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Re: National Tour points

Subject: Re: National Tour points
From: Randy Chase <>
Date: Sat, 24 Apr 1999 15:54:43 -0700 wrote:
> In a message dated 4/24/99 2:22:25 PM Eastern Daylight Time, Hottvr writes:
> << If Solo wants a big time image have National
>  points and watch what happens.  >>

We already have this in a fashion with the ProSolo series. So far it has
not contributed to a big time image. It may eventually...

>      I have already told you what will happen. Someone in a given class will
> be the only one to run all the events because he is the only one with the
> free time and the travel money to do so.

It is not true now in ProSolos, so I would not think it would be true in
a tour series either (not that I want one). I see many of the same
competitors. I think there are more folks with time than you think. I
keep running against them. 8)

 He will probably also have enough
> money to have a car that works in a class and all the tweaks that can be had
> to make it good. So even if he is a crummy driver he will be the only one to
> score points [or have a chance to score] in EVERY event. His "championship"
> will be a reward for showing up, not for being good at the sport.

I haven't seen many folks take a 1st place in national events that did
not deserve it. Most of the good drivers are that way because of talent
and experience and a bit of luck. I haven't seen money make as much
difference as you seem to think.

Randy Chase (no time...doing it anyway)
'91 MR2 CS

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