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To: "Triumph List (E-mail)" <>
Subject: Bio
From: "Mark S. Durkee" <>
Date: Mon, 16 Aug 1999 15:34:51 -0500
Hello to all,

I've been a member of the list for a couple of months now and have found it 
to be informative and a valuable tool for learning more about my LBC.

I've been happily married now for 18 (nine of them happy -  a day here and 
a day there) years to the same girl.  We have two children, a daughter that 
just got her driver's license last month and a son 12.  I will be 
celebrating the 15th anniversary of my 30th birthday this year.  I am the 
Program Director and teach in the Mechanical Design Department at the 
Technical College here in Madison, Wisconsin. I teach the CAD courses 
(AutoCAD and SolidWorks) and some of the drafting courses.

I got interested in British cars while I was in high school.  I worked 
summers hanging drywall for a guy that was in his late twenties and single. 
 Every summer he bought a new sports car.  I used to ride in his cars and 
dream of the day I could buy one.  He would tell me as we cruised down the 
road, "stay single and you can have all the cars you want".  I remember 
that he had an MGB, GT6, TVR and others.  The first new car I bought was a 
1977 blue Spitfire when I graduated from college.  Not too practical in 
Wisconsin winters but I loved that car.  Of course I sold it when just 
before I got married for something more practical.  Can you call a Camaro 
more practical?   I missed that car from the day I sold it and finally got 
a replacement when I went through a mid-life crisis at the age of 40 and 
bought a 58 TR3A and joined a health club.  I told my wife better a little 
red sports car rather than a  little young red head (of which she happens 
to be). Now four years later I still get reminded of that car in the garage 
that I hardly ever drive.

My TR3A has an oil pressure problem 60psi when cold and drops to 5psi when 
hot.  I hate to drive it too much until I get if fixed.  I've pulled the 
oil pan and checked the pump which is good.  I still have to check the 
bearings but I guess I know what my answer will be.  So I'm looking for a 
good engine rebuilder in the Madison, WI area to rebuild the engine for me. 
 Any suggestions would be appreciated.

Cars I've owned include; 68 Chevrolet Biscayne (my first), 68 Oldsmobile 
Delmont, 73 Vega (way to go GM), 72 Nova, 77 Spitfire, 80 Camaro (replaced 
my Spit - not!). 86 Nova (two of those), 90 GMC Safari, 58 TR3A, 95 Chev 
Astro, 99 Ford Ranger.

I, like another lister am involved in ham radio (N9KBG).  Other than that I 
spend most of my free time attending my kids athletic events.

Mark D.
58 TR3A

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