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Re: National Tour points

Subject: Re: National Tour points
Date: Sat, 24 Apr 1999 19:52:46 EDT
In a message dated 4/24/99 6:58:14 PM Eastern Daylight Time, 

<< I haven't seen many folks take a 1st place in national events that did
 not deserve it. Most of the good drivers are that way because of talent
 and experience and a bit of luck. I haven't seen money make as much
 difference as you seem to think. >>

     It takes money to travel back and forth across the country. And time off 
from work that not everyone can get to suit their "racing" schedule.
     A championship based on the Tour would be okay if you got lucky [or 
unlucky, depending on how you look at it] and all the competitors in your 
class showed up for every event in the series.
     A championship based on being the only one to show up at all the events 
would be just a tad hollow. I'd hide the trophy.


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