Stewart, 15:45
- Re: Losing wire wheel, Joe Flake, 15:40
- Re; slow overdrive, Dave Massey, 15:31
- RE: Slow TR6 overdrive, Peter Zaborski, 15:19
- Re: Slow TR6 overdrive, dstauffa, 14:44
- Slow TR6 overdrive, Paul Mitchell, 14:27
- *!#% Rear Studs., Keith McGahan, 14:27
- TR3A Won't Start - DOES NOW, Hansen, Hans C, III (Red), GLSVC, 12:38
- Re: Car Stereo headphone jack, Randall, 12:32
- Re: Exhaust wrap, GuyotLeonF, 12:25
- Re: Instrument Lights, Brian Sanborn, 12:12
- Re: Exhaust Wrap, GuyotLeonF, 12:03
- Re: Dashport Oilboundary="------------2C29A20C7982BBDF09A2C532", Bob Greene, 12:02
- Re: Manuals, Douglas Frank, 11:06
- RE: Instrument Lights, MPRICE, 11:06
- re: stereo headphone jack (alternate), Steven Newell, 10:57
- Re: Car Stereo headphone jack, Barry Schwartz, 10:43
- Re: Manuals, Chip19474, 10:29
- Car Stereo headphone jack, dstauffa, 10:21
- Re: Thread size?, Jeff Johnson, 09:56
- Instrument Lights, Erkan Hassan, 09:36
- Die Hard Security Battery, Gerry Geronimo, 09:28
- Halogen Headlamps for Spitfire, Davies William-qswi646, 09:17
- RE: TR6 Oil Canister Removal, Day.John, 09:14
- RE: TR6 Oil Canister Removal, econrad, 09:12
- Re: Halogen Headlamps for Spitfire, Ian Frearson, 08:53
- TR6 Oil Canister Removal, Cliff Davies, 08:52
- RE: locator help, Gary Coulter, 08:37
- RE: Halogen Headlamps for Spitfire, Davies William-qswi646, 08:10
- Re: is this a good price?, Joe Curry, 07:55
- Stag hardtop parts needed, Lawrence G Miceli, 07:49
- RE: Exhaust Wrap, Alan Crane, 07:22
- is this a good price?, Douglas Frank, 07:20
- Re: Tires for TR6, Radley, Jack, 06:11
- Re: Auto Trans Fluid/ dash Pots, R. John Lye, 05:45
- Re: Tires for TR6, Bill Brewer, 05:26
- Parts needed, Jody007, 05:03
- Re: electrical problems again, Randall, 03:12
- Re: gas tank sender fiber washers, Randall, 02:16
- Re: dashpot oil with a twist?, Randall, 02:11
- Re: Exhaust wrap, John Macartney, 00:51
- Re: Auto Trans Fluid/ dash Pots, Philip Smith, 00:06
January 30, 2000
- Re: Tires for TR6, Scoti, 23:59
- RE: Auto Trans Fluid/ dash Pots, Jim Altman, 23:49
- electrical problems again, David Lee, 21:58
- Looking for Bill Elliott, Joe Curry, 21:43
- Re: Exhaust Wrap, TexasTR4, 21:02
- gas tank sender fiber washers, David Brady, 20:29
- Paint overspray, Kyle K. Rice, 18:23
- Re: dashpot oil with a twist?, Philip Haldeman, 18:01
- Re: Exhaust Wrap, GuyotLeonF, 17:17
- Re: Auto Trans Fluid/ dash Pots, ArthurK101, 15:36
- Re: Exhaust Wrap, Susan and John Roper, 15:30
- locator help, Fred Thomas, 15:26
- Thread size?, Jay Snavely, 15:10
- ANY 5-speed TRs out there???, Canada, 15:09
- Re: Spit Turn Signal/Horn/Brights Switch Needed, Graham Stretch, 15:05
- Re: Exhaust Wrap, GuyotLeonF, 14:47
- Re: TR4 Velaquez Cream, Joe Curry, 14:43
- Re: TR3A Won't Start, Randall, 14:42
- Re: Exhaust Wrap, Jerry Oliver, 14:39
- Re: Auto Trans Fluid/ dash Pots, Cliff Hansen, 14:31
- Exhaust Wrap, GuyotLeonF, 14:22
- Re: dashpot oil with a twist?, HarvoC, 14:14
- Re: dashpot oil with a twist?, Philip Haldeman, 14:03
- Re: TR3A Won't Start, Fred Thomas, 13:10
- Re: TR 2 (long door) and TR 250 FS, TRIPHSTEVE, 12:54
- Re: TR4 Velaquez Cream, Brad Kahler, 12:10
- RE: TR4 Velaquez Cream, Musson, Carl, 12:08
- WTD: Copy of a GT6+ Parts Manual, Beth & Ken, 12:01
- Re: Tires for TR6, HarvoC, 12:00
- Auto Trans Fluid/ dash Pots, Philip Smith, 11:59
- TR4 Velaquez Cream, ArthurK101, 11:59
- Re: TR3A Won't Start, fogbro1, 11:49
- Re: dashpot oil with a twist?, HarvoC, 11:27
- Re: Tires for TR6, Jim Barbuscia SE, 11:15
- Triumph TR Maintenance Modification & Tuning - e-bay, Andy Dixon, 10:13
- Rostyles, SpeedSites, 10:11
- LOST 1961 TR3, white, with hard top, MKatzHOPE, 09:36
- Re: TR3A Won't Start, Bob Labuz, 08:21
- TR6 Adv., Jody007, 08:09
- Re: TR3A Won't Start, Gbouff1, 06:52
- Re: TR3A Won't Start, Chad Stretz, 06:46
- Re: dashpot oil with a twist?, Graham Stretch, 05:58
- Re: dashpot oil with a twist?, TriumphRoadster, 05:31
- TR3A Won't Start, Hansen, Hans C, III (Red), GLSVC, 05:19
January 29, 2000
- Re: dashpot oil with a twist?, Randall, 23:56
- test - please delete, Dennis & Bridget Lambert, 23:17
- RE: GBP 60 for shipping!?! (little LBC content), Chuck Lattimer, 21:39
- TR8, David A Templeton, 21:33
- Re: dashpot oil with a twist?, Geo Hahn, 19:59
- Re: dashpot oil with a twist?, suhring, 19:26
- Manuals, Rod MacLeod, 19:17
- Re: Miata Z3 on Ebay???? non-LBC, Dave Massey, 18:30
- dashpot oil with a twist?, Philip Haldeman, 17:32
- Re: TR3A owners Research question revised., T. R. Householder, 17:01
- Re: REPAIR MANUAL/REFERENCE BOOKS, Martin Gonzales, 16:32
- Question?, Jim, 16:22
- Re: TR6 Battery Area Repair, Adrian Dix-Dyer, 15:20
- Re: Question?, ArthurK101, 15:18
- Re: REPAIR MANUAL/REFERENCE BOOKS, T. R. Householder, 15:13
- Re: Question?, Malcolm Walker, 15:11
- Re: Spit Turn Signal/Horn/Brights Switch Needed, T. R. Householder, 14:54
- TR6 Battery Area Repair, jim.klein, 14:40
- Re: Dwell Angle for TR4a...Anyone?, Don Sforza, 13:59
- Re: Miata Z3 on Ebay???? non-LBC, Mark the Shark, 13:43
- Re: Miata Z3 on Ebay???? non-LBC, John T. Nichols, 13:11
- Re: Question?, Fred Thomas, 13:05
- Re: Tr6 wanted to buy, Pat Fischer, 12:55
- Re: TR3 tech page, Randall, 12:39
- Re: Dwell Angle for TR4a...Anyone?, Larry R. Metz, 12:29
- Re: studs, James A. Ruffner, 12:26
- Re: Max Cruise RPM?, Beth & Ken, 12:18
- Re: Question?, Randall, 12:16
- Spit Turn Signal/Horn/Brights Switch Needed, David Moag, 12:08
- RE: Question?, Bob Danielson, 11:27
- RE: Question?, Rob C Swift, 11:27
- Re: Question?, Michael Thompson, 11:10
- Question?, Jim, 11:00
- TR3 tech page, Michael Thompson, 10:52
- Re: Dwell Angle for TR4a...Anyone?, Don Sforza, 10:34
- Re: Dwell Angle for TR4a...Anyone?, Jim, 10:26
- Phila. MG club flea market tomorrow cancelled!!!, Power British Performance Parts, Inc., 09:53
- Dwell Angle for TR4a...Anyone?, Z27407, 09:49
- Miata Z3 on Ebay???? non-LBC [U can say that!], Dave Massey, 09:47
- Re: Miata Z3 on Ebay???? non-LBC, Dave Massey, 09:47
- Re: TriumphTune, GuyotLeonF, 09:33
- Re: Air Filter choice?, GuyotLeonF, 09:32
- Max Cruise RPM?, Steve, 08:34
- Tap & die set deal, wallaces, 08:20
- Re: FZ, Robert M. Lang, 08:16
- Re: F.Z., Robert M. Lang, 08:16
- Re: rivers non-lbc, Fred Thomas, 07:31
- Re: Air Filter choice?, Irv Korey, 06:14
- RE: rivers non-lbc, Andy Dixon, 06:00
- Interesting item on eBay web site item#248104209: Buick/Rover/Triumph TR8 engine, aluminum!, gprtech, 05:49
- rivers non-lbc, Fred Thomas, 05:17
- Re: Miata Z3 on Ebay???? non-LBC, Mark Milotay, 00:21
January 28, 2000
- Re: Miata Z3 on Ebay???? non-LBC, Michael D. Porter, 23:37
- Re: Miata Z3 on Ebay???? non-LBC, SpitRacer9, 23:20
- Re: Tr6 wanted to buy, Lonn and Rhonda, 23:04
- Walk the Plank......., T. R. Householder, 22:56
- TR3 engine for sale, mga, 22:09
- Stifire Transmission, BGStiftar, 22:01
- Re: Wheel spacer clarification, Michael Thompson, 21:26
- Re: ?, Canada, 21:11
- Re: ?, Jim, 21:00
- ?, Canada, 20:52
- Re: studs, Michael Ferguson, 20:11
- Re: Miata Z3 on Ebay???? non-LBC, John T. Nichols, 19:26
- Test--pls delete, , 17:33
- Re: Halogen Headlamps for Spitfire, Graham Stretch, 16:42
- Re. Wheel Spacers, Adrian Dix-Dyer, 16:15
- Re: Air Filter choice?, R. John Lye, 16:03
- Air Filter choice?, GuyotLeonF, 15:35
- Tires for TR6, AL DUFAULT, 15:09
- studs, Keith McGahan, 14:59
- site of interest to LBC folk, GuyotLeonF, 14:34
- Re: Tires for the TR6, Erik Quackenbush, 14:31
- RE: Tr6 wanted to buy, Jim Hill, 14:30
- Web Page Updated, Kohout, Robert, 14:27
- Tr6 wanted to buy, Jason Brinckman, 14:01
- Wheel spacer Link with pics, Michael Thompson, 13:14
- TR4A Radiator Concensus, Rick Burgman, 13:02
- RE: Halogen Headlamps for Spitfire, Randall, 12:50
- Re: Halogen Headlamps for Spitfire, Brian Sanborn, 12:23
- TR7 Convert. and spitfire in Milpitas junk yard, sujit roy, 11:37
- Re: Miata Z3 on Ebay???? non-LBC, Joe Curry, 11:22
- RE: Halogen Headlamps for Spitfire, Mitchell, Douglas (D.B.), 11:12
- Re: Halogen Headlamps for Spitfire, Kevin Rhodes, 10:47
- Re: Miata Z3 on Ebay???? non-LBC, Dave Massey, 10:40
- Overdrive "J" type, LaJoMor, 10:38
- RE: Halogen Headlamps for Spitfire, DPaige, 10:34
- re: Tires for my TR6, Hugh Barber, 10:25
- Halogen Headlamps for Spitfire, David Moag, 10:24
- Re: TR6 - tracing history (longish), Chip19474, 10:16
- re: Tires for my TR6, Earnest, Joe, 10:12
- Re: Miata Z3 on Ebay???? non-LBC, , 09:57
- Re: Miata Z3 on Ebay???? non-LBC, Joe Curry, 08:57
- Re: Miata Z3 on Ebay???? non-LBC, Dave Massey, 08:48
- Re: Miata Z3 on Ebay???? non-LBC, Dave Massey, 08:48
- Re: Miata Z3 on Ebay???? non-LBC, Dave Massey, 08:48
- egr valve, Dave Massey, 08:48
- Re: Tires for the TR6, SHOMWAY, 08:09
- egr valve, Rod MacLeod, 07:48
- Re: Miata Z3 on Ebay???? non-LBC, Joe Curry, 07:40
- Re: Miata Z3 on Ebay???? non-LBC, T. R. Householder, 06:30
- Re: Losing wire wheel, Dave Massey, 06:17
- RE: Tires for the TR6, Dave Massey, 06:17
- Re: a warning (Thanks Phil...), Dave Massey, 06:17
- Re: Miata Z3 on Ebay???? non-LBC, Dave Massey, 06:17
- Re: tires for TR6, John A. Simmons, 05:56
- RE: Wire Wheels, Mark Watts, 02:07
- RE: Tires for the TR6, Trevor Jordan, 01:51
January 27, 2000
- RE: Tires for the TR6, Jim Altman, 22:26
- RE: a warning (Thanks Phil...) LBC added, Jim Altman, 22:26
- Re: Wheel spacers, Michael Thompson, 21:09
- RE: Miata Z3 on Ebay???? non-LBC, Musson, Carl, 20:43
- Re: Losing wire wheel, Mark Sinclair, 19:02
- clutch stay rod, was TR 3, Jim Bauder, 18:57
- Re: TR250 Grille Blackout, Joe Sholtes IV, 18:53
- Re: Miata Z3 on Ebay???? non-LBC, Joe Curry, 18:20
- RE: Tires for the TR6, Bob Danielson, 18:16
- Re: a warning (Thanks Phil...), Joe Sholtes IV, 17:57
- Re: Tires for the TR6, HarvoC, 17:42
- RE: Tires for the TR6, Andy Dixon, 17:41
- Re: Brake Fluid, larry hooven, 17:38
- Wheel spacers, Adrian Dix-Dyer, 17:08
- RE: Miata Z3 on Ebay???? non-LBC, Randall, 16:57
- Tires for the TR6, Silvestre Ortiz, 16:52
- Re: Brake Fluid, Joe Curry, 16:43
- RE: Losing wire wheel, Randall, 16:32
- Re: Brake Fluid, Graham Stretch, 16:18
- Coil Springs For Sale, Michael Ferguson, 16:15
- Re: Miata Z3 on Ebay???? non-LBC, Drew Rogge, 16:15
- Re: Thanks Speedo-O/D Lube, Mazjlin, 16:11
- RE: Miata Z3 on Ebay???? non-LBC, Musson, Carl, 16:09
- Re: Losing wire wheel, Jeff McNeal, 15:42
- RE: TR 3, Randall, 15:39
- Tires, AL DUFAULT, 15:16
- Re: Wire Wheels, Michael Marr, 15:11
- RE: Miata Z3 on Ebay???? non-LBC, Andy Dixon, 14:48
- Re: TR4A Radiator, Glenn Rattmann, 14:27
- Re: Wire Wheels (care and feeding), Steven Newell, 14:21
- TR6 rear fender decals., Joe Curry, 13:38
- Re: Gas tank coating, Dave Massey, 13:17
- Re: Miata Z3 on Ebay???? non-LBC, Mark the Shark, 13:16
- Gas tank coating - summary, Dennis Lambert, 13:09
- Re: Distributer Drive Gear GT6+, KHOCO, 12:46
- Re: wire wheels grease, RALPH JANNELLI, 12:33
- Re: Need TR250 wheel arch, Malcolm Walker, 12:32
- Wire Wheels, Robert J. Snyder, 12:28
- Re: Need TR250 wheel arch, T. R. Householder, 12:23
- Need TR250 wheel arch, Jerry Oliver, 11:58
- Re: Losing wire wheel, blofeld, 11:43
- RE: wire wheels grease, Day.John, 11:38
- Re: Hard top side window seals, Lawrence G Miceli, 11:28
- Rear subframe mounting washers config. wanted for Stag, sujit roy, 11:18
- wire wheels grease, sujit roy, 11:17
- Re: Miata Z3 on Ebay???? non-LBC, Randall, 10:35
- RE: Miata Z3 on Ebay???? non-LBC, Barry Schwartz, 10:25
- Re: Losing wire wheel, Ed Woods, 10:22
- RE: Miata Z3 on Ebay???? non-LBC, Mark Watts, 10:13
- Re: Miata Z3 on Ebay???? non-LBC, Joe Curry, 10:08
- Miata Z3 on Ebay???? non-LBC, Mark the Shark, 09:53
- Re: TR 3, Jim Bauder, 09:31
- Re: SpeedVision - Triumphs, David A Templeton, 09:20
- RE: SpeedVision - Triumphs, Day.John, 09:18
- SpeedVision - Triumphs, WLSServ, 09:13
- Re: Gas tank coating, Anjison, 09:12
- Re: Brake Fluid, Randall, 08:56
- Re: Gas tank coating, Bob Kramer, 08:55
- Wire Wheels, Kim and Kelly Alford, 08:12
- TR 3, Dave Massey, 08:01
- 1300 Small Big-End wanted, Scott Ruffner, 07:14
- TR8 for sale -, Barry Schwartz, 07:12
- Re: Brake Fluid, Barry Schwartz, 07:01
- Distributer Drive Gear GT6+, KHOCO, 06:37
- TR 3, Chris De Wet, 06:22
January 26, 2000
- Big Triumph (2000-2500 saloon/TR2-6) Hub Puller Design: update, Tony Gordon, 21:38
- Re: Losing wire wheel, Michael Thompson, 21:23
- Re: Losing wire wheel, Jeff McNeal, 20:13
- Re: Losing wire wheel, wizardz, 19:50
- Losing wire wheel, L. Metelko, 18:50
- For listers that use 6volt car batteries, Bradley C Kahler, 18:46
- RE: TR 3A Figure 8 Gaskets, Mike Jackley, 18:40
- Re: dumb fax question (no LBC content), Richard Taylor, 18:21
- Re: dumb fax question (no LBC content), Transmancat, 18:12
- FOR SALE: Triumph TR 4A Vandervell Factory Bearings Std, jmwagner, 16:28
- TR6 PI fuel smell in trunk, Ian Viles, 16:16
- TR6 - tracing history (longish), Ian Viles, 16:16
- RE: Thanks Speedo-O/D Lube, Dave Massey, 15:10
- Re: List Hats, RALPH JANNELLI, 13:42
