oletrucks (date)
January 31, 2002
- Re: [oletrucks] Fw: blow out oil, Doug Pewterbaugh, 21:31
- [oletrucks] Will 59 cab work with 57 front clip?, MIKE LAMBERT, 21:18
- Re: [oletrucks] Spare tire carrier for AD, Doug Pewterbaugh, 19:29
- [oletrucks] New Webpage address!, A&LQuin, 16:47
- [oletrucks] 58 Chev, Donovan Weber, 16:35
- FW: [oletrucks] Wheel pictures, Joe Stonecypher, 14:36
- Re: [oletrucks] Adjusting valves, Tinker, 13:55
- Re: [oletrucks] Compression Ratio and Pump Gas, Jim Nordwall, 10:57
- Re: [oletrucks] Fw: blow out oil, Boteler Family, 09:09
- RE: [oletrucks] Wheel pictures, Durwood B. Darbin, 08:20
- [oletrucks] 1950 Truck for sale, THE BROWNS, 07:50
- RE: [oletrucks] Adjusting valves, William Gray, 04:20
- [oletrucks] Big GMC manuals on Diesel, Gary Perry, 01:34
January 30, 2002
- Re: [oletrucks] Compression Ratio and Pump Gas, jimmy, 21:38
- RE: [oletrucks] Wheel pictures, Rich Kinas, 20:05
- RE: [oletrucks] Wheel pictures -- USE THIS LINK -- Where's in, Brian Stephens, 20:01
- RE: [oletrucks] Wheel pictures -- USE THIS LINK, Rich Kinas, 20:00
- [oletrucks] RE: 55-57 Wide Whitewalls, Rich Kinas, 19:58
- Re: [oletrucks] Adjusting valves, Tinker, 17:40
- Re: [oletrucks] Compression Ratio and Pump Gas, Tinker, 17:40
- Re: [oletrucks] V8 your AD, william moldenhauer, 16:49
- RE: [oletrucks] Wheel pictures -- USE THIS LINK -- Where's in, Pierce, Andrew, 15:05
- Re: [oletrucks] V8 your AD, Jon, 13:22
- Re: [oletrucks] Wheel pictures, Durwood B. Darbin, 12:58
- Re: [oletrucks] Compression Ratio and Pump Gas, rwelch, 11:36
- Re: [oletrucks] Adjusting valves, Dana Muise, 10:51
- [oletrucks] 55-57 Wide Whitewalls, McGillis, 09:54
- Re: [oletrucks] 216 to 235 swap, Allen Jones, 09:49
- RE: [oletrucks] Adjusting valves, William Gray, 09:47
- RE: [oletrucks] Adjusting valves, William Gray, 09:43
- [oletrucks] Compression Ratio and Pump Gas, Terry Stellman, 08:48
- RE: [oletrucks] Wheel pictures -- USE THIS LINK, Pierce, Andrew, 08:38
- RE: [oletrucks] V8 your AD, Hanlon, Bill, 08:02
- Re: [oletrucks] V8 your AD, Ribbit2, 07:43
- Re: [oletrucks] 1959 steering box, Ribbit2, 06:44
- [oletrucks] 1959 steering box, Vernon Vessell, 05:55
January 29, 2002
- [oletrucks] V8 your AD, WILHELM GORDON, 23:30
- Re: [oletrucks] 216 to 235 swap, Thomas Allen, 22:19
- [oletrucks] 216 to 235 swap, Pete, 19:25
- [oletrucks] Adjusting valves, Rob J., 19:02
- [oletrucks] Wheel pictures, Rich Kinas, 18:04
- [oletrucks] Project Web Site, bwiet, 16:41
- [oletrucks] Carl and Becky Hams address?, Gary Perry, 13:59
- [oletrucks] 283 Draft Tube, McGillis, 10:24
- Re: [oletrucks] Spare tire carrier for AD, CHARLES_A._CLARK, 07:59
- [oletrucks] new photos from my party!, chevy, 05:31
- Re: [oletrucks] Bumper talk, Doug Pewterbaugh, 04:03
January 28, 2002
- [oletrucks] Website Update, Squatch56, 23:11
- Re: [oletrucks] Spare tire carrier for AD, Doug Pewterbaugh, 22:34
- RE: [oletrucks] new photos from my party!, Antonio R. Tijerino, 22:34
- Re: [oletrucks] new photos from my party!, Conrad Vogel, 22:25
- Re: [oletrucks] new photos from my party!, A&LQuin, 22:12
- RE: [oletrucks] new photos from my party!, AKBurke, 22:05
- RE: [oletrucks] new photos from my party!, AKBurke, 22:03
- RE: [oletrucks] new photos from my party!, Antonio R. Tijerino, 22:00
- Re: [oletrucks] new photos from my party!, Conrad Vogel, 21:58
- [oletrucks] new photos from my party!, Alan_Quin, 21:22
- RE: [oletrucks] saginaw trans, William Gray, 16:31
- RE: [oletrucks] Fan CFM, Schorn, Tim, 16:00
- [oletrucks] BillyBob Update, Larry R. Kephart, 14:20
- Re: [oletrucks] Fan CFM, CHARLES_A._CLARK, 13:41
- Re: [oletrucks] 48-53 Battery on Firewall, Doug Pewterbaugh, 12:05
- Re: [oletrucks] Fan CFM, Thomas Allen, 11:56
- [oletrucks] Fan CFM, NTemple46, 08:21
- [oletrucks] Bumper talk, Mark Self, 06:56
- RE: [oletrucks] Bumper Question, Hanlon, Bill, 06:53
- Re: [oletrucks] 48-53 Battery on Firewall, Greg Green, 06:41
- RE: [oletrucks] E-brake help, William Gray, 05:43
- RE: [oletrucks] saginaw trans, William Gray, 05:28
January 27, 2002
- [oletrucks] rims, Wdonohoe1, 23:02
- [oletrucks] rims, Wdonohoe1, 22:39
- [oletrucks] Re: oletrucks-digest V2 #1532, Edward Miller, 22:14
- [oletrucks] Re: oletrucks-digest V2 #1531, Edward Miller, 22:11
- [oletrucks] saginaw trans, Karen Magill, 21:32
