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TR-6 Trailing Arms Brackets

To: "''" <>
Subject: TR-6 Trailing Arms Brackets
From: Jim Hill <>
Date: Wed, 19 Jan 2000 02:03:55 -0600
Cc: "''" <>
John wrote:

>TR-6 has three trailing arm brackets. 
>One notch, two notch, and a three notch 
>brackets. Which goes on outside and 
>which on inside? 

This comes up every six months or so, and the answer is "it depends on how
you want the rear end aligned". In addition to spring length, you can adjust
the camber of the rear wheels to some extent by how you position the
trailing arm brackets.

And it's more complicated than just the 1, 2 and 3 notches, since each of
those brackets can be installed upside down - and each notch/position
combination is different. 

With three types of brackets and two positions for each bracket, there are a
total of 6 combinations for each bracket. Since each trailing arm has two
brackets, there are 6 x 6 = 36 possible combinations for each trailing arm.

Depending on the condition of the car and the frame, you may well have to
use different combinations on each side to get both rear wheels to have the
same camber. Just as you may need to use different shims between the
brackets and the frame to get the correct toe-in.

Someone on the list took the time to post all the permutations, but I don't
have my copy at the moment. Hopefully someone will post it again.

Probably more than you really wanted to know . . .

Jim Hill
Madison WI

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