- Re: List Hats, RALPH JANNELLI, 13:39
- Re: Gas tank coating, James Luke, 13:24
- Re: I'm Back Still with TR2 & TR6, T. R. Householder, 13:21
- TR3A owners Research question., T. R. Householder, 12:36
- Re: TR6 PI fuel smell in trunk, J.H. Roulleaux, 12:35
- RE: Hard top side window seals, Randall, 11:52
- Re: Winter Sale, Beth & Ken, 11:40
- Re: steering wheels, Russell Messersmith, 10:10
- Wher in the world is Frank Stoddard, T. R. Householder, 09:42
- TR3 sighting, Westerdale, Bob, 09:42
- Re: TR6 tires, iron_horse819, 09:26
- Re: U-joint x-ref, Peter C., 09:15
- U-joint x-ref, Steve, 08:48
- RE: Thanks Speedo-O/D Lube, Musson, Carl, 08:47
- Re: Hard top side window seals, SJagGo, 08:44
- RE: paint stripping, larry hooven, 08:42
- Re: Thanks Speedo-O/D Lube, Dave Massey, 08:29
- RE: paint stripping, Westerdale, Bob, 08:24
- Lost Wheel, 2 cars, minor LBC content, Allen, Warren, 08:18
- Re: Hard top side window seals, Lawrence G Miceli, 08:03
- RE: d*mn! can't find 'em anywhere, Westerdale, Bob, 07:50
- TRF Winter Parts Sale Details, Chris.Bullock, 07:33
- Re: Thanks Speedo-O/D Lube, , 07:07
- Re: Gas tank coating, Bill Brewer, 06:14
- Winter Sale, Janssen, Lee K, 05:34
- TR4A Radiator, Rick Burgman, 05:32
- RE: Herald gas tank removal, Davies William-qswi646, 01:58
- Re: TR6 rear shocks: lever or tube?, Shawn Loseke, 00:54
January 25, 2000
- NEEDED; early spit overriders, Douglas Hansen, 22:22
- RE: TR6 rear shocks: lever or tube?, Gene Garrison, 21:23
- RE:Ever lost a wheel? (non-LBC, but ...), Canada, 20:36
- paint stripping, Paul Schneider, 20:33
- Re: Gas tank coating, KTRIUMPH, 20:05
- Fuel Injection system $$ quote, wizardz, 20:03
- TR6 tires, RaceF1, 19:44
- Re: Spit frame part needed., Tom Ambrose, 19:31
- RE:Ever lost a wire wheel? At 65 mph?, William Sachse, 19:15
- Spit frame part needed., Bill Miller, 18:53
- RE: TR250 Grille blackout, Tony Rhodes, 18:45
- Fuel smell, John Macartney, 18:20
- Re: Fake chrome refurbishing, Joe Curry, 18:02
- Re: Fake chrome refurbishing, wizardz, 17:00
- Re: Thanks Speedo-O/D Lube, Mark the Shark, 16:58
- Re: silly(?) Colortune question, Graham Stretch, 16:57
- Thanks Speedo-O/D Lube, bruce britt, 16:47
- Re: TR-3A - Adjustable steering wheel question, Geo Hahn, 16:35
- Re: The Backorder Factory (TBF) Winter Parts Sale, Beth & Ken, 16:21
- Spit/GT6 Lugs...size?, Beth & Ken, 16:19
- help: Super 9 open tourer, moenstermann, 16:15
- TR250 Grille Blackout, Jerry Oliver, 16:14
- Re: The Backorder Factory (TBF) Winter Parts Sale, suhring, 16:02
- Herald gas tank removal, Daniel Elder, 15:54
- Re: New TR6 engine's oil pump won't prime, Graham Stretch, 15:46
- Luggage Rack hardware, bstinocher, 15:33
- RE: Fake chrome refurbishing, Randall Young, 15:32
- RE: Lucas, the company, Randall Young, 15:26
- Luggage racks, Dennis Lambert, 15:24
- Gas tank coating, Dennis Lambert, 15:10
- friends, Fred Thomas, 15:08
- Re: The Backorder Factory (TBF) Winter Parts Sale, Bob Labuz, 14:53
- RE: GBP 60 for shipping!?! (little LBC content), Andy Dixon, 14:48
- Re: The Backorder Factory (TBF) Winter Parts Sale, Bob Labuz, 14:44
- Re: a warning, Irv Korey, 14:30
- Lucas, the company, Jay Snavely, 14:23
- Fake chrome refurbishing, Jeff McNeal, 14:19
- "T" after commision number?, George Richardson, 14:11
- Thrust washer: Was: d*mn! can't find 'em anywhere, Aribert_Neumann, 14:02
- Spit/GT6 layshaft thrust washers-- FOUND, Douglas Frank, 14:00
- Re: Koni Shocks, KENNETH A. vonKLUCK, 13:39
- Re: GBP 60 for shipping!?! (little LBC content), Robert Carley, 13:24
- Re: Expedition outfitting: Sidecurtains?, George Richardson, 13:14
- Re: The Backorder Factory (TBF) Winter Parts Sale, Philip Smith, 12:54
- RE: silly(?) Colortune question, Ken Waringa, 12:25
- Re: GBP 60 for shipping!?! (little LBC content), Bill Gunshannon, 12:18
- RE: Trailer might be going to SoCal, David Moag, 12:15
- d*mn! can't find 'em anywhere, Douglas Frank, 12:07
- Trailer might be going to SoCal, N197TR4, 11:58
- silly(?) Colortune question, Douglas Frank, 11:56
- Re: The Backorder Factory (TBF) Winter Parts Sale, T. R. Householder, 11:32
- Re: Expedition outfitting: another Two Cents, T. R. Householder, 11:24
- a warning, Philip E. Barnes, 11:24
- Tr 4-Speedometer Cable & O/D Lube, ArthurK101, 11:15
- Re: TR6 rear shocks: lever or tube?, John A. Simmons, 11:15
- Re: The Backorder Factory (TBF) Winter Parts Sale, Dan Buettner, 11:12
- RE: The Backorder Factory (TBF) Winter Parts Sale, Day.John, 11:11
- Re: Curta Wanted, Malcolm Walker, 11:05
- The Backorder Factory (TBF) Winter Parts Sale, Janssen, Lee K, 10:54
- Re: Curta Wanted, Lawrence Schilling, 10:40
- Expedition outfitting: Sidecurtains?, William Hook, 10:25
- Re: Tr 4-Speedometer Cable & O/D Lube, ArthurK101, 10:22
- RE: New TR6 engine's oil pump won't prime, Gary & Priscilla Klein, 10:13
- Re: Tr 4-Speedometer Cable, ArthurK101, 09:45
- RE: List Hats, MPRICE, 09:40
- Re: TR6 rear shocks: lever or tube?, Pete & Aprille Chadwell, 09:34
- Curta Wanted, GHaynesTR4, 09:02
- RE: Tr 4-Speedometer Cable & O/D Lube, Dennis Lambert, 08:54
- Anyone know how much a GT6 engine weighs?, Douglas Frank, 08:16
- RE: List Hats, Musson, Carl, 07:44
- Re: List Hats and T- Shirtsboundary="------------CE5309B80DF95E5DE91BAEC5", Bob Greene, 07:41
- Re: TR-3A - Adjustable steering wheel question, Don Marshall, 07:31
- TR6 rear shocks: lever or tube?, Robert J Carley, 07:20
- Re: TR-3A - Adjustable steering wheel question, George Richardson, 06:16
- RE: TR6 PI fuel smell in trunk, Rob C Swift, 05:57
- Re: Tr 4-Speedometer Cable & O/D Lube, KTRIUMPH, 04:54
- Re: List Hats, Philip Smith, 02:01
- steering wheels, Davies William-qswi646, 01:09
- TR-3A - Adjustable steering wheel question, John Cowan, 01:07
- Re: TR6 at Ebay....Opening bid...$20,000.00, Philip Smith, 01:06
- followup: radio, John A. Simmons, 00:50
January 24, 2000
- Re: Big F****ing Hammer, Randall, 21:55
- Re: Tr 4-Speedometer Cable & O/D Lube, Randall, 21:27
- Re: New TR6 engine's oil pump won't prime, James A. Ruffner, 21:26
- Re: nyloc nuts verses old nyloc nuts with loctite., Bill Brewer, 21:22
- Screen savers, Bob Danielson, 20:44
- Breather systems - Who asked about the PCV routing?, wizardz, 20:36
- Re: ASTON MARTIN DB2/4 AT EBAY, SJagGo, 20:26
- Re: Tr 4-Speedometer Cable & O/D Lube, Jim Davis, 20:11
- Re: Emergency bonnet release cable, JMHaas, 20:03
- Re: Racing with overdrives, Transmancat, 20:00
- 6-PACK Hats & Regalia, Jeff Slaton, 19:45
- Surrey Top for TR4a WTB...anyone?, Z27407, 19:43
- I'm Back Still with TR2 & TR6, Jeff Slaton, 19:42
- Re: Tr 4-Speedometer Cable & O/D Lube, KTRIUMPH, 19:39
- Just Checking, Jeff Slaton, 19:25
- Re: Synchro cup wear?, Randall, 19:24
- Re: New TR6 engine's oil pump won't prime, Power British Performance Parts, Inc., 19:23
- Re: New TR6 engine's oil pump won't prime, Jim Davis, 19:10
- Re: TR6 carbon canister renewal?, Glenn Rattmann, 19:02
- Re: Air filter/cleaner part number - TR6 Carb Models, TDTR3, 18:48
- New TR6 engine's oil pump won't prime, Ronald A. Dowty, 18:38
- RE: synchro wear, Tony Rhodes, 18:07
- RE: engine paint, Brian Sanborn, 18:01
- TR6 OD vs. 5-speed conversion, , 17:34
- ASTON MARTIN DB2/4 AT EBAY, Z27407, 17:22
- Re: Tr 4-Speedometer Cable & O/D Lube, Geo Hahn, 17:14
- 5-speed Transmission conversions for TR-4 - Feedback, please, Mark Clark, 17:08
- Expedition outfitting: summary (long), Steven Newell, 17:06
- RE: Paint, Upholstery, Westerdale, Bob, 16:54
- RE: Ebay No Reserve and Set Opening Prices, Tom Winslow, 16:29
- Re: TR6 PI fuel smell in trunk, Graham Stretch, 16:17
- Re: Tr 4-Speedometer Cable & O/D Lube, Graham Stretch, 16:17
- Crane Ignition part needed, Jody007, 16:05
- Paint, Upholstery, bstinocher, 15:20
- Tr 4-Speedometer Cable & O/D Lube, bruce britt, 14:53
- Re: Synchro cup wear?, Bob Kramer, 14:22
- RE: Mossfest (Calif), Dennis Lambert, 14:09
- Re: [Fwd: Spitfire Magazine]boundary="------------A794B3DF781F86EF170D14CC", Michael D. Porter, 14:07
- Re: Ever lost a wire wheel? At 65 mph?, ArthurK101, 14:02
- Re: YOUR CARS, Bob Lang, 13:54
- TR6 PI fuel smell in trunk, Ian Viles, 13:47
- Re: Mossfest (Calif), Keith Thomsen, 13:36
- Re: Oil pump rebuild vs buying new, Graham Stretch, 13:36
- Re: YOUR CARS, Graham Stretch, 13:36
- Re: HERALD GAS TANK REMOVAL, Graham Stretch, 13:35
- List Hats, MPRICE, 13:24
- Cars, Bob Danielson, 13:17
- Synchro cup wear?, Rob Christopher, 13:09
- Mossfest (Calif), Barry Schwartz, 12:43
- Road trip, wallaces, 12:42
- Replacing headliner, Lawrence G Miceli, 11:19
- Re: OD, Randall, 11:14
- Re: OD, ArthurK101, 10:52
- Re: Ebay No Reserve and Set Opening Prices, Randall, 10:41
- Re: Steering Wheel Reconditioning, larry hooven, 10:35
- Re: YOUR CARS, Bob Lang, 09:33
- Air filter/cleaner part number - TR6 Carb Models, Chris.Bullock, 09:32
- RE: GBP 60 for shipping!?! (little LBC content), Davies William-qswi646, 09:30
- GBP 60 for shipping!?! (little LBC content), Douglas Frank, 09:20
- RE: HERALD GAS TANK REMOVAL, Davies William-qswi646, 09:18
- HERALD GAS TANK REMOVAL, Earnest, Joe, 09:06
- nyloc nuts verses old nyloc nuts with loctite., Z27407, 08:45
- Car Photos, David A Templeton, 08:33
- RE: steering wheels, Davies William-qswi646, 08:17
- Re: steering wheels, Theodore R. Stevens, 08:00
- TR6 electrical problem - Fuel and temp guages, Dave Massey, 07:52
- Re: Ebay No Reserve and Set Opening Prices, Lawrence Schilling, 07:44
- Re: nyloc nuts verses old nyloc nuts with loctite., James A. Ruffner, 07:30
- Re: Oil pump rebuild vs buying new, James A. Ruffner, 07:30
- Re: Oil pump rebuild vs buying new, , 06:29
- UK - 4 Star Available Again!, Davies William-qswi646, 06:09
- RE: YOUR CARS, paul, 02:47
- Fw: Free Spitfire body and chassis, Greg Solow, 00:50
- Re: Midget & 1500 engine, TDTR3, 00:01
January 23, 2000
- GT6 on DVD cover, Jeff McNeal, 23:54
- Re: nyloc nuts verses old nyloc nuts with loctite., Randall, 23:46
- Re: TR6 at Ebay....Opening bid...$20,000.00, Randall, 22:58
- nyloc nuts verses old nyloc nuts with loctite., sujit roy, 22:46
- A nice Sunday drive-SoloII, Brian Kemp, 22:38
- TR6 electrical problem - Fuel and temp guages, Worthy, John, 22:01
- Re: Ebay No Reserve and Set Opening Prices, Randall, 21:56
- Re: Celebrity Amphicar...., SJagGo, 21:32
- Re: Midget & 1500 engine, Joe Curry, 21:28
- Re: YOUR CARS, Russ Moore, 20:36
- RE: Ebay No Reserve and Set Opening Prices, Andy Dixon, 20:17
- [Fwd: Spitfire Magazine]boundary="------------A794B3DF781F86EF170D14CC", suhring, 20:16
- Ebay No Reserve and Set Opening Prices, RJS_CPA, 19:55
- Oil pump rebuild vs buying new, Paul Schneider, 19:54
- Re: YOUR CARS, , 19:18
- Re: Ever lost a wire wheel? At 65 mph?, T. R. Householder, 19:06
- Door latch mechanism repaired!, Jeff McNeal, 18:53
- RE: Midget & 1500 engine, Bill Miller, 18:49
- Re: Ever lost a wire wheel? At 65 mph?, Jeff McNeal, 18:45
- Re: YOUR CARS, Joe Donovan, 18:37
- Celebrity Amphicar...., T. R. Householder, 18:12
- Re: TR6 at Ebay....Opening bid...$20,000.00, Joe Donovan, 17:58
- The VAT question - long, John Macartney, 17:41
- Looking for grey leather for seats, mga, 17:40
- Re: steering wheels, Philip Haldeman, 17:24
- YOUR CARS, Beth & Ken, 16:19
- Re: Ammeters, Biedermann, Frank (SSABSA), 15:47
- Sump drain plug, Roger Colson, 15:36
- Midget & 1500 engine, jack, 15:06
- VTR 2000 Convention Press Release, Bruce Harding, 14:43
- U.J.'s, GuyotLeonF, 13:35
- Re: Ever lost a wire wheel? At 65 mph?, Graham Stretch, 12:52
- RE: TR6 at Ebay....Opening bid...$20,000.00, Bob Danielson, 12:10
- "When do the chickens arrive?", Jeff McNeal, 11:45
- My cars, Windoseat, 11:44
- Ever lost a wire wheel? At 65 mph?, Tom Winslow, 11:30
- 1968 GT6 rear sway bar, WyzeGuy555, 10:55
- RE: YOUR CARS, Bill Miller, 10:54
- RE CARS, WyzeGuy555, 10:51
- Re: YOUR CARS, slight LBC content, Lonn and Rhonda, 10:35
- RE: YOUR CARS, Gbouff1, 10:05
- Re: YOUR CARS, Brian Johnson, 10:05
- other cars, etc, Ken Gano, 09:53
- Re: Panasports, Jorge Lozano, 09:48
- Re: List Decals, Joe Curry, 09:34
- Re: YOUR CARS, Mark the Shark, 09:33
- RE: YOUR CARS, slight LBC content, Tony Rhodes, 09:31
- Your Cars:, jim williams, 09:11
- Re: YOUR CARS, Graham Stretch, 09:08
- Your cars:, jim williams, 09:00
- Your cars:, jim williams, 09:00
- Re: Is there a TR bulletin board?, Joseph J Burlein, 08:39
- List Decals, Joseph J Burlein, 08:39
- engine paint, Crazeecooter, 08:33
- Re: YOUR CARS, McGaheyRx, 08:30
- RE: Koni Shocks, Brian Sanborn, 07:48
- Re: steering wheels, Jim Davis, 07:10
- My list, Richard Taylor, 06:53
- Re: YOUR CARS, Jim Davis, 06:41
- steering wheels, Theodore R. Stevens, 06:41
- cars, Fred Thomas, 05:54
- Re: TR6 at Ebay....Opening bid...$20,000.00, Philip Smith, 05:42
- Re: high beam switch wiring, KTRIUMPH, 05:17
- Re: TR3 engine no. 301435?, KTRIUMPH, 04:41
- Re: TR3 engine no. 301435?, Randall, 03:11
- Re: YOUR CARS, levilevi, 01:24
- Re: YOUR CARS, Mark Milotay, 01:08
- Re: YOUR CARS, Brad Kahler, 00:29
