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To: TR List <> charset=ISO-8859-1
Subject: Bio
From: Dave Massey <>
Date: Mon, 16 Aug 1999 01:13:05 -0400
Here we go.  Bear with me here.

Dave Massey, 46 years old.  Born and raised in St. Louis, MO USA
or its environs.  I first became interested in LBC's when in 
highschool.  I distinctly remember talking to a friend who has in 
a TR4.  I was standing next to the car.  He suddenly decided to 
exit the scene and he was off so fast I was stunned.  

I don't know where I got my interest in cars.  My dad had no 
interest what so ever in cars beyond transportation.  Non of my 
5 siblings have much interest in cars as a recreational device 
either.  (Though I hear that our postman was a car buff but that's 
another story.)  Anyway, the first car I ever owned was a 65 MGB.
That car taught me a lot about cars as I was forever fixing it.  I 
worked on just about everything on that car.  I drove that car whilst
dating my now wife, Linda.  She hated that car.  I eventually sold it 
in a fit of reason.  We were apartment dwellers at the time and it 
was an unecessary vehicle.  That was 1979.

In 1983 I bought my first Triumph, a TR4.  It was this car that 
converted Linda to being sympathetic of  the hobby.  That car,
sadly, met an untimely end and was soon replaced by the 71 TR6
which I currently own.  I have rebuilt this car twice and it is 20% 
original (by weight, 30% by parts count).  But it has taken us to
Boulder for the '90 VTR, Wisconsin the the '98 VTR and most 
recently, to Maine for this year's convention.

I bought a fairly cherry 74 TR6 but since I had done little to it (whereas 
I had heavily invested my efforts into the 71) I didn't feel emotionally 
attached to it and my wandering eye was caught by a 57 TR3.  To my 
good fortune the owner of the TR3 (actually his wife) was desirous
of my 74  TR6 and so a deal was struck and the TR3 now rests 
securely in MY garage.  BTW Linda took one look at it and decided 
that it was so cute that it was HERS.  Ok.  How about some new 
spline hubs for Christmas?

But the current project is the TR8.  I've lusted after a TR8 for about 
15 years and I decided that since the business is finally profitable
and I can afford it I bought a project from Ted S at the VTR last year.  
This one will be a rewarding experience since I have totally 
disassembled it and will rebuild it with my own grease-stained 

More personal:  Linda and I have been married for, um, well forever.
(22 years actually)  We have no kids but we compensate by being 
owned by three cats.  I am an electrical engineer and have worked 
in electronic control systems designing temperature controls, 
voltage regulators and most recently, motor controls.  I am a 
co-owner of a small firm that designs and manufactures 
equipment for mobilizing medical equipment in the 400 to 2,000 
lb range for in clinic and mobile outreach situations.

Other extra-curricular activities include amateur radio (N0FEJ), 
travel (Both domestic and foreign), Foreign language (French and 
Spanish at this time but if I can find lessons in Gaelic...), Haute 
cusine (both eating and preparing) and history (but only as a 

Well, I've just spent 2 1/2 hours catching up on the week end's 
mail and I must be off to bed.



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