- [oletrucks] Follow-up for message about TF truck tire size, Carl & Becky Ham, 21:11
- Re: [oletrucks] serial #s, Bob Fischer, 20:47
- Fwd: [oletrucks] bumper for TF, Ie61pah, 18:47
- [oletrucks] GMC Manual, Gary Perry, 17:25
- [oletrucks] 327 vent pipe?, laurie, 16:37
- [oletrucks] Fw: canister for wipers, Ronald I. Givens, 15:18
- [oletrucks] Fw: blow out oil, Ronald I. Givens, 15:05
- [oletrucks] E-brake help, Rob J., 11:49
- [oletrucks] bumper for TF, Ie61pah, 11:38
- RE: [oletrucks] Cruising RPM's?, Mike Baggese, 10:10
- [oletrucks] Cruising RPM's?, Mark Self, 08:10
- [oletrucks] K30, Tinker, 04:43
January 26, 2002
- Re: [oletrucks] Re: Later-model bumper to TF truck...frame, Bruce Kettunen, 23:12
- [oletrucks] Bumper Question, stephen johnston, 21:15
- [oletrucks] -->Mike Boteler--Re: Tachometer, mark, 19:55
- Re: [oletrucks] serial #s, Ribbit2, 18:02
- [oletrucks] Re: Later-model bumper to TF truck...frame measurements., GremlinGTs, 17:51
- [oletrucks] serial #s, laurie, 17:31
- [oletrucks] (no subject), NSurles, 16:46
- [oletrucks] Needed- 58 stearing box, Rick Pettit, 11:50
- Re: [oletrucks] Bumper Question, Carl & Becky Ham, 09:05
- Re: [oletrucks] TF or AD, Durwood B. Darbin, 07:30
- Re: [oletrucks] Hood springs, Peter Volwerk, 00:47
January 25, 2002
- Re: [oletrucks] Electric Wiper Motors for TF trucks, Karen Magill, 22:16
- Re: [oletrucks] TF or AD, Billy Gibson, 21:00
- [oletrucks] TF or AD, Randy Godfrey, 20:31
- Re: [oletrucks] Electric Wiper Motors for TF trucks, Billy Gibson, 19:18
- [oletrucks] Bumper Question, bwiet, 19:10
- [oletrucks] Electric Wiper Motors for TF trucks, Carl & Becky Ham, 18:13
- Re: [oletrucks] fuel pump, Ribbit2, 17:36
- [oletrucks] fuel pump, laurie, 17:31
- RE: [oletrucks] BEDSIDE Spare tire carrier for TF, Jeffrey Engel, 16:01
- Re: [oletrucks] Spare tire carrier for AD, MKlepp4335, 15:48
- [oletrucks] BEDSIDE Spare tire carrier for TF, Pierce, Andrew, 15:17
- RE: [oletrucks] Spare tire carrier for AD, Jhouse, 13:58
- [oletrucks] Spare tire carrier for AD, CHARLES_A._CLARK, 11:55
- Re: [oletrucks] Hood springs, Karen Magill, 11:39
- RE: [oletrucks] Hood springs, Darrel Bunge, 11:28
- RE: [oletrucks] Hood springs, Greg O. Pace, 10:05
- RE: [oletrucks] Hood springs, Hanlon, Bill, 09:37
- [oletrucks] Hood springs, S Culver, 09:21
- [oletrucks] Group feedback, Williams Grant Civ Det 2 418 FLTS/ENQA, 08:54
- [oletrucks] tracking width, Eric, 08:21
- RE: [oletrucks] Front end lowering, Hanlon, Bill, 07:02
- [oletrucks] Wichita Swap meet, Gene Merritt, 06:20
- [oletrucks] Bed wood info and other stuff., Ribbit2, 06:15
- Re: [oletrucks] leak-down compression test, Matthew TINKER, 04:04
January 24, 2002
- Re: [oletrucks] Front end lowering, Karen Magill, 20:33
- [oletrucks] Front end lowering, steven stuckmeyer, 19:45
- [oletrucks] '58 235 Oil Breather Question, Fred Juch, 19:14
- Re: [oletrucks] leak-down compression test, Thomas Allen, 18:52
- [oletrucks] truck bed, laurie, 18:22
- Re: [oletrucks] leak-down compression test, Ribbit2, 11:28
- Re: [oletrucks] leak-down compression test, Tinker, 10:50
- [oletrucks] Bed Instructions, Jim Wilkerson, 09:56
- Re: [oletrucks] truck bed sides, Old Chevy Pickup, 08:57
- [oletrucks] truck bed sides, laurie, 08:40
- [oletrucks] Re: 58 Air Canister? Official answer., Fred Juch, 08:05
- RE: [oletrucks] Need 235 head, Noyes, 06:55
- RE: [oletrucks] clutch on a '59 chevy apache, Hanlon, Bill, 06:45
- Re: [oletrucks] Stock Frame, Marvin H., 00:55
January 23, 2002
- [oletrucks] Dodge Transmissions, Bob KNOTTS, 23:12
- Re: [oletrucks] Point Gap - Dwell Conversion, Edward Miller, 22:32
- [oletrucks] Need 235 head, Rob J., 21:27
- [oletrucks] angle strips, Karen Magill, 21:23
- Re: [oletrucks] Stock Frame, Carl & Becky Ham, 21:15
- Re: [oletrucks] 48-53 Battery on Firewall, THE BROWNS, 21:13
- Re: [oletrucks] 48-53 Battery on Firewall, THE BROWNS, 21:10
- Re: [oletrucks] 48-53 Battery on Firewall, Bruce Kettunen, 20:16
- Re: [oletrucks] leak-down compression test, Jay Baker, 18:50
- Re: [oletrucks] leak-down compression test, Claude Ramey, 17:47
- [oletrucks] clutch on a '59 chevy apache, Truck Guy, 16:05
- Re: [oletrucks] leak-down compression test, A.B., 14:58
- Re: [oletrucks] leak-down compression test, Allen Jones, 14:42
- Re: [oletrucks] leak-down compression test, Rob J., 14:35
- Re: [oletrucks] leak-down compression test, Claude Ramey, 14:28