- high beam switch wiring, David Lee, 00:13
- Re: YOUR CARS, Mark the Shark, 00:03
- Your Cars, John T. Nichols, 00:02
January 22, 2000
- Re: YOUR CARS, SJagGo, 23:56
- Fw: YOUR CARS, Tom Di Iulio, 23:21
- Re: YOUR CARS, Lonn and Rhonda, 22:47
- Re: YOUR CARS, Cliff Hansen, 22:46
- Re: YOUR CARS, Malcolm Walker, 22:35
- Re: YOUR CARS, Joe Curry, 22:31
- Re: YOUR CARS oh no... is my meory that good?, wizardz, 22:29
- Re: YOUR CARS, Paul J. Burr, 22:23
- Making the most of the net..., Michael D. Porter, 22:20
- RE: YOUR CARS, jack, 22:04
- Re:YOUR CARS, Jim, 21:58
- Re: YOUR CARS, SJagGo, 21:49
- Re: YOUR CARS, Joe Donovan, 21:42
- Re: YOUR CARS, TeriAnn Wakeman, 21:35
- Re: YOUR CARS, Nolan Penney, 21:17
- Re: TR6 at Ebay....Opening bid...$20,000.00, Joe Sholtes IV, 20:47
- Re: YOUR CARS, Michael D. Porter, 20:38
- Re: TR3 engine no. 301435?, Andrew Mace, 20:34
- Re: TR3 engine no. 301435?, Mark the Shark, 20:27
- Re: YOUR CARS, Jeff McNeal, 19:31
- TR3 engine no. 301435?, mga, 19:24
- Re: GT6 front springs, Graham Stretch, 18:20
- Re: Halogen bulbs, Graham Stretch, 18:20
- Re: Koni Shocks, Jeff McNeal, 18:15
- Herman's Battery Holder, Gerry Geronimo, 18:10
- Re: Koni Shocks, Michael Ferguson, 18:07
- Koni Shocks, Joe Curry, 17:26
- Sealed Beams Req'd, Adrian Dix-Dyer, 17:12
- Re: "Matching Numbers" - semi LBC question!, Beth & Ken, 16:17
- Re: VAT and parts from England, Michael D. Porter, 14:43
- Re: TR6 carbon canister renewal?, Martin A. Secrest, 14:28
- Re: VAT and parts from England, ArthurK101, 14:17
- TR6 carbon canister renewal?, Glenn Rattmann, 13:56
- Re: Triumphs verse Wife, levilevi, 13:47
- Dan's Triumph Listers photo pages, GuyotLeonF, 13:34
- Re: Lucas headlamps, Andrew Mace, 13:26
- TR6 5-Speed Conversion Kit for sale, Chad Jester, 12:59
- VAT and parts from England, Jim Hill, 12:31
- Re: barrett-jackson, Geo Hahn, 12:29
- Re: TR6 axle U-joint P/N?, Michael Cook, 12:28
- Re: Looking for Lucas headlights, SJagGo, 12:17
- TR6 axle U-joint P/N?, Steve, 12:06
- Re: TR6 Steering Wheel Reconditioning, Jim Davis, 11:50
- Fwd: Occasional seat, ArthurK101, 11:31
- Re: VAT and parts from England, Mark the Shark, 11:21
- Re: VAT and parts from England, Mark the Shark, 11:19
- Re: Need paint recommendation for wire wheels, Fred Thomas, 10:50
- Re: Fishy Parts From VB, Martin A. Secrest, 10:46
- Re: Looking for Lucas headlights, George Richardson, 10:28
- Looking for Lucas headlights, mga, 10:14
- Need paint recommendation for wire wheels, Jeff McNeal, 09:51
- Re: "Matching Numbers" - semi LBC question!, Joe Curry, 09:43
- Re: VAT and parts from England, Jeff Johnson, 09:37
- Re: VAT and parts from England, Scoti, 09:27
- Triumphs vs wife, Tom Beaver, 09:08
- VAT and parts from England, Bill Brewer, 09:01
- Goings On, Triumph verses Wife, Bill Brewer, 08:58
- Triumphs verses Wife, Epilogue, Final Word Volume 1, Bill Brewer, 08:57
- Re: barrett-jackson, McGaheyRx, 08:21
- TR6 at Ebay....Opening bid...$20,000.00, Z27407, 08:20
- Re: Fishy Parts From VB, Z27407, 08:14
- Re: TR3A Side Curtains, T. R. Householder, 07:45
- Re: "Matching Numbers" - semi LBC question!, Tom Di Iulio, 07:30
- side curtains, Fred Thomas, 07:23
- Re: "Matching Numbers" - semi LBC question!, George Richardson, 07:12
- "Matching Numbers" - semi LBC question!, Chip19474, 07:05
- barrett-jackson, Fred Thomas, 07:04
- RE: screensavers etc... (fwd), Bob Danielson, 06:48
- Re: TR3A Side Curtains, Fred Thomas, 06:35
- Re: TR3A Side Curtains, George Richardson, 06:28
- TR3A Side Curtains, Hansen, Hans C, III (Red), GLSVC, 05:58
- Fishy Parts From VB, Dave Massey, 04:37
- Re: Just joined today!, Dave Massey, 04:36
- Re: Emergency bonnet release cable, Dave Massey, 04:35
- Re: layshaft thrust washers, Graham Stretch, 04:10
- RE: TR6 clutch problem, Jim Altman, 03:46
- TR6 clutch problem, Paul Mitchell, 03:20
- Re: TR6 window crank and door opener removal help, Jeff Nathanson, 02:04
January 21, 2000
- Lucas headlamps, Francis Dupuis, 22:48
- Re: Triumphs verse Wife, Michael D. Porter, 22:16
- Re: Emergency bonnet release cable, Irv Korey, 21:33
- Re: Emergency bonnet release cable, wizardz, 20:22
- Re: Steering Wheel Reconditioning, Jeff Scarbrough, 19:27
- RE: Emergency bonnet release cable, Jim Altman, 19:14
- Re: Steering Wheel Reconditioning, Philip Haldeman, 18:58
- TR6 window crank and door opener removal help, RaceF1, 18:50
- RE: Triumphs verse Wife, Andy Dixon, 18:17
- Fishy Parts From VB, Jeff McNeal, 18:05
- Re: trivia, R. John Lye, 17:55
- Re: Just joined today!, Beth & Ken, 17:44
- Re: Triumphs verse Wife, Beth & Ken, 17:41
- Re: Steering Wheel Reconditioning, Jim Davis, 16:48
- The other woman vs. the wife, Dave Massey, 15:51
- Re: Emergency bonnet release cable, suhring, 15:46
- Re: Gregs 62 TR4 Halogens, Andrew Mace, 15:10
- screensavers etc... (fwd), Andrew Mace, 15:08
- Re: Extra overdrive, SJagGo, 15:07
- Emergency bonnet release cable, Brian Borgstede, 15:05
- Re: Gregs 62 TR4 Halogens, , 15:02
- Gregs 62 TR4 Halogens, CarlSereda, 14:36
- Emergency bonnet release cable, Davgil, 14:26
- Interesting Italia for sale, MWO, 13:57
- TR 6 top, BennettDat, 13:53
- RE: Parts washer or "The adventures of Capt. ReCycle", Bill Miller, 13:43
- Re: Halogen bulbs, Chris Kantarjiev, 13:26
- Re: Changing the TR6 Coolant, Michael D. Porter, 12:45
- Re: TR3 sidescreens, Graham Stretch, 12:40
- Re: Steering Wheel Reconditioning, Graham Stretch, 12:40
- Re: Steering Wheel Reconditioning, Graham Stretch, 12:38
- Re: Steering Wheel Reconditioning, Graham Stretch, 12:37
- RE: Changing the TR6 Coolant, Day.John, 12:30
- RE: Changing the TR6 Coolant, Peter Zaborski, 12:20
- Drive shaft phasing conclusion, Evans, Mark, 12:16
- RE: is Rimmer offline?, Jim Altman, 11:44
- Triumphs versus wives, girlfriends, life partners and other miscellaneous babble., Jim Hill, 11:24
- Re: Parts>, Peter C., 11:12
- RE: Changing the TR6 Coolant, Day.John, 11:02
- Changing the TR6 Coolant, Philip Haldeman, 10:54
- The other woman vs. the wife, Cliff Hansen, 10:48
- RE: Parts washer or "The adventures of Capt. ReCycle", Day.John, 10:39
- FW: Parts washer or "The adventures of Capt. ReCycle", Smith, Brian, 10:36
- Re: parts cleaners-- worth it?, Dan Scharpf, 10:34
- Parts washer or "The adventures of Capt. ReCycle", Smith, Brian, 10:33
- RE: Triumphs/ Wife/Life/love, DPaige, 10:23
- Re: Triumphs verse wife, Jeff.A.Williamson, 10:17
- TR 4 Parts, toad, 10:12
- Re: Halogen bulbs, Dave Massey, 09:50
- Steering wheel reconditioning, John Macartney, 09:46
- Re: Triumphs versus Wife - longish, John Macartney, 09:46
- Re: is Rimmer offline?, Douglas Frank, 09:10
- RE: is Rimmer offline?, Mitchell, Douglas (D.B.), 08:57
- Just joined today!, John Gillis, 08:56
- sharing, Fred Thomas, 08:46
- Re: Halogen bulbs, , 08:32
- RE: Just joined today!, Day.John, 08:24
- Just joined today!, Mark Watts, 08:20
- Re: Triumphs verse Wife, Joe Curry, 08:15
- Re: is Rimmer offline?, Toni Thorn, 08:13
- Re: is Rimmer offline?, Scoti, 08:07
- Re: Triumphs verse Wife, Lonn and Rhonda, 08:07
- Re: is Rimmer offline?, Mark the Shark, 08:02
- is Rimmer offline?, Douglas Frank, 07:52
- TR-6 Machine Work Cost, JRossi727, 06:25
- Re: Halogen bulbs, Irv Korey, 06:21
- parts washer, Aribert_Neumann, 06:19
- Re: GT6 front springs, Keith R. Stewart, 03:14
January 20, 2000
- Re: Triumphs verse Wife, Randall, 23:51
- Bare metal to Primer Questions - Longish and then some...., Musson, Carl, 23:47
- Conclusion/Totals Triumph Verses Wife, Bill Brewer, 23:44
- Stuck Dizzy Rotor Button Solution, Steve Nabors, 23:24
- RE: Halogen bulbs, Peter Zaborski, 23:18
- triumphs and wives, Bill McGarry, 22:34
- re: bob's your uncle, Roy, 22:21
- Re: GT6 front springs, McGaheyRx, 22:07
- Re: manuals/books, Michael D. Porter, 21:54
- Re: Halogen bulbs, Malcolm Walker, 21:50
- Re: Triumphs verse Wife, Lonn and Rhonda, 21:30
- Re: parts cleaners-- worth it?, Rob Robertson, 21:23
- Re: Jag for sale, Lonn and Rhonda, 21:21
- Re: Triumphs verse Wife, Lonn and Rhonda, 21:06
- RE: Halogen bulbs, Brian Sanborn, 21:01
- Halogen bulbs, Tom Di Iulio, 20:22
- GT6 front springs, Joe Curry, 20:11
- kruse auctions, BennettDat, 19:41
- Re: TR3 sidescreens, Tr3bob, 19:09
- non LBC, but funny, from the walls and other things, Thomas Fansher, 18:56
- Re: trivia, Fred Thomas, 18:40
- Re: Triumphs verse Wife, T. R. Householder, 18:05
- Re: Steering Wheel Reconditioning, Joe Curry, 18:05
- Re: Triumphs verse Wife, TDTR3, 17:51
- Re: Steering Wheel Reconditioning, Philip Haldeman, 17:46
- Re: Steering Wheel Reconditioning, Joe Curry, 17:34
- Re: trivia, KTRIUMPH, 17:29
- Re: Triumphs verse Wife, Joe Curry, 17:19
- RE: trivia, Dennis Lambert, 17:01
- Re: parts cleaners-- worth it?, SJagGo, 16:54
- manuals/books, T. R. Householder, 16:51
- Wife Problems, Sumner Weisman, 16:45
- trivia, Fred Thomas, 16:35
- RE: parts cleaners-- worth it?, Westerdale, Bob, 16:30
- SU carb rebuild ????, AL DUFAULT, 16:24
- Roller Rockers and Plugs, GuyotLeonF, 16:19
- Re: Steering Wheel Reconditioning, Jeff McNeal, 16:17
- Triumph Links Page, jmwagner, 16:12
- Re: parts cleaners-- worth it?, SJagGo, 16:11
- Re: Steering Wheel Reconditioning, Philip Haldeman, 14:46
- parts cleaners-- worth it?, Douglas Frank, 14:42
- Re: Re:Triumphs verse Wife, Fred Thomas, 14:20
- Good Deal Gone Bad - minimum LBC Content, Hansen, Hans C, III (Red), GLSVC, 14:08
- TR 4A IRS FRAME still for sale, jmwagner, 14:01
- Jag for sale, Michael Thompson, 13:37
- Re: Triumphs verse Wife, Michael Thompson, 13:30
- Re:Triumphs verse Wife, Bud Rolofson, 12:46
- RE: Triumphs verse Wife, MPRICE, 12:40
- Re: Rear end noise, Kai M. Radicke, 12:39
- Re: Steering Wheel Reconditioning, Philip Haldeman, 12:34
- Rear end noise, HARRIS, ALAN J, 12:19
- Triumphs versus wife, Beth & Ken, 12:15
- layshaft thrust washers, Douglas Frank, 12:15
- RE: TR6 fan, Randall Young, 12:11
- Re: Triumphs verse Wife, Beth & Ken, 12:09
- Re: Triumphs verse Wife, Philip Smith, 12:06
- Manuals/books, Tobermory9, 11:58
- WTD: Gearshift bush and lug wrench..GT6, Beth & Ken, 11:56
- RE: TR6 used to have OD!, Randall Young, 11:42
- Re: Triumphs verse Wife, Pat Fischer, 11:36
- RE: Egnine mount nuts, Randall Young, 11:23
- Re: Triumphs verse Wife, Gogostag, 11:23
- RE: Triumphs verse Wife, Randall Young, 10:32
- Re: Brit car show in Virginia?, Charlie Brown, 09:55
- Re: Triumphs verse Wife, SJagGo, 09:51
- Minitor Wheels at VickyBrit for $399.00 a set, Z27407, 09:48
- Re: Portland Triumph Owners Ass, Jim Barbuscia, 09:39
- RE: Triumphs verse Wife, Ken Waringa, 09:34
- Re: Triumphs versus boyfriend, T. R. Householder, 09:32
- Re: Triumphs verse Wife, Creigtrium, 09:32
- 4 pot big old brakes, Allen Patterson, 09:20
- Re: Triumphs versus boyfriend, Rodney Orr, 09:18
- RE: Triumphs verse Wife, Day.John, 09:11
- Re: Triumphs versus boyfriend, Philip Smith, 09:11
- Re: Triumphs verse Wife, Robert J Carley, 09:08
- RE: Triumphs versus boyfriend, Day.John, 09:06
- Re: Drive shaft phasing (sorta continued), Philip Smith, 09:05
- Re: Triumphs versus boyfriend, Philip Smith, 09:03
- Triumphs verse Wife, Philip Smith, 08:50
- Triumphs versus boyfriend, Tobermory9, 08:44
- Re: Triumphs verse Wife, iron_horse819, 08:26
- Re: Triumphs verse Wife, Jeff McNeal, 08:17
- Re: Triumphs verse Wife, Fred Thomas, 08:11
- Re: Triumphs verse Wife, Jeff Johnson, 08:06
- Stuck bleeder screws, Rob Switzer, 07:42
- Triumphs verse Wife, Bill Brewer, 07:40
- Stuck brake bleeders, Sumner Weisman, 07:21
- Brit car show in Virginia?, mga, 07:17
- Triumphs verse Wife, Bill Brewer, 07:16
- TR-3 Glove Box Locks, Bill Brewer, 07:16
- Hobby powder coater nfi, David.Griffiths, 07:07
- Re: Steering Wheel Reconditioning, Joe Curry, 06:23
- GT6 rear suspension performance, LBPB1, 06:05
- Portland Triumph Owners Ass, suhring, 04:53
- Re: Classic Rally&Racing Europe?, John Dowson, 03:05
- Classic Rally&Racing Europe?, Benny Gillros/DSV, 02:53
- Petrol Injection, Bill McGarry, 00:52
- Egnine mount nuts, David Lee, 00:50
- tr-6/gt-6 toyota calipers, Bill McGarry, 00:25
- Re: Stuck piston in caliper -- what now?, Alan Myers, 00:23
January 19, 2000
- Steering Wheel Reconditioning, Philip Haldeman, 23:54
- TR3 sidescreens, Tom Bottman, 23:18
- Re: Herald info? boundary="------------81F36029D355A27D458AD6A9", Andrew Mace, 20:58
- Re: TR6 fan and crash pad, suhring, 20:50
- TR6 used to have OD!, Steve Skolnik, 20:17
- Re: Mayflower, Brad Kahler, 20:13
- Re: Mayflower, levilevi, 20:08
- Mayflower, Jim, 20:02
- Re: triumph world - mayflower, Jim, 19:57
- Re: TR6 fan and crash pad, levilevi, 19:47
- Re: triumph world - mayflower, bob annand, 19:28
- Re: triumph world - mayflower, levilevi, 19:18
- Re: Ammeters, Tony Gordon, 19:07
- RE: JRossi missed some mail, Brian Sanborn, 18:59
- Re: TR-3 Glovebox Locks, Tr3bob, 18:58
- triumph world - mayflower, Brad Kahler, 18:57
- The Shop, The Shop, Central Services, 18:55
- Re: TR-3 Floor Panels/Eastwood Spot Welders, Tr3bob, 18:53
