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Re: National Tour points

To: Jay Mitchell <>
Subject: Re: National Tour points
From: Randy Chase <>
Date: Sat, 24 Apr 1999 18:14:21 -0700
RacerRay wrote:
>>  Silk purse out of a sow's ear.

On a positive note, I am reminded of all the people I see who strive to
be competitive and do well on limited time and money, and much less

I feel this group constitutes the vast majority of autocrossers I have
come across. They take the car they have, they learn how to drive, find
out how to set it up. They try to udnerstand what works and what
doesn't. They try to understand the rules. I am surrounded by this type
of competitor at every event. More often than not, this is the type of
person who is in the trophies.

I have done my share of whining, but at least I have learned that the
whining did nothing to help me win. Focus on what you do well and what
you need to do well. 

>>     A championship based on being the only one to show up at all the events 
would be just a tad hollow. I'd hide the trophy.

You must not understand how ProSolo works. You are only required to do X
number of events and for the National Series that is 2 plus the Finale.
You are right, not everyone can do 2 events and a trip to Kansas (I
could not last year), but it is not based on attending every event.

Even our local events take this into account and you are only required
to do 75% or so of the events for year end points.

Anyway, I am not in favor of a series for tours (though I will do two
tours this year...was going to do the now cancelled Salt Lake City). I
feel that ProSolo works well for this.

Randy Chase (see you all in Atwater)
'91 MR2 CS

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