- Re: [oletrucks] leak-down compression test, A.B., 13:39
- RE: [oletrucks] leak-down compression test, Hanlon, Bill, 13:37
- Re: [oletrucks] Head Gasket ?, Thomas Allen, 13:19
- Re: [oletrucks] leak-down compression test, Rob J., 13:13
- Re: [oletrucks] leak-down compression test, A.B., 13:04
- [oletrucks] leak-down compression test, Dana Muise, 12:12
- RE: [oletrucks] 48-53 Battery on Firewall, Peters, Jon C, 11:48
- Re: [oletrucks] Dodge Transmissions, Bobby D Keeland, 10:59
- Re: [oletrucks] Stock Frame, A.B., 10:47
- [oletrucks] Re: 50 3100 SHOCK MOUNT, Wayne Craig, 10:06
- [oletrucks] Joel Carey, Old Chevy Pickup, 09:28
- [oletrucks] 50 3100 SHOCK MOUNT, MLayton324, 09:26
- RE: [oletrucks] 58 Air Canister?, Rich Kinas, 08:35
- [oletrucks] RE: GMC Dash, Hanlon, Bill, 06:46
- [oletrucks] Re: AD Pickup bed info needed, Wayne Craig, 06:22
- Re: [oletrucks] 48-53 Battery on Firewall, Greg Green, 04:44
- RE: [oletrucks] leak-down compression test, Mike Baggese, 04:39
- Re: [oletrucks] 48-53 Battery on Firewall, Greg Green, 02:32
January 22, 2002
- Re: [oletrucks] 48-53 Battery on Firewall, Darrel Bunge, 22:58
- [oletrucks] Stock Frame, rock1, 22:30
- Re: [oletrucks] 48-53 Battery on Firewall, Bruce Kettunen, 21:37
- [oletrucks] Point Gap - Dwell Conversion, Mac Kinghorn, 20:43
- Re: [oletrucks] The Return of the One and Only BelAir Bob, Larry Winters, 20:10
- [oletrucks] P-Track rearends, BelAir Bob, 18:27
- [oletrucks] Advice on Wheels & Tires for TF Truck, Carl & Becky Ham, 18:04
- Re: [oletrucks] 58 chevy all or part drive it, Billy Gibson, 16:17
- Re: [oletrucks] Differential cover gasket, dcvjrv, 15:44
- [oletrucks] GMC 270/H big port head must go!, CLLLSLS, 15:31
- [oletrucks] AD Pickup bed info needed, Wayne Craig, 14:31
- RE: [oletrucks] 50 3600 rear end swap, joel carey, 14:22
- [oletrucks] Head Gasket ?, Rob J., 14:04
- [oletrucks] Bed Wood, jls, 13:57
- Re: [oletrucks] pinion flange nut question., Roger.Gleason, 13:30
- [oletrucks] 1957 Dodge 1/2 ton, Old GMC Pickup, 13:18
- Re: [oletrucks] pinion flage nut question., Mike Baggese, 13:16
- Re: [oletrucks] pinion flage nut question., A.B., 12:15
- Re: [oletrucks] pinion flage nut question., Mike Baggese, 12:12
- Re: [oletrucks] 48-53 Battery on Firewall, Robert Rogers, 12:08
- Re: [oletrucks] pinion flage nut question., A.B., 11:57
- Re: [oletrucks] pinion flage nut question., Wayne Osborne, 11:48
- Re: [oletrucks] pinion flage nut question., A.B., 11:26
- Re: [oletrucks] pinion flage nut question., Wayne Osborne, 11:00
- Re: [oletrucks] 48-53 Battery on Firewall, A.B., 10:57
- Re: [oletrucks] The Return of the One and Only BelAir Bob, Wayne Osborne, 10:45
- [oletrucks] Valve cover gasket, MKlepp4335, 10:30
- Re: [oletrucks] 3 speed floor shifter?, Robert.Heil, 10:30
- Re: [oletrucks] 3 speed floor shifter?, A.B., 10:07
- [oletrucks] pinion flage nut question., A.B., 09:59
- RE: [oletrucks] Trans adapter, Mike Baggese, 09:58
- [oletrucks] 3 speed floor shifter?, Williams Grant Civ Det 2 418 FLTS/ENQA, 09:36
- [oletrucks] The Return of the One and Only BelAir Bob, Robert Rogers, 09:31
- Re: [oletrucks] 50 3600 rear end swap, rwelch, 09:11
- [oletrucks] Differential cover gasket, Hanlon, Bill, 09:05
- Re: [oletrucks] 50 3600 rear end swap, THE BROWNS, 08:48
- [oletrucks] Trans adapter, Gary Perry, 08:37
- [oletrucks] 50 3600 rear end swap, Bob KNOTTS, 08:18
- [oletrucks] Transmission adapter, John Howard, 07:55
- [oletrucks] SBC Crankshaft Journal Size, Terry Stellman, 07:11
- RE: [oletrucks] metal preservation, Jhouse, 06:45
- Re: [oletrucks] What trannys will fit in AD?, Durwood B. Darbin, 06:28
- Re: [oletrucks] pinion flage nut question., Mike Baggese, 03:48
- [oletrucks] 48-53 Battery on Firewall, Greg Green, 01:53
January 21, 2002
- [oletrucks] Re: Quick question, Rob J., 22:59
- RE: Subject: [oletrucks] 50 3600 REAR END SWAP, Noyes, 21:49
- [oletrucks] Quick question, Rob J., 21:33
- [oletrucks] 58 chevy all or part drive it, CLLLSLS, 21:07
- Re: [oletrucks] 58 Air Canister?, Billy Gibson, 17:08
- [oletrucks] 58 Air Canister?, Fred Juch, 16:40
- Re: [oletrucks] just when I get a new windshield..., Durwood B. Darbin, 09:05
- Re: [oletrucks] What trannys will fit in AD?, Durwood B. Darbin, 08:58
- [oletrucks] Junkyard Wars TF truck, Greg O. Pace, 07:58
- [oletrucks] just when I get a new windshield..., tim, 00:24