- RE: Badge Bars for TR4's, Brian Sanborn, 18:53
- Floor pan replacement, Triumph4Jeff, 18:46
- Re: TR-3 Floor Panels/Eastwood Spot Welders, fogbro1, 18:40
- RE: Scratched Plexiglass Repair.. Suggestions, Bob Hutton, 18:35
- Re: Scratched Plexiglass Repair.. Suggestions, Tr3bob, 18:28
- Re: The Shop, Rob Switzer, 18:06
- Herald info?boundary="------------81F36029D355A27D458AD6A9", Robert J. Greene, 17:57
- BLEEDING TR6 brakes !, Dave Massey, 17:55
- Minator Wheels, Beth & Ken, 17:45
- Re: Primary Car, Beth & Ken, 17:45
- Re: Primary Car, Graham Stretch, 17:09
- TR6 fan and crash pad, Ian Viles, 16:42
- Re: phone #, Beth & Ken, 16:42
- RE: Toronto Triumph Club, Randall Young, 16:39
- Re: Primary Car, Beth & Ken, 16:37
- Re: Primary Car, T. R. Householder, 16:35
- Re: Primary Car, Beth & Ken, 16:24
- Toronto Triumph Club, GuyotLeonF, 16:19
- transmission woes, Douglas Frank, 15:29
- (no subject), GuyotLeonF, 15:00
- Drive shaft phasing (sorta continued), Barry Schwartz, 14:58
- RE: TR 6 Brakes (GT6 also?), Randall Young, 14:39
- British trivia time, Day.John, 14:19
- Re: Amp ratings, Graham Stretch, 14:13
- Re: TR-6 Trailing Arms Brackets, HarvoC, 14:09
- RE: TR 6 Brakes (GT6 also?), Andrew Mace, 13:35
- RE: TR 6 Brakes (GT6 also?), Barry Schwartz, 13:18
- Re: Drive shaft phasing consensus, Michael D. Porter, 13:07
- The Shop, CarlSereda, 12:35
- Re: Amp ratings, rtriplett, 12:30
- Re: Amp ratings, Malcolm Walker, 12:22
- Re (family heirlooms), SJagGo, 12:21
- RE: Drive shaft phasing consensus, Randall Young, 12:17
- Re: The Shop, Brad Kahler, 12:09
- dups, Douglas Frank, 12:07
- RE: New to the list (family heirlooms), Ken Waringa, 11:56
- Calling all GT6/Vitesse gearbox gurus!, Douglas Frank, 11:38
- Re: New to the list (family heirlooms), Steven Newell, 11:36
- New to the list, Gary Coulter, 10:51
- RE: re TR 6 Brakes, Kyle K. Rice, 10:47
- Re: Calling all GT6/Vitesse gearbox gurus!, Barry Schwartz, 10:30
- Re: TR4 Dakar limited edition, Steven Newell, 10:29
- Re: Survey of H.T.Leads in use by listers, Erik Quackenbush, 10:22
- Re: Toronto Triumph web site?, Joe Curry, 10:18
- RE: Toronto Triumph web site?, Day.John, 10:10
- Re: Toronto Triumph web site?, Joe Curry, 09:56
- Re: Drive shaft phasing consensus, Barry Schwartz, 09:30
- Re: TR6 Door Mirror Answers, T. R. Householder, 09:21
- RE: The Shop, Musson, Carl, 09:17
- RE: Fw: phone #, Westerdale, Bob, 09:15
- Calling all GT6/Vitesse gearbox gurus!, Douglas Frank, 09:13
- Toronto Triumph web site?, Joe Merone, 09:06
- Drive shaft phasing consensus, Evans, Mark, 08:43
- Re: The Shop, Susan and John Roper, 08:34
- BLEEDING TR6 brakes !, Cameron Greig, 08:09
- Re: Fw: phone #, Randall, 07:58
- Amp ratings, rtriplett, 07:53
- [no subject], rtriplett, 07:51
- Re: Triumph expedition outfitting..., Michael Marr, 07:43
- Re: TR6 Door Mirror Answers, Randall, 07:40
- Re: TR6 Door Mirror Answers, McGaheyRx, 07:36
- Re: TR-6 Trailing Arms Brackets, JRossi727, 06:47
- Fwd: Fw: phone #, MKatzHOPE, 06:36
- Fw: phone #, Fred Thomas, 06:30
- Fw: Primary Car, Fred Thomas, 06:27
- non-lbc funnie, Fred Thomas, 06:22
- The Shop, RJS_CPA, 05:12
- TR-6 Trailing Arms Brackets, Jim Hill, 01:04
January 18, 2000
- Re: The Shop, levilevi, 23:07
- TR6 Door Mirror Answers, Tom Di Iulio, 22:36
- re: TR3 glove box lock, Roy, 21:52
- Re: re TR 6 Brakes, Kyle K. Rice, 21:35
- Re: TR-3 Floor Panels/Eastwood Spot Welders, fogbro1, 21:23
- re: TR3 engine cart, Roy, 21:23
- Re: Primary Car, John A. Simmons, 21:06
- TR-6 Trailing Arms Brackets, JRossi727, 20:30
- Re: Primary Car, Gospitt, 20:17
- Driveshaft phasing.., James A. Ruffner, 20:03
- Re: Primary Car, John A. Simmons, 19:32
- Optima Batteries, toad, 19:27
- RE: stereo question, Randall Young, 19:18
- stereo question, John A. Simmons, 19:05
- RE: JRossi missed some mail, David Moag, 18:56
- RE: Distributor cap and rotor rubbing, Randall Young, 18:48
- JRossi missed some mail, JRossi727, 18:01
- Re: Survey of H.T.Leads in use by listers, Ron Yates, 17:34
- RE: Primary Car, Randall Young, 17:25
- Re: Distributor cap and rotor rubbing, Graham Stretch, 17:24
- Re: What the heck's a S.4221A-19?, Graham Stretch, 17:23
- Re: I need a broken amp meter for TR 2/3/4..Anyone??, Graham Stretch, 17:21
- Re: Survey of H.T.Leads in use by listers, John Macartney, 17:09
- RE: Triumph expedition outfitting..., Westerdale, Bob, 16:39
- Re: Primary Car, Beth & Ken, 16:36
- RE: Triumph expedition outfitting..., Randall Young, 16:21
- The Shop, jim williams, 16:17
- Re: Is there a TR bulletin board?, J.H. Roulleaux, 15:56
- insurance, Fred Thomas, 15:14
- American Racing Mags FOR SALE, Pete & Aprille Chadwell, 15:13
- Re: Survey of H.T.Leads in use by listers, Douglas Frank, 14:53
- Re: Triumph expedition outfitting..., Aribert_Neumann, 14:08
- Fwd: tr4 rear-end rebuild, ArthurK101, 13:25
- Re: Triumph expedition outfitting..., Fred Thomas, 13:25
- Triumph expedition outfitting..., Steven Newell, 12:53
- Survey of H.T.Leads in use by listers, GuyotLeonF, 12:28
- hats, Fred Thomas, 12:24
- RE: need broken ammeter (to adjust reading) (making a shunt), Tony Rhodes, 12:18
- RE: TR3 motor on cart, tub on sawhorses .. goo everywhere else, Randall Young, 11:59
- RE: Cold, Jim Barbuscia, 11:58
- Re: Primary Car, Mark Clark, 10:28
- Re: COLD!!!, larry hooven, 10:26
- Re: COLD!!!, Jim Barbuscia, 10:20
- Re: Stainless brake caliper pistons, McGaheyRx, 10:04
- RE: Primary Car, Day.John, 09:44
- RE: American Mag Spinners, DPaige, 09:43
- phone #, Fred Thomas, 09:40
- RE: Primary Car, DPaige, 09:39
- Re: phone #, Scoti, 09:36
- Re: Stainless brake caliper pistons, Erik Quackenbush, 09:15
- phone #, Fred Thomas, 09:13
- Driveshaft phasing, Evans, Mark, 09:11
- Re: Ammeters, Randall, 08:52
- Re: Stainless brake caliper pistons, George Richardson, 08:27
- Looking for someone (RE: Driving Direction to Maniwaki), Steph, 08:18
- TR7 FS - NY, dncullig, 07:57
- Primary Car, Sumner Weisman, 07:42
- Stainless brake caliper pistons, Chris.Bullock, 06:57
- Vinco was: Source for OD mainshafts, Aribert_Neumann, 06:38
- TR6 door rebuild help, Ken Waringa, 06:12
- RE: I need a broken amp meter for TR 2/3/4..Anyone??, Jim Altman, 05:26
- Ammeters, John Dowson, 01:56
- Re: I need a broken amp meter for TR 2/3/4..Anyone??, Malcolm Walker, 00:15
January 17, 2000
- Re: Primary Car, TDTR3, 23:52
- Re: TR-3 Glovebox Locks, T. R. Householder, 23:21
- Stuck dist. rotor button(TR6), Steve Nabors, 22:55
- TR-3 Floor Panels/Eastwood Spot Welders, Bill Brewer, 22:53
- chrome bumpers & POR-15, Tom Bottman, 22:33
- Re: TR-3 Glovebox Locks, Dan Buettner, 22:33
- TR-3 Glovebox Locks, Bill Brewer, 22:28
- Is there a TR bulletin board?, mga, 22:21
- And, forgot to mention...., Michael D. Porter, 22:16
- Re: Primary Car, Michael D. Porter, 22:08
- Re: Primary Car, levilevi, 22:07
- I need a broken amp meter for TR 2/3/4..Anyone??, Z27407, 21:57
- Re: TR3 motor on cart, tub on sawhorses .. goo everywhere else, Dan Buettner, 21:52
- Re: Scratched Plexiglass Repair.. Suggestions, Kinderlehrer, 21:42
- Re: Primary Car, Rob Robertson, 21:11
- Car clothes....., Gospitt, 20:59
- Re: TR3 Stone Guards, Rob Robertson, 20:58
- Re: Triumph original Girling clutch master cap -- finish?, Joseph J Burlein, 20:26
- RE: Primary Car, Dan Buettner, 20:21
- Re: Primary Car, Roger Elliott, 20:19
- Re: Primary Car, Geo Hahn, 20:14
- RE: Primary Car, Bill Miller, 19:56
- RE: What the heck's a S.4221A-19?, Brian Sanborn, 19:15
- TR3 motor on cart, tub on sawhorses .. goo everywhere else, Dan Buettner, 19:01
- Scratched Plexiglass Repair.. Suggestions, Z27407, 18:50
- RE: Primary Car, Randall Young, 18:43
- Re: Fan hub removal TR3 & 4, Tr3bob, 18:40
- RE: electric fan conversion TR4, Brian Sanborn, 18:39
- Re: Primary Car, Joe Curry, 18:29
- Re: Primary Car, toad, 18:21
- Re: Rebuilding Dash and Glove Box on TR3, Tr3bob, 18:19
- OD Speedo calibrations option, Tony Rhodes, 18:07
- Re: Primary Car, Paulwillou, 17:52
- TR4A or TR250 Bumper Bar (AMCO style), Gerald M. Van Vlack, 17:47
- Celebrities..., Gospitt, 17:34
- RE: Primary Car, Randall Young, 17:28
- Re: Distributor cap and rotor rubbing, Graham Stretch, 17:27
- Re: Distributor cap and rotor rubbing, WLSServ, 16:54
- Re: celebrity list, T. R. Householder, 16:45
- Re: What the heck's a S.4221A-19?, Graham Stretch, 16:37
- Re: circlip removal from TR6 countershaft, Graham Stretch, 16:31
- Re: celebrity list, Joe Curry, 16:26
- Re: What the heck's a S.4221A-19?, SJagGo, 16:18
- Re: What the heck's a S.4221A-19?, Keith R. Stewart, 16:03
- Triumph Celebrity List, John Macartney, 15:49
- Badge Bars for TR4's, Eley, Bill W, 15:49
- Re: Whitworth, Erik Quackenbush, 15:49
- Re: Distributor cap and rotor rubbing, SJagGo, 15:27
- Re: Primary Car, Byron N. Brashears, 15:25
- American Mag Spinners, Alvamike, 15:19
- Re: Primary Car, MKatzHOPE, 14:49
- Distributor cap and rotor rubbing, Gaby Aubouin, 14:47
- Re: Triumph Tonneau Cover, Philip Smith, 13:44
- Re: TR3 Stone Guards, Bob Labuz, 13:34
- Re: electric fan conversion TR4, Graham Stretch, 12:15
- Re: Primary Car, Graham Stretch, 12:14
- RE: celebrity list, Andy Dixon, 11:59
- circlip removal from TR6 countershaft, Janssen, Lee K, 10:23
- Re: New to the List, Chip19474, 09:57
- Re: Primary Car, T. R. Householder, 09:45
- Primary Car, John A. Simmons, 09:43
- RE: celebrity list, Kurt, 09:27
- Re: Primary Car, Fred Thomas, 09:23
- Re: COLD!!!!!!!!, Rob Christopher, 09:19
- Car Photos, David A Templeton, 09:14
- RE: COLD!!!!!!!! - Block Heater!, St�phane St-Amant, 09:12
- Re: Primary Car, Allen Brenden, 08:52
- Re: Primary Car, TeriAnn Wakeman, 08:41
- RE: COLD!!!!!!!!, Day.John, 08:30
- Re: Fan hub removal TR3 & 4, WLSServ, 08:26
- What the heck's a S.4221A-19?, Douglas Frank, 08:12
- Re: British Car Day in Bowie Maryland ???, Martin A. Secrest, 08:10
- Re: Primary Car, Beth & Ken, 08:01
- British Car Day in Bowie Maryland ???, Beth & Ken, 07:59
- Re: What The??, Dave Massey, 07:49
- Re: COLD!!!, Chip19474, 07:25
- RE: COLD!!!!!!!!, Robert J Carley, 07:22
- RE: COLD!!!!!!!!, St�phane St-Amant, 07:01
- electric fan conversion TR4, Jack Brooks, 06:30
- Re: Primary Car, RALPH JANNELLI, 06:29
- electric fan conversion TR4, Jack Brooks, 06:25
- RE: TR6 Door Mirrors, Radley, Jack, 06:15
- Re: Primary Car, Fred Thomas, 04:54
- Re: What The??, Fred Thomas, 04:43
- RE: Primary Car, Jim Altman, 04:33
- Re: TR6 Door Mirrors, Trevor Jordan, 02:27
- Re: Triumph Tonneau Cover, levilevi, 00:48
- Fan hub removal TR3 & 4, David Lee, 00:32
- TR3 Stone Guards, Dennis & Bridget Lambert, 00:02
January 16, 2000
- Re: electric fan conversion TR4, Randall, 22:36
- Re: Primary Car, SJagGo, 22:27
- Re: Primary Car, Mark the Shark, 22:10
- Primary Car, Mark Milotay, 22:07
- pictures of Summit Racing electric fan on radiator, David Lee, 22:02
- Re: TR4 Rear Springs, john matthews, 21:25
- Re: questions on motor/transmission cart, KTRIUMPH, 21:00
- Re: What The??, McGaheyRx, 20:44
- electric fan conversion TR4, David Lee, 20:42
- picnic island gathering, Philip Smith, 20:22
- What The??, Dave Massey, 19:50
- Triumph Tonneau Cover, Philip Smith, 19:44
- Re: TR6 Tan Door "fuzzys" needed, Power British Performance Parts, Inc., 17:10
- Re: celebrity list edited pls review, KHoward515, 17:06
- Re: CHAOS..., Michael Ferguson, 16:49
- Re: questions on motor/transmission cart, Rob Robertson, 16:32
- RE: questions on motor/transmission cart, Brian Sanborn, 16:26
- TR6 Door Mirrors, Tom Di Iulio, 16:09
- Re: questions on motor/transmission cart, McGaheyRx, 16:08
- Re: questions on motor/transmission cart, Jim Bauder, 15:37
- Re: Wood Dash Repair, Jeff Johnson, 15:11
- Re: questions on motor/transmission cart, Randall, 14:17
- Re: questions on motor/transmission cart, Dan Buettner, 14:03
- questions on motor/transmission cart, Dan Buettner, 14:00
- CHAOS..., jmwagner, 13:47
- Re: Back from Antigua, only older Land Rovers, Stephen Peca, 13:29
- Re: Back from Antigua, only older Land Rovers, Stephen Peca, 13:28
- Re: Wood Dash repair, Rob Robertson, 13:27
- Back from Antigua, only older Land Rovers, Gbouff1, 13:09
- Re: Saloon Transmissions, Randall, 12:56
- Re: Need help from a Lister in Pittsburgh area, Sam Gentry, 12:06
- 2000 VTR Mid-Atlantic Regionals, KMNTR6, 12:02
- What The??, Kim and Kelly Alford, 11:39
- Re: Saloon Transmissions, Tony Rhodes, 10:28
- RE: TR4 Rear Springs, Brian Sanborn, 10:10
- RE: A-Type OD Questions, Brian Sanborn, 09:58
- TR6 Tan Door "fuzzys" needed, Jester, Chad (GEAE), 09:42
- Re: Wood Dash repair, Johntr6, 09:09
- Re: Need help from a Lister in Pittsburgh area, Sam Gentry, 09:08
- Wood Dash repair, Z27407, 09:07
- How cold is it?, Sumner Weisman, 08:43
- Re: oops, wrong car!, Ah3thou, 08:02
- Re: Wood Dash repair, Michael Ferguson, 07:30
- oops, wrong car!, Paul J. Burr, 07:22
- TV Commercial - TR3 Used, Stephen Peca, 07:19
- Antique and Classic Car Tires, Stephen Peca, 07:12
- Saloon Transmissions, Tony Rhodes, 06:37
- TR-6 Flange Puller., JRossi727, 06:21
