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RE: TR6 rear suspension bushes

To: Gary & Priscilla Klein <>
Subject: RE: TR6 rear suspension bushes
From: David Massey <>
Date: Sat, 1 Jan 2000 18:36:00 -0500
Cc: TR Newsgroup <> charset=ISO-8859-1
Message text written by Gary & Priscilla Klein

In response to Dave's reply to Paul Mitchell, I'd like to recommend an
alternative to using WD40 on rubber bushes.  I'm not a chemist but to
me, this mixture of materials doesn't seem like a good idea to help
insure the long-term quality of the rubber.

The alternative which I've used, that should not present any problem
whatsoever, is liquid dishwashing soap.


Fair enough.  I suggested WD40 since it is a silicone oil and won't harm
the rubber but the dish detergent will evaporate and leave your bushes
firmly planted so they won't creep and the next guy changing them will
curse you as you curse the one who put in the ones you are taking out now. 
;-)  The WD 40 might stay slick long enough for the bushings to slip around
on you.


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