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To: "" <>
Subject: bio
From: Fred Thomas <>
Date: Fri, 13 Aug 1999 18:01:10 -0400
over 60 = retired from auto sales, owned my own car lot for 12 years,
same new car dealer for 18 years,  second marriage now going on 25
years, after 5 years of dating, 3 cats, 24 model "T" all apart, 31 Model
"A" roadster, (nice), 55 T-Bird (fair), 59 T/R 3, 66, 67, 68 Mustangs,
all nice cars, 70 V/W Karman Ghia conv., 78 spit (dailey driver), I have
owned these cars for many years and could not buy them today, just now
starting to sell them.In one way or another I have been involved in cars
my entire life, asst. mangr. of the very first Sears service station,
painted the very first =red/white/blue post office truck in the world,
March 1956, postmaster general = Sommerfield =  (proud of this). I am
now heavy into rebuilding/restoring components for T/R 3'S, carbs, water
pumps, fuel pumps, and small engine parts, also do a lot of Powder
Coating. For over 40 years I had to wear a coat & tie, today, the
greatest thrill is grease and more grease, just like the little kid and
the mud puddle, my days starts at 5:00 a.m. and ends at 4:00 p.m., never
make plans from day to day except conventions/shows, greatest joys = my
family = my cars = and the people they bring together. VTR 99 was the
very best ever, and a big part of that was this list, you people, yes
life is good, even for a old man.

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