- Need help from a Lister in Pittsburgh area, Charles, 05:52
- Fw: British Cars Digest #3390 Sat Jan 15 01:35:01 MST 2000, John Macartney, 02:58
- Re: Wood Dash repair, Jeff McNeal, 00:39
- Wood Dash repair, David Lee, 00:02
January 15, 2000
- RE: Panasports, Gene Garrison, 23:19
- Powder Coated Car Parts, Jeff Johnson, 22:58
- Fw: TR4A trans, Bob Kramer, 22:43
- Re: Need electric fan purchase input, David Lee, 22:35
- Need electric fan purchase input, Steve Nabors, 22:09
- Re: A-Type OD Questions, KTRIUMPH, 21:09
- Re: Weird things in this cardboard box, Andrew Mace, 21:08
- Beautiful Day, Philip Smith, 20:34
- Re: Trip to TR4 Parts Heaven, KTRIUMPH, 20:27
- Re: Thanks to List members, Richard Taylor, 18:41
- RE: Trip to TR4 Parts Heaven, Brian Sanborn, 18:36
- RE: New to the List, Brian Sanborn, 18:18
- Re: webers or "P.I.", Graham Stretch, 18:17
- Re: COLD!!!, SJagGo, 17:59
- TR4 Rear Springs, Brian Sanborn, 17:58
- Re: Weird things in this cardboard box, Paul J. Burr, 17:42
- Re: COLD!!!, Paul J. Burr, 17:37
- A-Type OD Questions, Brian Sanborn, 17:20
- Re: webers or "P.I.", Dave Quirt, 17:07
- Thanks to List members, Dave Quirt, 17:07
- Trip to TR4 Parts Heaven, Brian Sanborn, 16:49
- Re: 76 tr6 window regulator replacement, Richard Taylor, 15:10
- Gore-Tex Cover, Mark Milotay, 15:07
- 76 tr6 window regulator replacement, Rudy Douma, 15:02
- Re: 76 Answer to TR6 Wiring Question + additional question, Rudy Douma, 14:45
- TR-2/4A- Thanks for heel/toe info, John Cowan, 14:36
- TR6 manuals, Michael D. Porter, 14:31
- Re: wheel transport question, Kevin & Deana Brown, 14:28
- Re: COLD!!!, Malcolm Walker, 13:59
- webers or"P.I."...tr6 eng in spit, Bill McGarry, 13:54
- Re: seal, Joe Curry, 13:31
- Re: $21,500 TR6 at auction, Bob Maser, 12:58
- Re: COLD!!!, Brad Kahler, 12:36
- seal, Fred Thomas, 11:32
- Re: Gearbox Oil Seal, Randall, 11:23
- RE:3 on the tree, Tony Rhodes, 11:20
- Re: Weird things in this cardboard box, Michael Marr, 11:12
- Re: $21,500 TR6 at auction, Randall, 10:57
- Re: COLD!!!, Joe Curry, 10:53
- Gearbox Oil Seal, Michael Ferguson, 10:22
- RE: COLD!!!, Bob Danielson, 10:12
- Re: TR4 spring removal & brake component finishes, Randall, 10:11
- Re: COLD!!!, Joe Curry, 10:03
- RE: Air Filter (tr6), Bob Danielson, 09:58
- Re: Weird things in this cardboard box, , 09:58
- Re: $21,500 TR6 at auction, Beth & Ken, 09:57
- FS: Appliance Mag wheels for GT6/Spit, Beth & Ken, 09:50
- Re: TR4 spring removal & brake component finishes, Dennis & Bridget Lambert, 09:42
- Re: New to the List, Dan Buettner, 09:36
- 6-Pack trials 2000? Location??, RX74EVR, 09:31
- RE: Air Filter (tr6), Peter Zaborski, 09:17
- PARTS, George Re, 08:46
- RE:Air Filter, Steve, 08:43
- Re: TR4 spring removal & brake component finishes, Richard Taylor, 08:40
- New to the List, Paul Scott, 08:32
- TR4 spring removal & brake component finishes, Billtr4, 07:55
- Re: $21,500 TR6 at auction, J.H. Roulleaux, 07:41
- COLD!!!, Michael Ferguson, 06:45
- RE: (Fwd) Source for OD mainshafts, Jim Altman, 04:09
- webers or "P.I.", Bill McGarry, 01:30
- Re:GT6 Rotoflex Shock mounts, john matthews, 01:17
January 14, 2000
- Re: The Scotsman, Roger Elliott, 22:12
- The Scotsman, Bob and Nancy, 21:52
- TR3B for sale on ebay, Brad Kahler, 21:20
- Large banners, jack, 21:17
- Re: Weird things in this cardboard box, Andrew Mace, 21:14
- Re: Weird things in this cardboard box, T. R. Householder, 20:40
- Re: Weird things in this cardboard box, Brad Kahler, 20:37
- Re: Stuck clutch, T. R. Householder, 20:36
- (Fwd) Source for OD mainshafts, Brad Kahler, 20:35
- Looking for some TR7 parts, Brian Furgalus, 20:27
- Re: New TR6er, Randall, 20:14
- Re: Weird things in this cardboard box, SJagGo, 20:10
- Re: Weird things in this cardboard box, SJagGo, 20:05
- TR6 Drive Shaft, Kyle K. Rice, 19:34
- Re: Stuck clutch, Trevor Jordan, 19:32
- RE: non LBC- humour only, Tom Walling & Wendy Rose, 19:30
- TRF Hours, Chad Jester, 19:06
- RE: TR6 Clutch Noise, Gary & Priscilla Klein, 18:25
- FSP class, Bob Kramer, 18:23
- Re: Weird things in this cardboard box, T. R. Householder, 17:59
- Re: $21,500 TR6 at auction, Philip Haldeman, 17:58
- Re: Stuck clutch, Geo Hahn, 17:51
- Re: $21,500 TR6 at auction, Philip Smith, 17:39
- Re: Weird things in this cardboard box, Geo Hahn, 17:22
- Re: $21,500 TR6 at auction, Beth & Ken, 17:21
- Re: New TR6er, Philip Smith, 17:17
- RE: Weird things in this cardboard box, Dennis Lambert, 17:11
- Re: Weird things in this cardboard box, Don Marshall, 17:04
- Re: j type overdrive relay wiring, Graham Stretch, 17:02
- Re: transmission question, Graham Stretch, 17:02
- replacing leaking oil 0 ring in zenith carb need help 1500 cc spit, Dan Carey, 16:50
- Re: Weird things in this cardboard box, Chip19474, 16:26
- Re: transmission question, Andrew Mace, 15:39
- Non LBC Joke-Clean, too, David Hill, 15:37
- Re[2]: Rebuilding TR6 Engine, Bud Rolofson, 15:34
- Re: transmission question, Brian Furgalus, 15:30
- Re: wheel transport question, Bob Lang, 15:14
- I'm giving TRF another chance, Jeff McNeal, 15:10
- New TR6er, John Macartney, 15:09
- RE: Rebuilding TR6 Engine, Randall Young, 15:05
- Fwd: floor board replacement, ArthurK101, 14:54
- Re: Overdrive compatablity..., Brad Kahler, 14:35
- RE: Rebuilding TR6 Engine, MPRICE, 14:17
- Re: $21,500 TR..., er, BMW 2002, Steven Newell, 14:08
- Re: TR6 $21,500 at auction, John Macartney, 13:58
- Re: Spitfire Tops, Andrew Mace, 12:18
- Spitfire Tops, rtriplett, 12:12
- Re: New TR6er, Glenn Rattmann, 11:52
- Re: Stag Engine?, Lawrence Schilling, 11:40
- RE: TR3, BMack, 11:16
- RE: Stag Engine?, Day.John, 11:11
- Re: Stag Engine?, Graham Stretch, 11:10
- RE: Stag Engine?, Day.John, 11:06
- Re: Stag Engine?, SJagGo, 11:03
- Re: Best 1500 head, Graham Stretch, 11:03
- Re: Overdrive compatablity..., Graham Stretch, 11:02
- Re: Weird things in this cardboard box, SJagGo, 10:57
- Stag Engine?, Bud Rolofson, 10:52
- Re: New TR6er, Fred Thomas, 10:51
- Re: New TR6er, dstauffa, 10:41
- Re: Weird things in this cardboard box, Andrew Mace, 10:21
- Weird things in this cardboard box, Kai M. Radicke, 10:12
- Re: Overdrive compatablity..., Fred Thomas, 10:12
- Re: Rebuilding TR6 Engine, Robert Carley, 10:05
- Re: non LBC- humour only, toad, 09:59
- Rebuilding TR6 Engine, Bob Danielson, 09:19
- Re: $21,500 TR6 at auction, , 08:48
- Re: New TR6er, Randall, 08:36
- Re: New TR6er, Andrew Mace, 08:28
- Re: Thin Belt Conversion for TR4, Randall, 08:10
- Re: non LBC- humour only, Keith Thomsen, 08:06
- Re: Thin Belt Conversion for TR4, TeriAnn Wakeman, 07:57
- Overdrive compatablity..., Dave Massey, 07:48
- Overdrive compatablity..., erl, 07:25
- Re: Thin Belt Conversion for TR4, St�phane St-Amant, 07:16
- -- 1962 Triumph TR3A british racing greenBoundary="0__=TggellBxgH8N7b8hrn1DsZaLk1CiWSDTuAVxcD7LjrzLnYTgUXH5HXEl", rtriplett, 07:14
- Thin Belt Conversion for TR4, GHaynesTR4, 07:04
- Sweet-TR, RALPH JANNELLI, 06:58
- Re: non LBC- humour only, St�phane St-Amant, 06:24
- Re: non LBC- humour only, Chip19474, 05:43
- Windscreen Seal for 948/Courier, Davies William-qswi646, 05:38
- Re: New TR6er, Philip Smith, 05:37
- non LBC- humour only, Fred Thomas, 05:22
- Re: Whitworth, John Gillis, 02:23
- Re: New TR6er, Jeff McNeal, 01:17
- Re: New TR6er, T. R. Householder, 01:08
- Re: New TR6er, Malcolm Walker, 00:53
- New TR6er, Brendan Barrans, 00:06
January 13, 2000
- transmission question, Reginald Tulk, 23:38
- Rotors, N197TR4, 21:20
- Re: $21,500 TR6 at auction, Bob Maser, 21:06
- Re: Deep 6-pt sockets?, MOWOGMAN, 20:34
- RE: J Type OD Compatibility, Brian Sanborn, 19:13
- Last call for GT6 Body, Joe Curry, 19:10
- Re: $21,500 TR6 at auction, T. R. Householder, 19:06
- Re: $21,500 TR6 at auction, Joe Curry, 19:04
- RE: Fix for TR4 Window Gears, Brian Sanborn, 19:01
- Re: $21,500 TR6 at auction, T. R. Householder, 18:57
- RE: phone #, Randall Young, 18:36
- RE: $21,500 TR6 at auction, Randall Young, 18:29
- Triple Weber canon manifold needed!-Later TR6, RX74EVR, 18:27
- Re: Bleeding Clutch, Graham Stretch, 17:08
- Re: GT6 Rotoflex Shock mounts, Graham Stretch, 17:06
- Whitworth, Mark J Bradakis, 17:00
- TR3A & TR6 rotors, Angelo Graham, 16:55
- Re: $21,500 TR6 at auction, Beth & Ken, 16:52
- RE: TR6 Fulcrum Pin, Robert J Carley, 16:16
- Re: TR-2,3,4A - Double clutching, heel and toe shifting., Jim, 16:12
- phone #, Fred Thomas, 16:11
- RE: TR6 Fulcrum Pin, dstauffa, 16:03
- RE: TR6 Fulcrum Pin, Andy Dixon, 15:55
- TR6 Wanted in Pacific Northwest, US, Don Clark, 15:50
- RE: Weber down draft for TR7, Tony Rhodes, 15:38
- Re: GT6 Rotoflex Shock mounts, Joe Curry, 15:09
- Re: Deep 6-pt sockets?, Tony Childs, 15:03
- Re: GT6 Rotoflex Shock mounts, Graham Stretch, 15:03
- TR6 Fulcrum Pin, HarvoC, 15:02
- Lucas switch, John Macartney, 14:55
- Re: GT6 Rotoflex Shock mounts, GuyotLeonF, 14:49
- Re: GT6 Rotoflex Shock mounts, Chris Kantarjiev, 13:55
- Re: GT6 Rotoflex Shock mounts, Roger Elliott, 13:26
- RE: Rear drum off! New problem, Malcolm Walker, 13:03
- Re: Deep 6-pt sockets? <>, Dave Chu, 12:38
- Re: Rear drum off! New problem, Randall, 12:36
- Re: Dynomax Super Turbo Mufflers, Power British Performance Parts, Inc., 12:33
- Re: Stuck clutch, Graham Stretch, 12:31
- Re: GT6 Rotoflex Shock mounts, Graham Stretch, 12:31
- Re: 2000 sixpack trials?, Jeff Johnson, 12:28
- Deep 6-pt sockets?, Douglas Frank, 12:17
- RE: Rear drum off! New problem, David Moag, 12:11
- Guate-TR6, Martin A. Secrest, 12:11
- TR6 tyre pressure, Paul Mitchell, 12:02
- 2000 sixpack trials?, RaceF1, 11:42
- Re: TR-2,3,4A - Double clutching, heel and toe shifting., Douglas Frank, 11:36
- Re: TR6 questions, Chip19474, 10:05
- Re: $21,500 TR6 at auction, Joe Curry, 10:02
- Re: $21,500 TR6 at auction, , 10:00
- GT6 Rotoflex Shock mounts, Joe Curry, 10:00
- Re: Tap and Die Set, Bob Lang, 09:17
- RE: $21,500 TR6 at auction, Roger Helman, 09:08
- Re: $21,500 TR6 at auction, T. R. Householder, 08:46
- Re: $21,500 TR6 at auction, , 08:25
- Re: TR6 questions Welding cast!, Transmancat, 08:03
- Dynomax Super Turbo Mufflers, Barry Schwartz, 07:53
- RE: TR6 questions Welding cast!, Burke, Jim, 07:38
- TR250 Wiper Switch wiring question, MPRICE, 07:33
- Re: $21,500 TR6 at auction, Lawrence G Miceli, 07:26
- Re: Stuck clutch, T. R. Householder, 07:12
- Re: Stuck clutch, T. R. Householder, 07:09
- Re: Stuck clutch, JRossi727, 06:51
- Re: Tap and Die Set, Dave Massey, 06:44
- Stuck clutch, Linkens, Andy, 06:06
- J Type OD Compatibility, Terry & Cindy O'Beirne, 03:18
- Re: New TR 3/4 (and maybe 250/6) Brake Rotors on ebay, Randall, 02:51
- RE: Triumph original Girling clutch master cap -- finish?, Davies William-qswi646, 01:34
January 12, 2000
- Lucas switch, CSWORLEY, 22:11
- Re: TRF _Future_, Robert M. Lang, 22:01
- Re: I need a clue., Power British Performance Parts, Inc., 21:25
- Re: celebrity list edited pls review, T. R. Householder, 20:41
- Re: TR-2,3,4A - Double clutching, heel and toe shifting., Easton Family, 20:36
- Re: New TR 3/4 (and maybe 250/6) Brake Rotors on ebay, Greg Gelhar, 20:11
- New TR 3/4 (and maybe 250/6) Brake Rotors on ebay, WBabbitt, 18:55
- I need a clue., Tim Hickey, 18:21
- Re: TR4A for Sale, Chuck Lattimer, 17:49
- Re: TR6 Air Filter Elements, TDTR3, 17:46
- NOS parts, D & A Jesudowich, 17:34
- Re: Tap and Die Set, Robert M. Lang, 17:34
- Re: TR4 Overdrive Relay, KTRIUMPH, 17:02
- Re: royal blue, KTRIUMPH, 16:43
- Re: Can I afford a bead blaster?, Fred Thomas, 16:38
- Re: Fw: Need pistons(TR6), Robert M. Lang, 16:35
- TR6 Block Machining, Robert M. Lang, 16:35
- Can I afford a bead blaster?, Dave Massey, 16:33
- RE: Can I afford a bead blaster?, Westerdale, Bob, 16:29
- Just for grins..., Jeff McNeal, 16:15
- Can I afford a bead blaster?, Jeff McNeal, 16:10
- RE: miata battery, Dave Massey, 16:09
- Role Model, Dave Massey, 16:09
- Re: TR3 bent accelerator shaft, Graham Stretch, 15:33
- Re: TR3, Graham Stretch, 15:32
- Re: TR6 questions Welding cast!, Graham Stretch, 15:26
- RE: miata battery, Randall Young, 15:05
- Re: J Type OD Compatibility, Brian Johnson, 14:28
- Politics and GWB's nose problem, Dave Massey, 14:18
- RE: Royal Blue~concours?, Dave Massey, 14:17
- Re: Royal Blue~concours?, Dave Massey, 14:17
- Re: miata battery, GuyotLeonF, 14:03
- TR4A for Sale, Stefan Roundy, 12:44
- Radiator shrouds on TR-3s, James A. Ruffner, 12:37
- Re: Triumph original Girling clutch master cap -- finish?, Fred Thomas, 12:25
- Brake MC rebuild, Jeff McNeal, 11:31
- TR4 Overdrive Relay, Paul Brandsema, 11:20
- Triumph original Girling clutch master cap -- finish?, Andrew Mace, 10:55
- Re: royal blue, Terrence Begley, 10:55
- Re: THIS JUST IN/ JFK and others So too!!!! Walter Conkrite Terry Moore Paul Neuman OJ Simpson Donna Michelle (From Reseda High School and UCLA.) ref. Playboy Dec 1963 Find her the "fot" needs a speaker for the Fifty Year Anniversary thing Tony Perkins. Jimmy Conners This shakes out to be a Thread that fits the lbc content senario. Any other names to add here., Hugh Barber, 10:54