January 20, 2002
- [oletrucks] off topic- body shops, Truck Guy, 18:35
- Re: [oletrucks] rust prevention, steven stuckmeyer, 18:09
- Re: [oletrucks] rust prevention, Rob J., 13:55
- RE: [oletrucks] rust prevention, Gene Merritt, 13:41
- [oletrucks] Original Radiator., Johnny S�nchez V., 10:25
- [oletrucks] wanted: driver's stainless exterior trim, kmm 1024, 00:51
January 19, 2002
- [oletrucks] Seat removal, Marvin H., 23:37
- [oletrucks] rust prevention, Paul Moon, 21:28
- [oletrucks] 283 rebuild sadness, Bob KNOTTS, 19:49
- RE: [oletrucks] 283 rebuild sadness, AKBurke, 19:15
- RE: [oletrucks] 283 rebuild sadness, Mike, 18:21
- RE: [oletrucks] Re: Air Compressor, Mike, 18:11
- Re: [oletrucks] 283 rebuild sadness, Don Simmons, 18:09
- RE: [oletrucks] 283 rebuild sadness, Mike, 17:51
- RE: [oletrucks] Re: Air Compressor, Mike, 17:51
- [oletrucks] Thanks for the help, Bill & Pam Whittaker, 17:21
- Re: [oletrucks] 57 running board supports, Bruce Kettunen, 16:13
- Re: [oletrucks] Overheating solved - head gasket help now, Bruce Kettunen, 15:56
- Re: [oletrucks] metal preservation, william moldenhauer, 15:27
- Re: [oletrucks] Shifter for Automatic, william moldenhauer, 15:22
- RE: [oletrucks] 283 rebuild sadness, Mike Baggese, 14:23
- Re: [oletrucks] stock exhaust, Scott Tyson, 12:54
- [oletrucks] Head gasket, Bob KNOTTS, 12:47
- [oletrucks] FWD: '57 p/u for sale..., Greg O. Pace, 10:25
- Re: [oletrucks] metal preservation, Bill Broadway, 10:08
- Re: [oletrucks] metal preservation, Michael and Stephany Zaic, 09:46
- RE: [oletrucks] metal preservation, Peters, Jon C, 09:40
- [oletrucks] 57 running board supports, Rick Carlisle, 09:36
- RE: [oletrucks] metal preservation, Mike Baggese, 09:33
- [oletrucks] metal preservation, Gene Merritt, 09:06
- RE: [oletrucks] Overheating solved - head gasket help now, Peters, Jon C, 08:32
- [oletrucks] point gap .016" conversion to dwell? anyone know?, SurfDudeSC, 08:31
- Re: [oletrucks] Overheating solved - head gasket help now, TOUCANMAN, 08:26
- RE: [oletrucks] Shifter for Automatic, Peters, Jon C, 08:13
- [oletrucks] flat beds, Peters, Jon C, 08:10
- RE: [oletrucks] stock exhaust, Peters, Jon C, 08:09
- RE: [oletrucks] point gap to dwell conversion?, AKBurke, 07:57
- Re: [oletrucks] point gap to dwell conversion?, steven stuckmeyer, 07:30
- Re: [oletrucks] Air Cleaner, Tom3600, 05:38
- Re: [oletrucks] point gap to dwell conversion?, SurfDudeSC, 01:49
- [oletrucks] Overheating solved - head gasket help now needed, Rob J., 00:45
January 18, 2002
- RE: [oletrucks] Parts for sale....., AKBurke, 22:29
- [oletrucks] flat beds, Wdonohoe1, 20:35
- [oletrucks] stock exhaust, Wdonohoe1, 19:55
- Re: [oletrucks] Bed Mounting on an AD, MKlepp4335, 19:20
- Re: [oletrucks] Shifter for Automatic, william moldenhauer, 19:02
- [oletrucks] Antique truck shows, Bob KNOTTS, 18:53
- Re: [oletrucks] Bed Mounting on an AD, Ribbit2, 18:32
- [oletrucks] Air Cleaner, steven stuckmeyer, 18:14
- Re: [oletrucks] Shifter for Automatic, Carl & Becky Ham, 18:03
- Re: [oletrucks] Shifter for Automatic, THE BROWNS, 17:31
- [oletrucks] Bed Mounting on an AD, Bill & Pam Whittaker, 16:27
- [oletrucks] hot rod website, Tom Warner, 14:55
- Re: [oletrucks] Re: oletrucks-digest V2 #1523, Tom3600, 14:41
- RE: [oletrucks] Ignition Timing Question, William Gray, 14:27
- Re: [oletrucks] Overheating problem, Rob J., 13:51
- [oletrucks] Antique truck shows, Bob KNOTTS, 13:42
- [oletrucks] Overheating problem, Bob KNOTTS, 13:36
- Re: [oletrucks] overheating problem, Ribbit2, 13:17
- Re: [oletrucks] Antique truck shows--, jls, 12:17
- Re: [oletrucks] overheating problem, Rob J., 11:50
- Re: [oletrucks] What trannys will fit in AD?, Jon, 10:12
- RE: [oletrucks] Shifter for Automatic, Peters, Jon C, 09:35
- Re: [oletrucks] Shifter for Automatic, A.B., 09:35
- [oletrucks] Hotrod website, Bob KNOTTS, 09:07
- [oletrucks] Shifter for Automatic, David and Cindi Walker, 08:58
- Re: [oletrucks] What trannys will fit in AD?, Old Chevy Pickup, 08:55
- [oletrucks] Re: oletrucks-digest V2 #1523, MLayton324, 08:34
- RE: [oletrucks] What trannys will fit in AD?, Terry Stellman, 06:16
January 17, 2002
- [oletrucks] Antique truck shows--, Bob KNOTTS, 19:32
- [oletrucks] What trannys will fit in AD?, Bob Chansler, 16:22
- Re: [oletrucks] overheating problem, MKlepp4335, 15:39
