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Re: FW: UD/BD Explained (was Fastrack)

Subject: Re: FW: UD/BD Explained (was Fastrack)
From: Alan Dahl <>
Date: Mon, 7 Jul 2003 08:55:56 -0700
Let me jump in here with my opinion. We've drifted pretty far from the 
original subject which is:  "should the National Office be more tilted 
towards serving the current membership or future members?".

Obviously there has to be a bit of a balancing act here.  This year has 
shown that the club can't keep growing forever or eventually you reach 
a point where it gets, as Yogi Berra used to say, "so crowded that no 
one goes there anymore". On the other hand you can't avoid new member 
recruitment and retention or the sport will begin to wilt.

I think today's problems are mostly the result of two factors, one the 
current popularity of motorsports and two the "Gen-Y" baby-boomlet. I 
don't think either situation will continue indefinitely, at some point 
we'll stop attracting members at the current rate and things will 
self-adjust. The question is in the mean time at what level do we try 
to maintain the sport and if we do have to handle significantly higher 
entrants how do we do it?

Currently this is really only an issue for ProSolo, I doubt that 
Nationals will quite reach it's 1200 entrant cap this year, though if 
the economy ever recovers then we may have an issue there as well. For 
Pros IMHO the best solution would be to have more events (at least 3-4 
more on the schedule) and raise the qualifying bar back to best 3/4 as 
it was before 2000. I think this would remove most of the current entry 
cap issues without alienating the current membership or new members.

As to whether SCCA should aggressively push the sport in the public eye 
you have to balance the pluses (sponsorship for example, imagine real 
cash payouts coming back to ProSolo!) and the minuses (events sold out 
3 months ahead of time). I highly encourage that everyone with an 
opinion on this not whine on this forum but rather send a letter to 
Steve Johnson outlining their opinions and concerns. Unlike some 
previous SCCA presidents who said "Solo what?" Steve is well aware of 
the issues surrounding Solo and is more than willing to listen and take 
to heart the membership's opinion.

Thank you for listening,

- Alan Dahl

Alan Dahl                                                 email:
Federal Way, WA, USA                         ICQ: 52688023

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