- Re: TR3 bent accelerator shaft, Terrence Begley, 10:50
- Fix for TR4 Window Gears, CarlSereda, 10:45
- RE: Lug Nut Wrench, St�phane St-Amant, 09:28
- TR3 bent accelerator shaft, Dan Buettner, 09:17
- lug dimensions..., erl, 09:07
- Re: Manuals, Jeff McNeal, 08:43
- TR Value v. Inflation, Aribert_Neumann, 08:28
- Re: Values?, Philip Smith, 08:04
- Re: royal blue, Geo Hahn, 07:56
- Politics and GWB's nose problem, Ken Gano, 07:49
- Values?, J&E, 07:38
- RE: THIS JUST IN you Texas guys jump in here, Westerdale, Bob, 07:34
- RE: THIS JUST IN/ JFK and others So too!!!! Walter Conkrite Terry Moore Paul Neuman OJ Simpson Donna Michelle (From Reseda High School and UCLA.) ref. Playboy Dec 1963 Find her the "fot" needs a speaker for the Fifty Year Anniversary thing Tony Perkins. Jimmy Conners This shakes out to be a Thread that fits the lbc content senario. Any other names to add here., Day.John, 07:29
- Just a Reminder, Geo Hahn, 07:28
- Re: THIS JUST IN/ JFK and others So too!!!! Walter Conkrite Terry Moore PaulNeuman OJ Simpson Donna Michelle (From Reseda High School and UCLA.) ref.Playboy Dec 1963 Find her the "fot" needs a speaker for the Fifty YearAnniversary thing Tony Perkins. Jimmy Conners This shakes out to be a Threadthat fits the lbc content senario. Any other names to add here., , 07:22
- TR Value v. Inflation, Michael Cook, 07:21
- Re: Royal Blue~concours?, David Massey, 07:16
- Re: TR3A Help, David Massey, 07:15
- TR6 PARTS WANTED, Jester, Chad (GEAE), 07:11
- Webber down draft carb's for a TR7, Karl J. Schmitt, 06:57
- Re: April Car show in North Carolina, Mark the Shark, 06:45
- Re: TR3, George Richardson, 06:26
- Re: April Car show in North Carolina, Joe Worsley, 06:20
- TR3, Rick Taylor, 05:16
- Re: TR3A Help, Rick Taylor, 05:08
- April Car show in North Carolina, Jim Altman, 04:59
- royal blue, Fred Thomas, 04:52
- Re: Royal Blue~concours?, Randall, 04:42
- Re: Royal Blue~concours?, Michael D. Porter, 01:03
January 11, 2000
- TR6 Air Filter Elements, Gene Garrison, 23:43
- RE: Removing stuck caliper pistons the safe and effective way, Peter Zaborski, 22:17
- Re: THIS JUST IN you Texas guys jump in here, Joe Curry, 21:41
- Re: THIS JUST IN you Texas guys jump in here, Anjison, 21:31
- Re:58TR3A starter removal, Ron E Marx, 21:30
- Re: THIS JUST IN you Texas guys jump in here, Michael D. Porter, 21:22
- Re: likes to work on cars, Joe Curry, 21:08
- Re: $21,500 TR6 at auction, Philip Haldeman, 20:52
- Re: TR3A Help, Brad Kahler, 20:44
- RE: THIS JUST IN, David Massey, 20:41
- likes to work on cars, David Massey, 20:41
- Re: TR3A Help, David Massey, 20:41
- THIS JUST IN, David Massey, 20:41
- Re: Wiper wheelbox R&R, Tony Gordon, 20:33
- Re: $21,500 for a TR6 - Who is the fool, RaceF1, 19:49
- Re: THIS JUST IN, Philip Smith, 19:32
- Re: The History of Ye Olde Nail, John A. Simmons, 19:05
- Re: $21,500 for a TR6 - Who is the fool, John A. Simmons, 19:02
- Re: TR6 questions, Kyle K. Rice, 19:02
- THIS JUST IN . . ., Jim Hill, 18:58
- Re: The History of Ye Olde Nail, Scoti, 18:48
- TR6 questions, Jay Snavely, 18:33
- $40,000 invested on a TR6, T. R. Householder, 18:11
- sort of an emergency...., bill williams, 18:03
- Re: Looking for in penn., Chip19474, 17:38
- Re: $21,500 for a TR6 or 6.5 million dollar TR2, T. R. Householder, 17:35
- THIS JUST IN/ JFK and othersSo too!!!!Walter ConkriteTerry MoorePaul NeumanOJ SimpsonDonna Michelle (From Reseda High School and UCLA.) ref. Playboy Dec 1963 Find her the "fot" needs a speaker for the Fifty Year Anniversary thingTony Perkins.Jimmy ConnersThis shakes out to be a Thread that fits the lbc content senario. Anyother names to add here., T. R. Householder, 17:30
- Re: Lug nut wrench for TR6, Jim Davis, 17:11
- Re: Removing stuck caliper pistons the safe and effective way, Jeff McNeal, 17:10
- RE: Of fools and their money, Jim Altman, 17:03
- Re: $21,500 for a TR6 - Who is the fool, Beth & Ken, 16:47
- Re: $21,500 for a TR6 - Who is the fool, Beth & Ken, 16:45
- Re: $21,500 TR6 at auction, Joe Curry, 16:45
- Re: TR3A Help, KTRIUMPH, 16:42
- Re: $21,500 TR6 at auction, Beth & Ken, 16:38
- Yo..Bob Franklin (everybody else ignore), Beth & Ken, 16:23
- Re: $21,500 TR6 at auction, KTRIUMPH, 16:16
- RE: Removing stuck caliper pistons the safe and effective way, Karl Vacek, 16:05
- wiring an electronic tach, D & A Jesudowich, 15:49
- Re: $21,500 TR6 at auction, Robert M. Lang, 14:52
- Re: Fuel sender fix, Tim Gaines, 14:42
- Re: Royal Blue~concours?, Andrew Mace, 14:32
- RE: THIS JUST IN, Westerdale, Bob, 14:25
- Re: THIS JUST IN you Texas guys jump in here, T. R. Householder, 14:21
- Looking for in penn., T. R. Householder, 14:17
- RE: THIS JUST IN, Day.John, 14:14
- Re: THIS JUST IN, Mark the Shark, 14:09
- THIS JUST IN, DPaige, 14:01
- TR3 Update - She's breathin' Again (long), Jeff.A.Williamson, 13:24
- Re: TR3A Help, Brad Kahler, 13:23
- Re: Royal Blue ~ concours, John Macartney, 13:18
- Fuel sender fix, Tony Rhodes, 13:10
- Re: Royal Blue~concours?, SJagGo, 12:56
- Re: Lug nut wrench for TR6... Breaker/Breaker, Malcolm Walker, 12:23
- Of fools and their money, Philip E. Barnes, 11:40
- Re: Lug nut wrench for TR6... Breaker/Breaker, Geo Hahn, 11:34
- repair of fuel gauge float & bonnet release (ideas for rookies)medium long, Davgil, 11:24
- Re: Lug nut wrench for TR6... Breaker/Breaker, T. R. Householder, 11:13
- HELP! - entirely non LBC, John Macartney, 11:12
- Re: Royal Blue~concours?, Andrew Mace, 11:03
- Re: The History of Ye Olde Nail, Michael D. Porter, 11:02
- RE: Lug nut wrench for TR6, Rob C Swift, 10:52
- Re: $21,500 for a TR6 - Who is the fool, Geo Hahn, 10:46
- Re: $21,500 TR6 at auction /with TR2, Keith A Edwards, 10:45
- Spit OD Gearbox on ebay, Ferguson, Michael, 10:36
- Re: Royal Blue ~ concours, Chip19474, 10:17
- Re: Royal Blue ~ concours, Chip19474, 10:15
- Parts transportation offer, wallaces, 10:05
- Re: The History of Ye Olde Nail, Geo Hahn, 10:01
- RE: $21,500 TR6 at auction, Jim Barbuscia, 10:00
- likes to work on cars, geo, 09:34
- Re: Royal Blue~concours?, McGaheyRx, 09:18
- Re: $21,500 TR6 at auction, Lawrence G Miceli, 09:00
- Re: $21,500 for a TR6 - Who is the fool, Dave Massey, 08:26
- Re: Royal Blue~concours?, Joe Curry, 08:15
- Re: $21,500 TR6 at auction /with TR2, T. R. Householder, 08:07
- RE: J Type OD Compatibility, Dave Massey, 08:04
- Re: Royal Blue ~ concours, Dave Massey, 08:04
- Re: Royal Blue~concours?, Dave Massey, 08:03
- Re: $21,500 for a TR6 - Who is the fool, Joe Curry, 08:01
- Re: Ammeter question, Joe Curry, 08:01
- Re: $21,500 TR6 at auction, Philip Smith, 07:43
- Re: 58 TR3A starter removal, T. R. Householder, 07:34
- Re: Royal Blue~concours?, Bob Kramer, 07:24
- Re: $21,500 for a TR6 - Who is the fool, Mark the Shark, 07:24
- Wiper wheel box, erl, 07:22
- Re: Royal Blue~concours?, Joe Curry, 07:06
- Lug nut wrench for TR6, St�phane St-Amant, 07:02
- Re: $21,500 for a TR6 - Who is the fool, TrysteHouse, 06:33
- Re: $21,500 for a TR6 - Who is the fool, Fred Thomas, 06:23
- Re: $21,500 for a TR6 - Who is the fool, RaceF1, 06:21
- $21,500 for a TR6 - Who is the fool, Radley, Jack, 06:12
- Re: J Type OD Compatibility, toad, 05:42
- Re: TR3A Help, Fred Thomas, 05:42
- The History of Ye Olde Nail, C.A.J. Thomkins, 05:34
- TR3A Help, Rick Taylor, 05:26
- Re: $21,500 TR6 at auction, Fred Thomas, 05:10
- Re: Ammeter question, Fred Thomas, 05:03
- Re: $21,500 TR6 at auction, Fred Thomas, 04:56
- Test, Jay Snavely, 04:42
- Re: Brake drums, J&E, 04:38
- Re: 58 TR3A starter removal, KTRIUMPH, 04:28
- Re: J Type OD Compatibility, John Dowson, 02:23
January 10, 2000
- RE: $21,500 TR6 at auction, Jim Hill, 23:46
- Re: fuel sending unit fix, McGaheyRx, 23:01
- Wiper wheelbox R&R, Bill Kelly, 22:56
- Re: Royal Blue~concours?, McGaheyRx, 22:48
- Re: Leaking oil dampers -ZS CDSE's, levilevi, 22:44
- RE: HELP ! - entirely non LBC, Jim Hill, 22:14
- Re: Leaking oil dampers -ZS CDSE's, Steve Nabors, 22:04
- Re: $21,500 TR6 at auction, Mark the Shark, 21:47
- Re: $21,500 TR6 at auction, Philip Smith, 21:43
- Rear Axle Thump???TR6 '75, D. Michael Scott, 21:21
- RE: J Type OD Compatibility, Brian Sanborn, 18:41
- Re: Royal Blue ~ concours, Joe Curry, 18:28
- Re: way OT: Zappa on the list, karen hakala & tim hutchisen, 17:51
- Re: Ammeter question, Geo Hahn, 17:45
- 41 Listers on the Triumph members photo pages, GuyotLeonF, 17:39
- Re: Radiator shroud, John Macartney, 17:08
- Re: Royal Blue ~ concours, John Macartney, 17:08
- Re: Welding Frame of TR6, Robert M. Lang, 16:49
- Re: Tap and Die set, Robert M. Lang, 16:49
- RE: TR6 - Clutch Noise, Westerdale, Bob, 16:42
- RE: TR List Troubles..., Jim Altman, 16:35
- HELP ! - entirely non LBC, John Macartney, 16:18
- Ammeter question, John Macartney, 16:17
- Re: $21,500 TR6 at auction, Beth & Ken, 16:16
- TR6 - Clutch Noise, Gary & Priscilla Klein, 16:04
- Re: TR List Troubles..., MKatzHOPE, 14:52
- TR List Site, Chip19474, 14:46
- Re: MG 2000, and Triumphs, RaceF1, 14:29
- MG 2000, and Triumphs, Brian Furgalus, 14:20
- attn: Ken Gano (again!), Brad Kahler, 14:17
- RE: J Type OD Compatibility, Day.John, 14:11
- RE: fuel sending unit fix, Tim Gaines, 14:03
- $21,500 TR6 at auction, Lawrence G Miceli, 14:03
- Re: J Type OD Compatibility, Dan Buettner, 13:51
- J Type OD Compatibility, Dave Massey, 13:39
- RE: fuel sending unit fix, Musson, Carl, 13:23
- TIPS: Al-fin brake drums, Musson, Carl, 13:20
- fuel sending unit fix, Tim Gaines, 13:17
- was Slave Cylinder help!, Jim Bauder, 13:09
- Re: TR List Troubles..., ArthurK101, 13:03
- TR List Troubles..., CarlSereda, 12:56
- Re: Stuck piston in caliper, Graham Stretch, 12:55
- J Type OD Compatibility, Brian Sanborn, 12:03
- 28 Year Owner Selling His TR4..., CarlSereda, 11:54
- Re: 58 TR3A starter removal, Randall, 11:32
- Re:Royal Blue~concours?, Andrew Mace, 10:22
- Re:Royal Blue~concours?, SJagGo, 09:46
- Re:58 TR3A starter removal, Ron E Marx, 09:43
- RE: Removing stuck caliper pistons the safe and effective way, Peter Zaborski, 09:42
- Re: Brake drums, Power British Performance Parts, Inc., 08:20
- TR3 Engine idles again (was TR3 engine idles too high), Jeff.A.Williamson, 08:02
- RE: radiator shroud, Westerdale, Bob, 07:36
- Re: Brake drums, T. R. Householder, 07:32
- Re: Need to use finisher strip on windsheild rubber?, Aribert_Neumann, 07:20
- Re: Brake drums, Power British Performance Parts, Inc., 07:10
- Summery about ? on Rear Brake Drums, J&E, 06:49
- Removing stuck caliper pistons the safe and effective way, Karl Vacek, 06:11
- Re: Brake drums, David Massey, 06:11
- Rear Axle Thump???TR6, David Massey, 05:54
- Spit & TR master cyls, Terry & Cindy O'Beirne, 05:46
- Re: Brake drums, J&E, 05:40
January 09, 2000
- Re: Stuck piston in caliper -- what now?, kinderlehrer, 23:15
- Att: Ken Gano, Brad Kahler, 23:14
- TIPS: Al-fin brake drums, Musson, Carl, 22:00
- Re: TR 6 ~ TR250 ~ Spitfire Overdrive badge, SJagGo, 21:48
- RE: Grade A V/S grade B pistons..., Bob Hutton, 21:24
- Rebuilding Dash and Glove Box on TR3, David Moag, 21:20
- Re: Free stuff, Malcolm Walker, 21:13
- Re: Caliper piston UN-stuck! Thanks to all!, Malcolm Walker, 21:11
- Grade A V/S grade B pistons..., Jonathan Beaudoin, 21:08
- Sunday night success story (long), Ken Gano, 21:00
- looking for shane ingate, Peter Zaborski, 20:55
- Re: Update to Master Cylinder question #2, Jim, 19:32
- Summery about ? on Rear Brake Drums, J&E, 19:31
- Rear Axle Thump???TR6, D. Michael Scott, 19:28
- Re: Brake drums, Karl Vacek, 19:07
- Update to Master Cylinder question #2, Rob Switzer, 18:36
- Caliper piston UN-stuck! Thanks to all!, Jeff McNeal, 18:26
- ammeter question, David Massey, 18:09
- 74 TR6 - Voltage Drop, David Massey, 18:08
- help needed: TR6 PI filter info, Tony Gordon, 18:08
- Free stuff, KTRIUMPH, 17:43
- Rear drums, Peter Wilson, 17:36
- TR6 Rear Susp Job finished-Yeah!Thump question?, D. Michael Scott, 16:15
- Re: ammeter question, Randall, 16:03
- Stuck piston in caliper -- what now?, Jeff McNeal, 15:44
- RE: ammeter question, Jim Altman, 15:41
- Re: Last Message Sent, Power British Performance Parts, Inc., 15:01
- ammeter question, David Lee, 14:22
- Re: Need to use finisher strip on windsheild rubber?, Alan Myers, 14:19
- TR6 PI 73 brochure and "Car Driver" road test, Ian Viles, 13:33
- RE: Weber Web Address Please, Bill Miller, 13:19
- Painting chrome?, Beth & Ken, 12:22
- Need to use finisher strip on windsheild rubber?, Beth & Ken, 12:22
- Weber Web Address Please, JRossi727, 11:32
- 76 TR6 Wiring Question, Tom Di Iulio, 11:18
- Triple weber carbs-correcting ad, RX74EVR, 11:02
- 74 TR6 - Voltage Drop, GGanoung, 10:52
- Re: Brake drums, David Massey, 10:40
- Re: Last Message Sent, Andrew Mace, 10:37
- Last Message Sent, Power British Performance Parts, Inc., 10:01
- Re: Brake drums, Power British Performance Parts, Inc., 09:53
- Re: Frame-off restoration. Thanks plus a question, David Massey, 09:51