- RE: [oletrucks] Ignition Timing Question, William Gray, 15:20
- RE: [oletrucks] overheating problem, William Gray, 15:07
- [oletrucks] Rearend mystery solved, Jay Baker, 14:32
- Re: [oletrucks] 50 3600 REAR END SWAP, Thomas Allen, 11:40
- [oletrucks] GMC six performance parts, Williams Grant Civ Det 2 418 FLTS/ENQA, 10:07
- Re: [oletrucks] pitman arm installation, A.B., 09:59
- Re: [oletrucks] Dumb people at server, Jeffros54, 09:42
- [oletrucks] overheating problem, Rob J., 09:37
- [oletrucks] Dumb people at server, Roger.Gleason, 09:33
- [oletrucks] Automatic cexhaust cutouts, Mark Self, 08:45
January 16, 2002
- [oletrucks] 50 3600 REAR END SWAP, Noyes, 22:24
- Fwd: Re: [oletrucks] flame throwers, Tom3600, 20:07
- Re: [oletrucks] flame throwers, Tom3600, 20:05
- [oletrucks] flame throwers, laurie, 19:38
- Re: [oletrucks] pitman arm installation, Jon, 17:53
- [oletrucks] Mallory Condensers, William Schickling, 17:13
- Re: [oletrucks] Ignition Timing Question, Allen Jones, 15:52
- Re: [oletrucks] Ignition Timing Question, Claude Ramey, 15:19
- [oletrucks] Ignition Timing Question, William Gray, 14:28
- Re: [oletrucks] rearend questions, Jay Baker, 09:08
- [oletrucks] water pump, laurie, 08:16
January 15, 2002
- Re: [oletrucks] stearing box, Mike Kluth, 20:48
- [oletrucks] Fwd: 55-57 GMC Hood Emblem (Bird), dcvjrv, 20:47
- [oletrucks] 55-57 GMC Hood Emblem (Bird), dcvjrv, 20:39
- Re: [oletrucks] pitman arm installation, Billy Gibson, 19:55
- RE: [oletrucks] rearend questions, Mike Baggese, 19:12
- Re: [oletrucks] stearing box, Don Simmons, 19:01
- Re: [oletrucks] rearend questions, joe, 18:48
- RE: [oletrucks] Truckin' Nationals CA, haist, 18:28
- [oletrucks] rearend questions, Jay Baker, 17:45
- [oletrucks] RE: burb windows, Willard, Andrew, 16:57
- [oletrucks] pitman arm installation, A.B., 16:56
- [oletrucks] What are Phat rims?? (fwd), A.B., 16:34
- Re: [oletrucks] pics, Allen Jones, 15:46
- [oletrucks] stearing box, laurie, 15:42
- [oletrucks] going price on chevt 235 complete core (rebuildable), Armijo, Manuel L, 13:34
- [oletrucks] Windshield Washer Kit, Jon, 12:17
- Re: [oletrucks] Shocks, A.B., 11:10
- RE: [oletrucks] pics, Ralph Linnell, 11:02
- [oletrucks] Shocks, Bob KNOTTS, 10:39
- Re: [oletrucks] pics, Allen Jones, 09:38
- Re: [oletrucks] BURB WINDOW QUESTION, Wayne Osborne, 08:31
- [oletrucks] Gas Tank cover sealer?, Gary Perry, 01:48
- [oletrucks] Truckin' Nationals CA, Bob KNOTTS, 00:02
January 14, 2002
- Re: [oletrucks] Repairing TF Door Bottoms, Kirk, 21:45
- [oletrucks] pics, Wdonohoe1, 21:43
- [oletrucks] Truckin' Nationals, CA, haist, 21:27
- Re: [oletrucks] To boost or not to boost?, MKlepp4335, 17:07
- [oletrucks] 6v question, MLayton324, 16:45
- [oletrucks] BURB WINDOW QUESTION, MLayton324, 16:43
- Re: [oletrucks] To boost or not to boost?, Allen Jones, 16:11
- [oletrucks] Antique truckshow websites, Bob KNOTTS, 16:03
- [oletrucks] Pacer shocks reply from Andy Johns, R.Oliver, 15:55
- Fw: [oletrucks] HELP Oil Leak, Billy Gibson, 15:54
- Re: [oletrucks] To boost or not to boost?, The Perfesser, 14:52
- [oletrucks] Engine Removal, etc, Bob Chansler, 13:54
- RE: [oletrucks] To boost or not to boost?, Hanlon, Bill, 11:04
- RE: [oletrucks] Re: Air Compressor, Bill Broadway, 10:41
- RE: [oletrucks] Re: Air Compressor, Mike, 10:34
- [oletrucks] atlantic proviences, laurie, 10:29
- Re: [oletrucks] To boost or not to boost?, A.B., 09:31
- [oletrucks] Repairing TF Door Bottoms, rwelch, 07:21
- RE: [oletrucks] tachometer, Hanlon, Bill, 07:04
- RE: [oletrucks] 283 rebuild sadness, Mike, 02:35
January 13, 2002
- Re: [oletrucks] Remote door locks, Thomas Allen, 23:13
- Re: [oletrucks] Tachometer, Ie61pah, 19:05
- Re: [oletrucks] Tachometer, Carl & Becky Ham, 17:55
- [oletrucks] Remote door locks, S Culver, 17:37
- RE: [oletrucks] Home-brew fiberglass repros. . ., Blaine Dumkee, 16:23
- Re: [oletrucks] Oil Leak, Billy Gibson, 15:37
- Re: [oletrucks] Oil Leak, MKlepp4335, 15:28
- [oletrucks] Oil Leak, Billy Gibson, 14:52
- [oletrucks] fuel pump.., laurie, 14:45
- Re: [oletrucks] Tachometer, S Culver, 14:42
- [oletrucks] test, Billy Gibson, 14:26
- Re: [oletrucks] newbie, Brian Stephens, 11:59
- [oletrucks] To boost or not to boost?, Williams Grant Civ Det 2 418 FLTS/ENQA, 11:46
- [oletrucks] newbie, Wdonohoe1, 10:15
- [oletrucks] Oletruckers..., A&LQuin, 10:02
