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Re: National Tour points

Subject: Re: National Tour points
From: Randy Chase <>
Date: Sat, 24 Apr 1999 18:56:10 -0700 wrote:
> In a message dated 4/24/99 9:16:38 PM Eastern Daylight Time,
> writes:
> << You must not understand how ProSolo works. >>
>     I think this was about something different. Points for Tour events. There
> was not a specific plan presented.

Right. I was just pointing out that it is almost a sure thing that ANY
plan would not require attendance at every event. That was your plan,
and I am telling you that this is not how it is done now in ProSolo and
also would not be done in a Tour Series. 

>      I have observed a couple of Tour events.
>      I have read results from some Tour events.

But you have not run one? Why?

>      It might be fun to go all over the country and run in a bunch of autoxes
> and at the end of the year say "look at me, I am the champ".
>      Do it. Have the series. Get the trophy.

That pretty well sums up ProSolo now. 8)

>      Be ready to hear about it if the prize in a given class is awarded for
> just showing up.

I would love to hear about any series that had contigency money in it
AND anyone could just show up in and win. I have been trying very hard
to do well in my class and it's not getting easier nationally. I could
go for at least one easy win. 8)

So anyways Ray, I think I get your point. And if the national office
required every competitor to attend every event, then I agree with you.
It's crazy. Hardly anyone would/could do it. I am just saying it will
not work that way.

Randy Chase
'91 MR2 CS

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