- Re: Leaking oil dampers -ZS CDSE's, levilevi, 09:50
- Leaking oil dampers- ZS CDSE's, David Massey, 09:49
- Re: TR3 brake update and new questions, Keith Thomsen, 09:41
- TR6-TR250 Triple weber setup for sale..., RX74EVR, 09:39
- Re: Leaking oil dampers -ZS CDSE's, Steve Nabors, 06:30
- Anybody unhappy with Minitor wheels?, Beth & Ken, 06:17
- (No Subject), Steve Nabors, 05:56
- 1147 owners....., Brad Kahler, 03:07
January 08, 2000
- Re: Help! w/TR3 Clutch slave mounting, Randall, 23:16
- Re: TR3 brake update and new questions, Dan Buettner, 23:01
- Re: Frame-off restoration. Thanks plus a question, St�phane St-Amant, 20:58
- Re: Leaking oil dampers- ZS CDSE's, levilevi, 20:20
- Re: Update to Master Cylinder rebuild question, Jim, 19:56
- Leaking oil dampers- ZS CDSE's, Steve Nabors, 19:42
- OD alert, levilevi, 19:33
- Re: way OT: Zappa on the list, Joe Curry, 18:32
- Re: way OT: Zappa on the list, Johnnystorm, 18:23
- Re: way OT: Zappa on the list, Johnnystorm, 18:23
- Re: WestCo Gel-Filled batteries - made by Matsushita Battery Industrial of Japan, Johnnystorm, 18:23
- Re: Real Fear, Johnnystorm, 18:22
- Re: TR4...Dove?, culture.virus, 18:19
- Panasport Wheels @ $160.00 each..Minilite Style, Z27407, 17:50
- Update to Master Cylinder rebuild question, Rob Switzer, 17:47
- Re: Help! w/TR3 Clutch slave mounting, KTRIUMPH, 16:47
- Optima Batteries, GuyotLeonF, 16:43
- Re: A close shave, Chip19474, 16:07
- VB is selling my wheels !!!!!, Beth & Ken, 16:06
- Free stuff, KTRIUMPH, 16:00
- Re: Help! w/TR3 Clutch slave mounting, Rob Robertson, 15:49
- TR4/TR6 door post pillars, Keith R. Stewart, 15:27
- Master Cylinder rebuild question, Rob Switzer, 15:03
- Re: Legal wear on drums?, Alan Myers, 14:49
- Re: 73 GT6 vacuum advance connections, SJagGo, 13:47
- TR3A Stuff-Parts Available, N197TR4, 13:46
- TR3 brake update and new questions, Roger Colson, 13:34
- Fw: norristown swap meet, Kai M. Radicke, 13:20
- RE: 240z aluminum brake drums for tr6s, Peter Zaborski, 13:15
- Re: 240z brake drums & rotor thickness, Alan Myers, 12:56
- Re: Bye Bye WestCo AGM battery & Moss-London!, jmwagner, 12:47
- Re: TR4...Dove?-I have one (corrections), T. R. Householder, 12:28
- Road trip phase 2, wallaces, 12:13
- Re: TR4...Dove?, T. R. Householder, 12:11
- Re: Rear Brake Drums interchangablity?, Power British Performance Parts, Inc., 10:58
- Legal wear on drums?, J&E, 10:56
- Rear Brake Drums interchangablity?, J&E, 10:37
- Help! w/TR3 Clutch slave mounting, Jim Bauder, 10:22
- re: radiator shroud, Roy, 09:55
- Any salvation for worn splines on wire wheel?, Jeff McNeal, 09:18
- Bye Bye WestCo AGM battery & Moss-London!, GuyotLeonF, 07:12
- 240z aluminum brake drums for tr6s, David Massey, 07:02
- Can't I just have my lugs rethreaded?, Beth & Ken, 06:42
- email address, John A. Simmons, 06:34
- rimmer exhaust, american english, british english, John A. Simmons, 06:29
- Rimmer Brothers SALE!, Cameron Greig, 03:34
January 07, 2000
- Re: 58 TR3A starter removal, Kinderlehrer, 23:16
- 240z aluminum brake drums for tr6s, Peter Zaborski, 21:07
- Re: Triumph Stag in British Car Magazine and on US Postage Stamps, Joe Curry, 20:27
- Triumph Stag in British Car Magazine and on US Postage Stamps, Creigtrium, 20:22
- RE: Buffett/Zappa, Jim Altman, 19:45
- Buffett/Zappa, Michael Ferguson, 18:26
- RE: A close>, Joe Worsley, 18:16
- Re: Fins to the Left...Buffett, TRIPHSTEVE, 18:01
- TR4...Dove?, Jim, 18:00
- The millenium & daily drivers, Musson, Carl, 17:43
- Unusual TR4 ad for sale on ebay, culture.virus, 17:31
- Re: Spit 4 sale, Power British Performance Parts, Inc., 17:28
- RE: Carburetors, Brian Sanborn, 17:11
- Take Pictures! Be Published!, Malcolm Walker, 16:53
- Re: FS 70 GT6+ Bonnet, Beth & Ken, 16:52
- Re: Spit 4 sale, Beth & Ken, 16:51
- RE: A close shave, DPaige, 16:07
- A close shave, Ian Viles, 15:58
- TR6 PI injector pipes and PRV, Ian Viles, 15:32
- Re: Re: way OT: Zappa on the list, DShoop7572, 15:18
- RE: way OT: Zappa on the list, MKatzHOPE, 14:33
- RE: way OT: Zappa on the list, Jim Altman, 13:51
- Re: Correction?, McGaheyRx, 13:30
- RE: apology, DPaige, 13:25
- Re: apology retracted..., Lftlesl, 12:48
- apology retracted..., Philip E. Barnes, 12:09
- apology, Philip E. Barnes, 11:53
- Correction?, MKatzHOPE, 11:31
- Zappa 7 Buffet 2 "Let's All get drunk and scr..", MKatzHOPE, 11:27
- Zappa/Buffet, Philip Smith, 11:08
- 58 TR3A starter removal, Ron E Marx, 11:07
- Re:Hot engine roughness and backfire, Bud Rolofson, 10:59
- Spitfire photo in the paper, Joe Flake, 10:56
- Re: Spitfire4 Driveshaft available, larry hooven, 10:29
- Re: Rotors -- (a bit long), Jim Bauder, 10:17
- RE: way OT: Zappa on the list, DPaige, 09:57
- Re: way OT: Zappa on the list, Lftlesl, 09:40
- Alternative seating, Westerdale, Bob, 09:36
- Re: Rotors -- worth saving? Procedures?, Jim Bauder, 09:29
- RE: TR3 Radiator Shroud, Musson, Carl, 09:21
- Re: TR3 Radiator Shroud, erl, 09:17
- Re: Spitfire4 Driveshaft available, T. R. Householder, 09:12
- Re: Rotors -- (a bit long), Brian Borgstede, 09:05
- Rotors -- worth saving? Procedures?, David Massey, 08:42
- FS 70 GT6+ Bonnet, Tim Greenlee, 08:31
- RE:Optima Batteries, Steve, 07:57
- Real Fear, ewcorco, 07:51
- Spit 4 sale, LBPB1, 06:25
- RE: Rotors -- worth saving? Procedures?, Andy Dixon, 06:15
- Zappa (Northerns), JRossi727, 06:02
- Re: Zappa (almost LBC), toad, 05:44
- Re: way OT: Zappa or Buffett fans on the list, McGaheyRx, 05:36
- It can't happen here..., Jim, 05:14
- RE: It Can't Happen Here!, Jim Altman, 04:52
- It Can't Happen Here!, MKatzHOPE, 04:43
- Re: Rotors -- worth saving? Procedures?, Randall, 02:22
- RE: pounds, headers, exhaust and thanks, Davies William-qswi646, 01:47
- RE: Triumph Dolomite, Davies William-qswi646, 01:42
- Re: Rotors -- (a bit long), Alan Myers, 01:17
- Re: Carburetters - Rebuilder recommendation, John Cowan, 00:55
January 06, 2000
- Re: TR Control Head, Kinderlehrer, 22:38
- Re: Rotors -- worth saving? Procedures?, Lonn and Rhonda, 22:33
- Re: Rotors -- worth saving? Procedures?, Bill Kelly, 22:01
- Rotors -- worth saving? Procedures?, Jeff McNeal, 21:19
- Re: way OT: Zappa or Buffett fans on the list, TRIPHSTEVE, 20:54
- Zappa (almost LBC), Mark Stahlke, 20:00
- Re: TR Zappa (non-LBC), Joe Donovan, 19:37
- Re: Hot engine roughness and backfire, Geo Hahn, 19:32
- Re: Real Fear, Jeff McNeal, 19:31
- Re: way OT: Zappa on the list, Geo Hahn, 19:21
- Re: way OT: Zappa on the list, karen hakala & tim hutchisen, 19:13
- Re: way OT: Zappa on the list, Joe Curry, 18:55
- RE: Real Fear, Andy Dixon, 18:48
- WestCo Gel-Filled batteries - made by Matsushita Battery Industrial of Japan, David Massey, 18:20
- Real Fear, David Massey, 18:20
- Re: Real Fear, George Richardson, 18:02
- Re: 5 prefix in Canada /TR2 thru wisc., Dave Quirt, 17:59
- Re: 5 prefix in Canada, Dave Quirt, 17:59
- RE: Dry Wash 'n Guard, Andy Dixon, 17:57
- Re: TR Control Head, George Richardson, 17:53
- Real Fear, Fred Thomas, 17:49
- WestCo Gel-Filled batteries - made by Matsushita Battery Industrialof Japan, GuyotLeonF, 17:40
- TR 4/4A Door-glass available, jmwagner, 17:36
- Carburetters, david orcutt, 17:35
- TR4 Owner Selling After 28 Years, CarlSereda, 17:32
- Spitfire4 Driveshaft available, jmwagner, 17:31
- Re: TR Control Head, T. R. Householder, 17:24
- RE: TR Control Head, Pete Ryner, 17:14
- Re: way OT: Zappa on the list, Bob Kramer, 16:56
- RE: Dry Wash 'n Guard, DPaige, 16:45
- Moving to ST. Louis and thanks, larry hooven, 16:39
- Re: TR-3 Replacement Floor Panels, McEwen, Art, 16:39
- WestCo Gel-Filled batteries, GuyotLeonF, 16:37
- Re: WestCo Gel-Filled batteries, Johnnystorm, 16:36
- WestCo Gel-Filled batteries, GuyotLeonF, 14:25
- Re: Bad, bad auto-related joke, Gogostag, 13:41
- Re: WestCo Gel-filled batteries, GuyotLeonF, 13:41
- Re: Roadster Factory wire wheel adaptor hub questions, Brian Sanborn, 13:05
- TR3A Rear Seat, Jeff.A.Williamson, 11:52
- pounds, headers, exhaust and thanks, John A. Simmons, 11:52
- Triumph Dolomite, Mark the Shark, 11:38
- Hot engine roughness and backfire, Glen Sapilewski, 11:32
- Dry Wash 'n Guard, Erkan Hassan, 11:28
- TR-2,3,4A - Double clutching, heel and toe shifting., John Cowan, 11:22
- RE: Roadster Factory wire wheel adaptor hub questions, Dennis Lambert, 10:45
- RE: TR3 Radiator Shroud, Westerdale, Bob, 10:41
- RE: Roadster Factory wire wheel adaptor hub questions, Westerdale, Bob, 10:29
- Bad, bad auto-related joke, Sumner Weisman, 10:27
- Re: TR3 Radiator Shroud, Randall, 10:15
- RE:Westco Battery, now Optima, Steve, 09:37
- Roadster Factory wire wheel adaptor hub questions, Davgil, 09:34
- FS Grille for TR6, Cliff Davies, 09:27
- tr6 boot cover, RaceF1, 09:02
- way OT: Zappa on the list, Philip E. Barnes, 08:58
- TR3 Radiator Shroud, Jeff.A.Williamson, 08:52
- Re: fume hood, Jeff Scarbrough, 08:49
- fume hood, Janssen, Lee K, 08:28
- Re: TR6 Oil filter adaptor, Joe Curry, 07:25
- TR6 Oil filter adaptor, Saeed Tavana, 07:17
- Re: Mid Ohio Triumph Panorama, Keith A. Edwards, 05:37
- tr6 trim rings, was: Westco gel-filled batteries, John A. Simmons, 05:33
- RE:, Davies William-qswi646, 04:27
- Re:, John Macartney, 04:10
- Re: Comm number PI to carb, John Macartney, 04:10
- Re: W.C. Fields, David.Griffiths, 03:17
- [Fwd: Questions], C.A.J. Thomkins, 02:59
- Re: TR Control Head, Randall, 02:36
- FW: TR Control Head, Davies William-qswi646, 02:34
- TR Control Head, John Gillis, 02:11
- Re: Oil Pressure, Randall, 01:59
- Re: "5" prefix on 4A in Canada, John Macartney, 01:15
January 05, 2000
- R/R rusted floorpans, Jeff McNeal, 23:49
- Even more cars on the TR list site!, Dan Buettner, 23:34
- Oil Pressure, David Lee, 23:03
- Re: 5 prefix in Canada/ STC not Triumph, T. R. Householder, 22:07
- Re: 5 prefix in Canada/ STC not Triumph, Joe Curry, 22:00
- Re: 5 prefix in Canada/ STC not Triumph, T. R. Householder, 21:22
- Re: Fw: pounds opposed to dollars, Joe Curry, 21:02
- Fw: pounds opposed to dollars, Michael Marr, 20:56
- Re: pounds opposed to dollars, MOWOGMAN, 20:39
- Re: 5 prefix in Canada, Joe Curry, 20:37
- Question...., Phil @ Home, 20:36
- Re: Comm number PI to carb, McGaheyRx, 20:25
- Re: "5" prefix on 4A in Canada, Joe Curry, 20:18
- Re: 5 prefix in Canada /TR2 thru wisc., T. R. Householder, 20:05
- It's like Christmas every week, Paul Schneider, 19:45
- RE: Flick Wipe, Tony Rhodes, 19:45
- Re: 5 prefix in Canada, Dave Quirt, 19:17
- "5" on 4A Canada, John Macartney, 18:54
- Comm number PI to carb, John Macartney, 18:54
- RE: TRF Bashing vs. Mcdonalds and mom with quote, T. R. Householder, 18:37
- Re: "5" prefix on 4A in Canada, Johnnystorm, 18:22
- Re: TRF bashing vs McDonalds and mom, T. R. Householder, 18:16
- "5" prefix on 4A in Canada, John Macartney, 18:09
- RE: TRF bashing, Greg Tobin, 17:45
- Re: Mid Ohio Triumph Panorama, T. R. Householder, 17:41
- WestCo Gel-filled batteries, GuyotLeonF, 17:19
- Trade late GT6 rear carpet for an early one, Beth & Ken, 16:49
- Re: Location of GT6+, Beth & Ken, 16:31
- RE: tr6 coil ballast?, Randall Young, 16:18
- air conditioner tr6, Crazeecooter, 16:05
- Re: W.C. Fields, David Massey, 15:52
- RE: Flick wipers for Lucas 2 speed, Randall Young, 15:46
- WestCo Gel-filled battery, GuyotLeonF, 15:22
- Re: Mid Ohio Triumph Panorama, john donohoe, 15:05
- Special Interest carpets-- any good?, Douglas Frank, 14:53
- [no subject], Joe Worsley, 14:42
- Clutch Component Whistle, Gary & Priscilla Klein, 14:41
- pounds, headers, exhaust and thanks, David Massey, 14:24
- st. louis, no lbc content (well some), larry hooven, 14:11
- Re: W.C. Fields, Robert Carley, 13:32
- pounds opposed to dollars, David Massey, 13:15
- Flick wipers for Lucas 2 speed, David Massey, 13:14
- pounds, headers, exhaust and thanks, John A. Simmons, 12:54
- RE: pounds opposed to dollars, MPRICE, 12:24
- Re: pounds opposed to dollars, , 12:16
- TR6 Oil filter adaptor, David Massey, 12:11
- re: speedo cable TR6, Glenn Rattmann, 11:44
- Re: pounds opposed to dollars, Brian Sanborn, 11:31
- Re: 5 prefix in Canada, wallaces, 11:24
- pounds opposed to dollars, John A. Simmons, 11:21
- Re: TR6 Oil filter adaptor, Brian Sanborn, 11:17
- Flick wipers for Lucas 2 speed, Dave Terrick, 11:16
- tr6 coil ballast?, Glenn Rattmann, 10:47
- tr6 trim rings, was: Westco gel-filled batteries, Peter Zaborski, 09:48
- RE: Westco gel-filled batteries, Day.John, 09:36
- Westco gel-filled batteries, Arakelian, Peter, 09:31
- Re: W.C. Fields, Jeff Scarbrough, 09:09
- Re: Heater control flaps (aka testicooler pullers), David Massey, 09:06
- TR6 Oil filter adaptor, Saeed Tavana, 09:05
- comm. numbers, PI vs. carb, Philip E. Barnes, 08:40
- Re: Location of GT6, in the W.C., Peter Edmands, 08:24
- Re: 5 prefix in Canada, Joe Curry, 08:22
- Re: 5 prefix in Canada, Jeff Scarbrough, 08:15
- Re: W.C. Fields, Robert J Carley, 08:05
- Re: Location of GT6+, , 08:04
- Re: 5 prefix in Canada, Joe Curry, 07:57
- Re: Triumph List Hats, RALPH JANNELLI, 07:53
- Re: storm, Joe Curry, 07:48