- [oletrucks] Tachometer, S Culver, 09:10
- [oletrucks] OT' FYI, Ben Bennett, 06:30
January 12, 2002
- [oletrucks] New Book-, Bob KNOTTS, 20:56
- Re: [oletrucks] New Book, neat!, Gary Perry, 20:34
- Re: [oletrucks] tachometer, steven stuckmeyer, 19:12
- [oletrucks] Fw: 1949-1953 Chevy Truck, Rob J., 19:02
- [oletrucks] fuel pump...??, laurie, 18:48
- [oletrucks] New Book, neat!, Bob KNOTTS, 18:44
- Re: [oletrucks] New book, neat!, Rob J., 18:05
- [oletrucks] tachometer, S Culver, 15:12
- [oletrucks] Antique truck show websites, Bob KNOTTS, 15:03
- [oletrucks] Parts for sale....., AKBurke, 14:57
- [oletrucks] New book, neat!, Gary Perry, 13:36
January 11, 2002
- [oletrucks] rear ends, Randy Vincent, 22:01
- [oletrucks] rear ends, laurie, 18:55
- Re: [oletrucks] Electrical manuels Free, Greg Huber, 17:25
- RE: [oletrucks] Home-brew fiberglass repros. . ., Greg O. Pace, 16:08
- Re: [oletrucks] Home-brew fiberglass repros. . ., dcvjrv, 14:33
- [oletrucks] Antique Truck show Websites, Bob KNOTTS, 13:49
- Re: [oletrucks] Different Vent Question - again!, joe, 13:39
- Re: [oletrucks] Different Vent Question - again!, Thomas Allen, 12:38
- [oletrucks] Different Vent Question - again!, Jim Wilkerson, 12:04
- Re: [oletrucks] Windshield Washer Kit, Jay Baker, 11:29
- Re: [oletrucks] Electrical manuels Free, Bruce Kettunen, 10:16
- [oletrucks] Electrical manuels Free, Juan Carlos Acosta Medina, 09:10
- [oletrucks] Home-brew fiberglass repros. . ., Greg O. Pace, 08:33
January 10, 2002
- Re: [oletrucks] Late? model rear end number help, Mike Baggese, 20:36
- Re: [oletrucks] Portable heaters??, steven stuckmeyer, 20:24
- Re: [oletrucks] Late? model rear end number help, steven stuckmeyer, 20:04
- Re: [oletrucks] Calender, Jon, 17:04
- Re: [oletrucks] front bumper question, Tom3600, 13:02
- [oletrucks] Late? model rear end number help, CHANDNE, 13:01
- [oletrucks] Re: oletrucks-digest V2 #1516, CHANDNE, 12:57
- RE: [oletrucks] Wheels, Durwood B. Darbin, 12:56
- [oletrucks] front bumper question, MLayton324, 11:52
- [oletrucks] Bed replacement for ADs, Nick_Griswell, 07:29
- [oletrucks] Pain & Body Work Needed, mm, 06:43
- [oletrucks] 1st Annual Stovebolt Meet, Marvin H., 00:33
January 09, 2002
- Re: [oletrucks] Frenching AD Headlights???, joe, 21:26
- [oletrucks] delux heater, Brian _, 20:38
- [oletrucks] Frenching AD Headlights???, AKBurke, 20:38
- [oletrucks] Calender, Randy Vincent, 20:22
- Re: [oletrucks] old visor for sale, MKlepp4335, 17:09
- [oletrucks] Wood side stake assembly information and images, Bob Browell, 17:02
- [oletrucks] Desperately need 4.10's, CLLLSLS, 15:08
- [oletrucks] NAPCO FRONT AXLE KING PIN SHIMS!!!!!!, CLLLSLS, 15:05
- RE: [oletrucks] Wheels, Rich Kinas, 15:04
- [oletrucks] Sunvisors - fiberglass, Randall J. Krebs, 14:33
- Re: [oletrucks] old visor for sale, A.B., 14:17
- Re: [oletrucks] old visor for sale, Old Chevy Pickup, 13:33
- Re: [oletrucks] Looking for Colorado Ole Truckers, Billy Gibson, 13:11
- Re: [oletrucks] Looking for Colorado Ole Truckers, Richard Reul, 12:48
- [oletrucks] Windshield Washer Kit, Thomas Allen, 12:45
- Re: [oletrucks] Looking for Colorado Ole Truckers, Durwood B. Darbin, 12:43
- Re: [oletrucks] old visor for sale, Thomas Allen, 12:40
- Re: [oletrucks] Looking for Colorado Ole Truckers, Durwood B. Darbin, 12:31
- Re: [oletrucks] Vent question, MKlepp4335, 10:38
- Re: [oletrucks] Minimal wiring, Bruce Kettunen, 08:56
- [oletrucks] Shocks, R.Oliver, 08:26
- RE: [oletrucks] Vent question, Jhouse, 08:26
- Re: [oletrucks] Vent question, reply@chevyduty.com, 08:04
- Re: [oletrucks] old visor for sale, Old Chevy Pickup, 07:35
- [oletrucks] Minimal wiring, Jon, 04:54
- Re: [oletrucks] Wheels, mark, 02:35
January 08, 2002
- [oletrucks] Please remove my name, Raido Kirsiste, 23:16
- [oletrucks] EFI books, Bob KNOTTS, 22:51
- RE: [oletrucks] Vent question, American Classic, 21:57
- [oletrucks] old visor for sale, Old GMC Pickup, 21:31
- Re: [oletrucks] Vent question, Brian Stephens, 20:33
- Re: [oletrucks] look out for andy, Ie61pah, 20:32
- Re: [oletrucks] Looking for Colorado Ole Truckers, John Rockefeller, 20:25
- [oletrucks] look out for andy, Ie61pah, 19:46
- [oletrucks] Vent question, Chuck, 19:32
- Re: [oletrucks] Portable heaters??, NSurles, 19:22
- [oletrucks] Wheels, Rich Kinas, 19:04
