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Re: VAT and parts from England

To: Jeff Johnson <>,
Subject: Re: VAT and parts from England
From: "Michael D. Porter" <>
Date: Sat, 22 Jan 2000 14:41:09 -0700
Organization: Barely enough
References: <00ad01bf64f1$d9321fe0$5b18a5d1@w3a1z0> <>

Jeff Johnson wrote:

> We in the US are not subject to VAT as is commonly applied in European
> countries. Nor should your friend have to pay any tariffs or import
> duties. I have purchased several things from Rimmer Bros, UK and have
> not had to pay any duties. YMMV,

Jeff--I suspect that you paid them, even though you were not aware of
paying them. The larger companies in England usually ship containerized
parts by air to the east coast about once a week or whenever they have a
full container, and they have their own agent there to arrange for
customs checks, duties and land shipping. Depending upon how those items
are shipped, the duties may be bundled with the shipping charges when
the item leaves the port of entry. If they aren't itemized, you may
never notice. If the item is delivered from the port of entry by USPS,
duties are itemized as COD charges by the postal service. That's been
true of parts I bought from England in 1975 and in 1993 which were
land-shipped by mail.

But, I think a check with US Customs will convince you that duties are
required on many items from the British Isles, including repair parts
and accessories. Because the UK enjoys most-favored nation trade status
with us, the rate is very nominal (not sure what it is now, but was
around 6-1/2 to 7% a while back).

You are, however, quite right about VAT, if the item is sold by mail
order for export and is shipped to an American port of entry. 

If the item is personally purchased in England with the intention of
export, the retailer must still charge VAT, and it is at the retailer's
option to provide a VAT return form which is presented to customs at the
time one leaves the country. The form is stamped by UK customs, and the
form then must be mailed to the retailer, or, if the retailer
participates with a VAT refund service, there are a number of VAT refund
services at ports of exit, who pay the VAT immediately, minus a charge.



Michael D. Porter
Roswell, NM

`70 GT6+ (being refurbished, slowly)
`71 GT6 Mk. III (organ donor)
`72 GT6 Mk. III (daily driver)
`64 TR4 (awaiting intensive care)

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