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Re: National Tour points

Subject: Re: National Tour points
Date: Sun, 25 Apr 1999 00:39:49 EDT
In a message dated 4/24/99 10:38:53 PM Eastern Daylight Time, writes:

<<You have a low opinion of Solo
 II, yet you obviously spend a lot of time bitching about the elements in
 it that you don't like, almost as if you have a similarly low opinion of
     What kind of psuedo-psychoanalytical  horse manure [my wife wouldn't let 
me use the "s" word]  is that? My opinion of solo2 is that it is a nice 
little substitute for racing. Racing costs a heck of a lot of money and 
solo2, if a bunch of wannabe racers would let it, could be a place for 
cheapskates to compete without building or buying a pile of racer equipment-- 
including tires that have rubber that disappears rapidly. As it is solo is 
getting expensive enough that you could spend a little more and race for 
real. When I think of racing I am not just thinking of SCCA stuff. You can 
stay close to home and run 20 lappers at the local oval for very little more 
than it would take to compete in a national solo series. And without spending 
huge amounts of traveling money to win a phony championship. My opinion of 
myself is...well, modesty forbids that I come right out and say it. If my 
ability as a driver is the question I would wait for those against whom I 
have competed over the years to speak. If you can get them to speak. 

 <<You wouldn't have to run every event to win in any points system that is
 likely to ever be implemented, any more than you have to run every event
 to win your class in Pro Solo or in your local region.>>

    A series spread all over the country would be one that very few people 
would actually be free to compete in for more than a few events. Very few. 
You'd be getting a championship trophy for Being There.

 <<I'm not really taking a position on the idea of a Tour points series
 myself, as it would have minimal effect on me. I can't see any harm in
 it, however.

     No harm at all. It wouldn't bother me a bit. Being a winner in it 
wouldn't impress me either. Who cares whether I'm impressed? Who would it 
impress? The Being There Championship.


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