- Re: [oletrucks] Passenger Side Vent, joe, 18:58
- Re: [oletrucks] Passenger Side Vent, steven stuckmeyer, 18:31
- Re: [oletrucks] Alternator Wiring & Gibbon, Thomas Allen, 18:26
- Re: [oletrucks] louvered heater vent, MKlepp4335, 17:10
- Re: [oletrucks] Alternator Wiring & Gibbon, Bruce Kettunen, 14:01
- RE: [oletrucks] off topic- old jeeps, Durwood B. Darbin, 12:34
- RE: [oletrucks] Fw: tire size, Durwood B. Darbin, 12:22
- Re: [oletrucks] Replacement rear for 57?, Wayne Osborne, 11:35
- RE: [oletrucks] off topic- old jeeps, Durwood B. Darbin, 11:35
- Re: [oletrucks] Alternator Wiring & Gibbon, Randall J. Krebs, 11:24
- [oletrucks] louvered heater vent, Armijo, Manuel L, 11:06
- [oletrucks] Replacement rear for 57?, CHANDNE, 10:08
- [oletrucks] just a test, Wayne Osborne, 09:45
- Re: [oletrucks] Fw: a/c, Allen Jones, 09:34
- Re: [oletrucks] Fw: a/c, Allen Jones, 09:19
- RE: [oletrucks] Fw: a/c, Terry Stellman, 08:02
- RE: [oletrucks] Fw: a/c, Hanlon, Bill, 07:19
- RE: [oletrucks] Fw: a/c, Hanlon, Bill, 07:03
- Re: [oletrucks] Gauges, nateley, 03:00
- Re: [oletrucks] Fw: a/c, Thomas Allen, 00:04
January 07, 2002
- Re: [oletrucks] Passenger Side Vent, Thomas Allen, 23:28
- [oletrucks] Looking for Colorado Ole Truckers, John Rockefeller, 23:22
- [oletrucks] Fw: a/c, Ronald I. Givens, 21:21
- [oletrucks] Power Steering, Sandy Sexton, 19:56
- [oletrucks] 67'-72' Radio Q, Old GMC Pickup, 19:35
- RE: [oletrucks] Fw: tire size, Mike Baggese, 16:50
- [oletrucks] Fw: tire size, Ronald I. Givens, 16:25
- [oletrucks] Fw:, Ronald I. Givens, 16:25
- [oletrucks] windshield washer part needed, MLayton324, 16:17
- Re: [oletrucks] Passenger Side Vent, joe, 15:47
- [oletrucks] Passenger Side Vent, Jim Wilkerson, 15:28
- Re: [oletrucks] Gauges, jls, 15:02
- Re: [oletrucks] Fenton Dual Exhaust, Allen Jones, 14:28
- Re: [oletrucks] Fenton Dual Exhaust, Tom3600, 13:26
- RE: [oletrucks] wipers, Greg O. Pace, 12:51
- [oletrucks] Fenton Dual Exhaust, Bobby D Keeland, 12:50
- Re: [oletrucks] Alternator Wiring & Gibbon, Thomas Allen, 12:25
- Re: [oletrucks] Alternator Wiring & Gibbon, joe, 11:46
- Re: [oletrucks] Gauges, Thomas Allen, 11:42
- RE: [oletrucks] wipers, Hanlon, Bill, 11:41
- RE: [oletrucks] wipers, Thomas Allen, 11:36
- Re: [oletrucks] Gauges, Old GMC Pickup, 11:03
- [oletrucks] Happy Birthday, MKlepp4335, 10:41
- [oletrucks] Alternator Wiring & Gibbon, Randall J. Krebs, 09:17
- Re: [oletrucks] off topic- old jeeps, Durwood B. Darbin, 08:23
- [oletrucks] Gauges, Jeff Clark, 08:20
- RE: [oletrucks] off topic- old jeeps, Jhouse, 08:18
- RE: [oletrucks] off topic- old jeeps, Hanlon, Bill, 08:03
- [oletrucks] steering column, Greganti, Henry, 07:54
- RE: [oletrucks] wipers, Hanlon, Bill, 07:53
- RE: [oletrucks] TF Dropped Axle, Hanlon, Bill, 07:49
- RE: [oletrucks] 55 second, Hanlon, Bill, 07:39
- Re: [oletrucks] Portable heaters??, Bobby D Keeland, 07:32
- RE: [oletrucks] Getting rid of old gas in TX, Hanlon, Bill, 07:32
- [oletrucks] RE: off topic - old jeeps, Richards, Troy, 06:32
- RE: [oletrucks] installing hanging brake pedals, Terry Stellman, 06:10
- RE: [oletrucks] Transport, Jhouse, 06:10
- RE: [oletrucks] 1941-46 1/2 ton, Jhouse, 06:05
January 06, 2002
- [oletrucks] seeking carb recommendations, SurfDudeSC, 23:56
- Re: [oletrucks] TF Dropped Axle, McGillis, 19:05
- Re: [oletrucks] paint, dcvjrv, 18:51
- Re: [oletrucks] 1941-46 1/2 ton, Jay Baker, 18:41
- [oletrucks] installing hanging brake pedals, laurie, 18:29
- RE: [oletrucks] paint, haist, 18:23
- [oletrucks] 58 Straight 6, Fred Juch, 18:06
- [oletrucks] installing hanging brake pedals, laurie, 18:06
- [oletrucks] truck clubs, laurie, 17:57
- [oletrucks] Utah Chevy Club, David Ackerschott, 16:33
- RE: [oletrucks] paint, Antonio R. Tijerino, 16:32
- [oletrucks] brakes, laurie, 16:21
- [oletrucks] paint, laurie, 15:41
- Re: [oletrucks] 6 lug disc conversion help, joe, 14:56
- Re: [oletrucks] 1941-46 1/2 ton, Ie61pah, 14:15
- [oletrucks] wipers, laurie, 13:58
- RE: [oletrucks] Transport, haist, 13:58
- Re: [oletrucks] 1941-46 1/2 ton, Jeffros54, 13:49
- [oletrucks] 6 lug disc conversion help, Louk2, 13:38
- Re: [oletrucks] TF Dropped Axle, Perry Smith, 13:09
- [oletrucks] 1941-46 1/2 ton, Gene Merritt, 12:46
- [oletrucks] off topic- old jeeps, Truck Guy, 12:43
- [oletrucks] Fw: Portable heaters window unit, Bob KNOTTS, 09:43
