My (thankfully abbreviated) resume:
Like virtually everyone else, I'm in my fifties (56 at the moment).
Was happily married for 15 years (out of a total of 20).
Changed profession to computer programming in 1989 after 20 long years as a
lawyer (what a pleasant change - the answer to all questions is either "0"
or "1", "Yes" or "No", "Works" or "Doesn't Work" . . . instead of
"Possibly", "Maybe", "I'd have to look it up" and "How much did you want to
LBC history (in order, from 1958 to date): Austin Healey 100-6, Triumph TR4,
Caldwell D9 Formula Ford, Genie-Ford Mk 8 CanAm car, Triumph TR6 - every one
of which I raced AND drove on the street . . . even the Caldwell (but only
late at night, under a full moon, through the Wisconsin countryside - I can
still hear the cattle bellowing in fright).
Other Hobbies: Model Railroading (1/4" scale)
Jim Hill
SpyderWeb Vintage Racing
CHESS Information Processing Consultant 608-265-2445
CHESS Project, University of Wisconsin-Madison
12th Floor WARF, 610 Walnut St
Madison WI 53705