- Re: Location of GT6+, Lawrence Schilling, 07:30
- Re: Location of GT6+, McGaheyRx, 07:27
- Re: Location of GT6+, Power British Performance Parts, Inc., 06:52
- 5 prefix in Canada, wallaces, 06:39
- NFI, Day.John, 05:41
- RE: storm, Mitchell, Douglas (D.B.), 05:36
- Re: TR-3 Replacement Floor Panels, Gbouff1, 05:15
- storm, Fred Thomas, 04:51
- Re: Ammeter Fluctuations and Trunks, Randall, 01:17
- TR3 gas tanks, Brad Kahler, 00:58
January 04, 2000
- TR-3 Replacement Floor Panels, Bill Brewer, 22:56
- Re: TR3 repair to lower control arms, Bill Brewer, 22:44
- Re: Location of GT6+ and W.C., Don Kerr, 21:53
- Re: Location of GT6, in the W.C., Don Kerr, 21:30
- Re: Location of GT6+, Jeff Johnson, 21:05
- Re: Off List searching for LBCs, Don Kerr, 20:54
- Re: Location of GT6+, Edward Hamilton, 20:29
- PI parts needed: Big Triumph/TR5/6, Tony Gordon, 20:18
- RE: Eureka!, jack, 18:47
- Re: Heater control flaps (aka testicooler pullers), John Macartney, 18:45
- Re: Location of GT6+, Joe Curry, 18:14
- Off List searching for LBCs, Gbouff1, 17:34
- Re: Location of GT6+, Don Kerr, 17:22
- Re: Ammeter Fluctuations and Trunks, fogbro1, 17:17
- RE: Location of GT6+, Westerdale, Bob, 17:17
- Re: Location of GT6+, Joe Curry, 17:10
- Flick Wipe, David Massey, 17:08
- headers & spedo cables, David Massey, 17:08
- Moving and storing a TR3 and its parts, Tom Rippel, 17:05
- Re: Location of GT6+, Beth & Ken, 16:43
- "5" prefix on a TR4a in Canada, David Massey, 16:20
- Re: I meant 'Rules' were made to be broken!, T. R. Householder, 16:01
- manifold, Kilgore Trout, 15:57
- re. Front Suspension, David Hill, 15:51
- Flick Wipe, David Hill, 15:51
- Re: I meant 'Rules' were made to be broken!, Andrew Mace, 15:06
- Re: I meant 'Rules' were made to be broken!, Joe Curry, 15:00
- RE: tr6 spark plug gap, Randall Young, 14:36
- Re: Are You in My Garage?, T. R. Householder, 14:26
- Are You in My Garage?, Geo Hahn, 14:01
- Re: WestCo gel-filled batteries, GuyotLeonF, 13:52
- Re: TR3A Hood Questions, Geo Hahn, 13:45
- I meant 'Rules' were made to be broken!, Day.John, 13:41
- RE: "5" prefix on a TR4a in Canada, Day.John, 13:39
- Re: "5" prefix on a TR4a in Canada, Geo Hahn, 13:30
- Re: Location of GT6+, Power British Performance Parts, Inc., 13:11
- headers & spedo cables, Crazeecooter, 13:10
- Location of GT6+, Adam Holland/Carol Feeney, 13:06
- RE: TR6 front tire scrub, Westerdale, Bob, 12:28
- RE: I Like TRF, Murry Mercier, 12:12
- Re: TR3 Idles Too High, T. R. Householder, 12:10
- RE: "5" prefix on a TR4a in Canada, Day.John, 11:53
- Re: sidetracked postings, Adrian Dix-Dyer, 11:53
- Re: Questions about GT6+ for sale, Douglas Frank, 11:44
- "5" prefix on a TR4a in Canada, Dave Terrick, 11:42
- TR3 Idles Too High, David Massey, 11:32
- TR3A Hood Questions, Jeff.A.Williamson, 11:32
- Re: TR3 Idles Too High, Brian Sanborn, 11:24
- Re: question about "5" prefix on TR4a serial #, T. R. Householder, 11:22
- Re: tr6 spark plug gap, Steve Darby, 11:00
- question about "5" prefix on TR4a serial #, Dave Terrick, 10:52
- TR6 front tire scrub, djc.tr6, 10:49
- Re: TR3 Idles Too High, Don Kerr, 10:26
- Re: tr6 spark plug gap, Don Kerr, 10:19
- Re: tr6 spark plug gapi cock up!, Don Kerr, 10:12
- TR3 repair to lower control arms, Angelo Graham, 10:04
- Fwd: TR4 For Sale, ArthurK101, 09:15
- TR3 Idles Too High, Jeff.A.Williamson, 08:36
- Re: tr6 spark plug gap, Don Kerr, 08:27
- Heater control flaps (aka testicooler pullers), David Massey, 08:26
- Re: WestCo gel-filled batteries, David Massey, 08:26
- Re: tr6 spark plug gap, Don Kerr, 08:20
- Re: TRF winter sale, Brian Sanborn, 07:53
- Re: TR4/250/6 Transmission countershaft madness, John Dowson, 07:43
- Re: TR4/250/6 Transmission countershaft madness, Power British Performance Parts, Inc., 07:33
- RE: Musson's mystery car ANSWERS., Musson, Carl, 07:32
- Triumph List Hats, RALPH JANNELLI, 06:51
- TR6 dieseling fix, Jack W Drews, 06:26
- TR6 Seatbelts, Ken Waringa, 06:03
- Re: HUMOUR NO LBC, Chip19474, 05:58
- Heater control flaps (aka testicooler pullers), John Macartney, 02:15
- Re: tr6 spark plug gap, David Greed, 02:04
- Re: TR4A in kit form, David Greed, 02:04
January 03, 2000
- Re: TRF winter sale, Scoti, 23:26
- Re: tr6 spark plug gap, Jeff Nathanson, 23:23
- TRF winter sale, Brad Kahler, 23:07
- Re: WestCo gel-filled batteries, Bob Jones, 22:32
- Re: Rebuilding lever shocks, Alan Myers, 21:44
- Re: Heater Fan Question and Suggestions (long), suhring, 20:49
- Rebuilding lever shocks, Kyle K. Rice, 20:46
- RE: Everthing you thought you knew about QUALITY., Randall Young, 19:42
- Re: Planned road trip, Thomas Fansher, 19:38
- tr6 spark plug gap, Sandy Levine, 19:22
- Re: Heater Fan Question and Suggestions (long), levilevi, 18:16
- TR4/250/6 Transmission countershaft madness, Tony Rhodes, 18:14
- Re: Is Internet Working?, CarlSereda, 17:01
- Re: TRF, Germans caring for British history, John Macartney, 16:57
- RE: Heater Fan Question and Suggestions (long), Roger Helman, 16:51
- Re: weather, KTRIUMPH, 16:33
- Questions about GT6+ for sale, Adam Holland/Carol Feeney, 16:32
- HUMOUR NO LBC, Fred Thomas, 16:20
- Re: Musson's mystery car ANSWERS., Don Kerr, 16:10
- Re: TR4A in kit form/BLACK JACKS, Don Kerr, 15:41
- re: TRF, Germans caring for British history, Steven Newell, 15:19
- Re: Musson's mystery car, Kevin Rhodes, 14:56
- Re: TR4A in kit form, Michael Marr, 14:53
- Trade [TR7 conv.] for TR3 (fwd), Andrew Mace, 14:53
- TR4A in kit form, John Macartney, 14:28
- Musson's mystery car, T. R. Householder, 14:19
- observation, Philip E. Barnes, 14:05
- Planned road trip, David Massey, 13:44
- Looking for Car Trailer in WI/IL, David Massey, 13:43
- Re: radio / TR6, Jeff Nathanson, 13:38
- Re: SAH, iron_horse819, 13:36
- radio / TR6, John A. Simmons, 13:06
- insanity test, Janssen, Lee K, 12:13
- Planned road trip, wallaces, 12:08
- Mini-Lite Wheels for TR3, Jeff.A.Williamson, 12:05
- Looking for Car Trailer in WI/IL, Bill Elliott, 11:50
- Re: TR6 Clutch advice - TOB, Roger Bolick, 11:37
- test only, Jim Bauder, 11:11
- Scuttle Vent, Ct54531, 10:11
- Re: Heater Fan Question and Suggestions (long), David Massey, 10:02
- Re: Strange story about TR3's loads, David Massey, 09:59
- Re: Heater Fan Question and Suggestions (long), Philip E. Barnes, 09:50
- re: spit/gt6 limited slip, Allen Patterson, 09:40
- Heater Fan Question and Suggestions (long), Bud Rolofson, 09:32
- Re: Year 2000, Mark the Shark, 09:00
- TR 4, TR250, TR 6 transmission countershaft madness, Janssen, Lee K, 08:29
- Re: Strange story about TR3's loads, Joe Curry, 07:50
- TR6 Front suspension, Steven Hammer, 07:45
- Rear wing removal & replacement on an 76 TR-6 boundary="------------C945A9CDE98405C146506C4C", David Massey, 07:38
- Leaning rear tire after suspension rebuild/TR6, David Massey, 07:28
- Re: Strange story about TR3's loads, David Massey, 07:28
- Ammeter Fluctuations, David Massey, 07:28
- Rear wing removal & replacement on an 76 TR-6boundary="------------C945A9CDE98405C146506C4C", Bob Greene, 07:05
- Hawk HPS pads, was: Re: Brake pads (turned into part three!), Aribert_Neumann, 06:41
- Fuel gauge sending unit float and bonnet release cable problems, Davgil, 06:40
- Re: TR4A Radiator, Roger Colson, 06:00
- weather, Fred Thomas, 04:46
- Re: Year 2000, Mark Kinlocke, 04:14
- Public apology, Randall, 01:52
- Re: Ammeter Fluctuations, Randall, 00:33
- Re: Insulting comments, levilevi, 00:13
January 02, 2000
- Spit gearbox, SpitRacer9, 23:40
- Leaning rear tire after suspension rebuild/TR6, D. Michael Scott, 21:46
- Ammeter Fluctuations, Paul Brandsema, 21:14
- re: sidetracked postings, Roy, 20:32
- Spitfire Database Upload, Joe Curry, 20:12
- Re: Year 2000, Philip Smith, 19:41
- Re: The Roadster Factory - Business Practices, Jim Davis, 19:38
- Re: Year 2000, Thomas Fansher, 19:35
- immediate retraction......, bill williams, 19:21
- Re: Insulting comments, Don Kerr, 19:17
- Re: Strange story about TR3's loads, Don Kerr, 19:15
- Re: Insulting comments.RULES and REGULATIONS, Don Kerr, 19:03
- Austalian list member, David Massey, 18:51
- RE: Eureka!, David Massey, 18:51
- Re: Strange story about TR3's, David Massey, 18:51
- Re: Year 2000, Philip Smith, 18:42
- Re: Is Internet Working?, Philip Smith, 18:35
- Re: Insulting comments, Jim Bauder, 18:01
- TR4A radiator, L. Metelko, 17:32
- Re: TR4/TR6 door post pillars, Malcolm Walker, 17:16
- Austalian list member, T. R. Householder, 17:14
- TR4/TR6 door post pillars, Michael D. Porter, 17:08
- Re: TR6 CLUTCH REPLACEMENT, Trmgafun, 16:44
- Re: Clutch advice, fogbro1, 16:43
- RE: Eureka!, Jim Altman, 16:17
- Re: Strange story about TR3's, Beth & Ken, 16:10
- Eureka!, David Massey, 15:57
- Re: Strange story about TR3's, David Massey, 15:57
- several new people on the TR site, Dan Buettner, 15:24
- 69 TR-6, Lee Waters, 15:00
- gearbox conversion, bill williams, 14:53
- Re: Clutch advice, Kai M. Radicke, 14:53
- Eureka!, Jim Altman, 14:36
- Re: TR2/3/44 engine part needed, Geo Hahn, 14:31
- This and that, John Macartney, 14:23
- TR6 CLUTCH REPLACEMENT (fwd), Andrew Mace, 14:18
- off-line, Bob Kamholtz, 14:02
- WestCo gel-filled batteries, GuyotLeonF, 13:10
- Brake pads (turned into part three!), GuyotLeonF, 13:10
- Triumphs, Christians, Conspiracy Theorists & Charles Runyan, Bill Brewer, 12:26
- Clutch advice, karen hakala & tim hutchisen, 12:17
- Year 2000, Thomas Fansher, 12:12
- Re: The Roadster Factory - Business Practices, Lftlesl, 12:12
- Re: New Years Day Run, T. R. Householder, 12:08
- Re: Strange story about TR3's, Fred Thomas, 11:23
- RE: wind wings for TR4/250/6, AKATR5, 09:13
- Re: Strange story about TR3's, Jeff McNeal, 08:55
- Insulting comments, wallaces, 08:24
- Re: TRF-hopefully the last word?, TRIPHSTEVE, 08:21
- Strange story about TR3's, Dick Dell, 07:25
- Re: The Roadster Factory Business Practices - A final thought, Radley's, 07:23
- New Years Day Run, KTRIUMPH, 06:34
- GT6 database, Sam Gentry, 05:59
- spit/gt6 limited slip diff, Terry & Cindy O'Beirne, 02:44
January 01, 2000
- Re: Y2K, Xmas Greetings, TR's, Etc, Ah3thou, 22:40
- Re: TR6 rear suspension bushes, D. Michael Scott, 22:03
- Re: Y2K, Xmas Greetings, TR's, Etc, David Massey, 22:02
- 71 TR6s, David Massey, 22:01
- wind wings, David Massey, 22:00
- Re: Help needed: TR6 door seal fitting, Tony Gordon, 21:54
- RE: Peabody, MA, Brad Kahler, 21:37
- RE: Peabody, MA, David Massey, 21:29
- RE: 71 TR6s, Jim Altman, 20:39
- Re: Y2K, Xmas Greetings, TR's, Etc, Randall, 20:27
- Re: Is Internet Working?, Malcolm Walker, 19:54
- Is Internet Working?, CarlSereda, 19:46
- Y2K, Xmas Greetings, TR's, Etc, Bill Brewer, 19:40
- 71 TR6s, levilevi, 19:25
- Peabody......taken care of - thanks!, Brad Kahler, 19:24
- Re: TR2/3/44 engine part needed, Don Kerr, 19:22
- Re: MASTER CYLINDER (fwd), Don Kerr, 19:17
- wind wings, John A. Simmons, 19:05
- TR2/3/44 engine part needed, Ken Gano, 18:56
- MASTER CYLINDER (fwd), Andrew Mace, 18:00
- Re: Peabody, MA, Brad Kahler, 17:21
- Re: Peabody, MA, Brad Kahler, 17:17
- Re: Peabody, MA, Brad Kahler, 17:15
- Re: Peabody, MA, David Massey, 16:43
- RE: TR6 rear suspension bushes, David Massey, 16:39
- RE: Peabody, MA, Brian Sanborn, 16:38
- Need GT6 Rotoflex Upper Shock mounts, Joe Curry, 16:33
- Teardpwn of GT6 Completed, Joe Curry, 16:32
- Re: Peabody, MA, Fred Thomas, 16:22
- wind wings, John A. Simmons, 16:05
- Peabody, MA, Brad Kahler, 15:32
- Re: Triumph is reborn for the 21st Century, , 15:24
- Help needed: TR6 door seal fitting, Tony Gordon, 15:20
- Strombergs, Barrie Robinson, 14:43
- RE: TR6 rear suspension bushes, Gary & Priscilla Klein, 14:42
- Re: Advice About Auto Transporters (long), Michael D. Porter, 13:37
- Re: G-Tech performance meter??, Beth & Ken, 13:00
- Re: Triumph is reborn for the 21st Century, Mark the Shark, 12:58
- Re: Triumph is reborn for the 21st Century, David Massey, 12:58
- Re: Triumph is reborn for the 21st Century, Mark Milotay, 12:46
- Re: 77 years A.T., GuyotLeonF, 12:46
- Ferris Wheel, Jack W Drews, 12:37
- Advice About Auto Transporters (long), Jeff McNeal, 12:16
- Re: Triumph is reborn for the 21st Century, Joe Curry, 12:03
- TR3 trans fit, T. R. Householder, 11:12
- Re: Spring Height, Bob Lang, 09:58
- Re: The Roadster Factory - Business Practices, R. John Lye, 09:52
- RE: The Roadster Factory - Business Practices, Rob C Swift, 08:46
- later TR6 gearbox in early TR3?, Dan Buettner, 08:29
- G-Tech performance meter??, Rikrock, 08:25
- Re: the New Year, Thomas Fansher, 08:17
- Triumph is reborn for the 21st Century, John Macartney, 08:01
- TRF (Hopefully end of comments), Sumner Weisman, 07:58
- Happy we are all still communicating!, GuyotLeonF, 07:08
- Happy New Year and Thanks, Brian Sanborn, 06:59
- Re: TR3 Help, KTRIUMPH, 06:44
- Re: TR3 Help, David Massey, 05:59
- Happy Millennium, David Massey, 05:40
- Re: TR3 Help, Fred Thomas, 03:49
- Re: TR3 Help, Randall, 02:48
- Re: The Roadster Factory - Business Practices, Randall, 02:38
- Brads New Year, Ken Gano, 00:56