- Re: [oletrucks] No Takers on 55 2nd Series., joe, 08:51
- Re: [oletrucks] Portable heaters??, Greg Huber, 07:58
January 05, 2002
- RE: [oletrucks] Transport, Brad Baker, 21:55
- [oletrucks] Portable heaters window unit, Bob KNOTTS, 21:27
- [oletrucks] No Takers on 55 2nd Series., Curt and Michelle Morris, 21:16
- Re: [oletrucks] Portable heaters?? Window unit..., GremlinGTs, 20:41
- [oletrucks] Old Gas, Fred Juch, 20:40
- [oletrucks] Transport, haist, 18:38
- RE: [oletrucks] Glue, haist, 17:39
- Re: [oletrucks] gas tank, Carl & Becky Ham, 17:11
- Re: [oletrucks] looking for gibbons, dcvjrv, 16:19
- Re: [oletrucks] Getting rid of old gas in TX, dcvjrv, 16:10
- Re: [oletrucks] Portable heaters??, dcvjrv, 16:06
- [oletrucks] 55 second, laurie, 15:41
- RE: [oletrucks] looking for gibbons, David B. Cushing, 15:37
- Re: [oletrucks] 3800 driveline questions, Thomas Allen, 14:16
- Fwd: [oletrucks] TF Dropped Axle, Ie61pah, 14:12
- [oletrucks] looking for gibbons, Ie61pah, 14:06
- [oletrucks] TF Dropped Axle, McGillis, 12:19
- Re: [oletrucks] Portable heaters??, Richard Reul, 11:18
- Re: [oletrucks] Portable heaters??, Bruce Kettunen, 11:13
- [oletrucks] Getting rid of old gas in TX, Fred Juch, 10:19
- Re: [oletrucks] Re: TF Wheel Covers, McGillis, 10:02
- RE: [oletrucks] Portable heaters??, Peters, Jon C, 10:02
- Re: [oletrucks] Portable heaters??, Bobby D Keeland, 09:39
- [oletrucks] Portable heaters??, AKBurke, 09:20
- Re: [oletrucks] Re: oletrucks-digest V2 #1511, MKlepp4335, 09:05
- [oletrucks] Helpful info, Marvin H., 02:19
January 04, 2002
- Re: [oletrucks] Glue, dcvjrv, 19:23
- Re: [oletrucks] gas tank, Billy Gibson, 19:20
- [oletrucks] Re: oletrucks-digest V2 #1511, McGillis, 18:54
- Re: [oletrucks] gas tank, Carl & Becky Ham, 18:52
- Re: [oletrucks] Fw: wheels, Carl & Becky Ham, 18:39
- [oletrucks] license plate restorers, Bruce Marshall, 18:32
- Re: [oletrucks] Galvanized Steel on new GMC and Chevy Burbs, Bruce Kettunen, 18:09
- Re: [oletrucks] Trucks For Sale, Rroslowski, 16:01
- [oletrucks] Fw: wheels, Ronald I. Givens, 12:28
- Re: [oletrucks] Glue, tim, 11:29
- [oletrucks] Galvanized Steel on new GMC and Chevy Burbs, Jhouse, 10:30
- Re: [oletrucks] gas tank, rwelch, 10:18
- RE: [oletrucks] Glue, Terry Stellman, 10:11
- RE: [oletrucks] Glue, Peters, Jon C, 10:06
- Re: [oletrucks] Glue, CHARLES_A._CLARK, 10:01
- RE: [oletrucks] Trucks For Sale, Mike Baggese, 09:42
- Re: [oletrucks] Glue, rwelch, 09:42
- RE: [oletrucks] gas tank, Peters, Jon C, 09:29
- RE: [oletrucks] gas tank, Hanlon, Bill, 09:20
- [oletrucks] Trucks For Sale, Squatch56, 09:15
- RE: [oletrucks] gas tank, Terry Stellman, 09:14
- [oletrucks] gas tank, laurie, 09:06
- [oletrucks] Glue, S Culver, 08:04
- Re: [oletrucks] Hand crank for '40 Chev. pickup, Doug Pewterbaugh, 07:27
January 03, 2002
- [oletrucks] 4.10 Gears needed, CLLLSLS, 23:11
- [oletrucks] License plate restoration source, MKlepp4335, 20:20
- Re: [oletrucks] Axel leak, MKlepp4335, 20:11
- [oletrucks] Axel leak, Dana Muise, 17:56
- [oletrucks] engine, laurie, 17:09
- [oletrucks] Differential Sizes, Ed Orbea, 15:58
- Re: [oletrucks] hood strip repair, EEHodges, 11:59
- Re: [oletrucks] Hand crank for '40 Chev. pickup, Ribbit2, 08:48
- RE: [oletrucks] 235 Oil Filter Hoses, Bill Simmeth, 08:32
- [oletrucks] 235 Oil Filter Hoses, Ted House, 08:18
- [oletrucks] Hand crank for '40 Chev. pickup, Mark Self, 07:25
January 02, 2002
- Re: [oletrucks] Question concerning TF windows, Bruce Kettunen, 23:33
- RE: [oletrucks] Question concerning TF windows, Mike Baggese, 22:20
- [oletrucks] hood strip repair, jnord, 22:19
- [oletrucks] Question concerning TF windows, Bill Bailey, 20:29
- Re: [oletrucks] 45-46 GMC motor color, Jim Cramer, 16:52
- [oletrucks] radatior, laurie, 12:41
- Re: [oletrucks] Welder, Old Chevy Pickup, 08:49
- RE: [oletrucks] GMC service bulletins, Hanlon, Bill, 07:31
January 01, 2002
- [oletrucks] '55-'59 GMC TF owners...., Rroslowski, 21:57
- [oletrucks] 45-46 GMC motor color, HMills16, 21:18
- [oletrucks] Transplant........., CE, 20:47
- [oletrucks] radatior, laurie, 20:22
- [oletrucks] Gear Ratio problem, CLLLSLS, 20:02
- Re: [oletrucks] Welder, steven stuckmeyer, 19:27
- [oletrucks] Welder, BagpiperEd, 08:41
- [oletrucks] what is my 57 3100 1/2 ton custom cab stepside worth, AllenHeiden, 06:35
- [oletrucks] Monthly Reminder, Miq Millman, 02:01