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To: "triumph.mail" <>
Subject: Bio
From: "Adrian Tedder" <>
Date: Mon, 16 Aug 1999 19:43:31 -0400charset="iso-8859-1"
I'm enjoying reading all these stories, hope you are too!

I'm 35 and happily married to a great woman who's only real fault is a
complete lack of appreciation for LBC's.  Fortunately my three boys (3, 8,
and 11) love them, so there is hope.  I have a 73 TR6 which I am slowly
bringing back to as near original condition as possible.  I'll confess I
often talk to it, and occasionally swear at it, (or is it the other way
round).  I currently live in Canada, (for the last fifteen years), but was
born in England.  Whilst there I owned (thanks to my parents) first an
Austin Maxi, then a Triumph 2000 MKII (no it didn't have PI), then an Austin
Princess (which we bought instead of a Dolomite Sprint!!  remember what they
say about hindsight).  Finally, before moving, I was driving my boss's Mini
van, which although old and well worn was still a lot of fun.  It belonged
to the stables I worked at and had a few foibles. The head lamps only worked
on high beam, the indicators didn't work at all, the handbrake was the only
really effective brake, and the rad hoses were held together with electrical
tape which held for short drives.  I got to know which pubs had taps outside
for topping up the radiator.
 Since coming to Canada I have been through a number of vehicles and
currently drive a 95 Chev Tahoe which I am .  I have owned the TR for about
five years now and have rebuilt the suspension front and rear, the
transmission and overdrive, the brakes, and am presently attempting to
replace the front inner fenders.  This is turning out to be more of a
project than I imagined, and am now resigned to the fact that my car will
not see the road this year.
  I hope to make it to some shows in the future in order to meet some of the
great people on this list.  Targets include the TRF summer party, a VTR show
(they sound like so much fun), and the Stowe Vermont show (where we have a
vacation home close by in Smugglers Notch Resort).  My only face to face
list contact was with 'Kosmo' Kramer, (although he swore Kosmo was the teddy
 bear in the passenger seat), at Bronte Creek in Burlington last September.
Will any listers be at Bronte this September?, I'll be there less the TR
this year.
The information exchange on this list is tremendous and I truly appreciate
the help I have received.  The stories are great and I really look forward
to reading the evening mail each day.
I make my living as a designer for heavy trucks in the severe service end of
the business.  This helps to support my addiction to the Triumph, plus a
weakness for 00 gauge Great Western locomtives, (and no the wife doesn't
like model steam engines either), and still leaves a little left for the
bills and the wife and kids.

Keep up the good work,

Adrian Tedder

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