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To: "'John Macartney'" <>, Joe Curry <>
Subject: RE:
From: Davies William-qswi646 <>
Date: Thu, 6 Jan 2000 11:25:09 -0000 charset="iso-8859-1"
Cc: Triumph Mailing List <>
        I thought that Herald production switched from the old to the new
assembly hall sometime in late 1959 or 1960? Having said that, my only
source for this information came from a certain prolific author....

> 'Fraid you're wrong, buddy. When The Rocket Range was opened 
> in late 1958 to manufacture
> the Herald it was one of or probably the most modern and up 
> to date car assembly facility
> in the world with many visitors from other plants in the US, 
> Europe and Japan coming for a
> look see and to gasp in amazement.

                            This Message sent by: 
   /                  \     William Davies 
  /                    \    Total Triumph Enthusiast 
 __ __________________ __ 
/  \  ______  ______  /  \  1959 Herald 948 Coup� Y128
\__/  \     ||     /  \__/  1959 Herald 948 Coup� 
|    A \____||____/ A    |  1959 Herald 948 Saloon
| =  H              H  = |  1960 Herald 948 Saloon Export 
=====U==============U=====  1961 Herald 'S'
\________________________/  1964 Herald 1200 Saloon 
 | |                  | |   1970 Spitfire MkIII
 |_|                  |_|   1973 Spitfire MkIV
                            1959 Standard Atlas Pickup

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  • RE:, Davies William-qswi646 <=