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Re: FW: UD/BD Explained (was Fastrack)

To: "Hugh Barber" <>,
Subject: Re: FW: UD/BD Explained (was Fastrack)
From: "Eric Linnhoff" <>
Date: Sun, 6 Jul 2003 15:51:39 -0500
> There are just a lot of
> folks there who belong there about as much as you or I belong on the
> starting grid of a Formula One race.
Man, if I could, I certainly would.  But that's simply a matter of money, or
a lack thereof.

> For instance, last year, Tim Suddard
> brought out their "Project Mini" with a bunch of guys from BMW to the
> National Championships.  Those guys from BMW didn't belong at the
Says who, you?  I say they belong there as obviously did the National HQ.
Why wouldn't you let a corporate sponsor have a few fun runs?  What about
the guy in CP whose regular CP car wasn't ready for the Nats so he drove a
Cadillac Sedan DeVille?  Did he not have a right to run?  How about the guy
who buys a previous National Champion car and still finishes DFL?  Does he
not have a right to run there?  Who gets to make these decisions, you?  Do
we have a popular vote for each entry?  Hell, if that were the case Winchell
would never be allowed to run.  ;^)  (Just kidding Jeff.)

> As for me,I actively ran SoloII and autocrossing in the early to mid 80's
> the San Francisco region and won a couple of regional championships in
> class. While I no longer actively autocross (due to work and home), I
> actively follow the sport and have the advantage of knowing some of the
> history of it (since I was there).  If you feel that since I'm not
> competing that my opinion is less valid, then so be it.  That's just your
> opinion
You have heard the saying that opinions are like a-holes, right?

That said, this is Solo2.  A grassroots, amateur sport where ANYONE can play
whether they're competitive or not.  That's what the SCCA is all about.  A
place for anyone to play with their car and especially so in Solo2 events.
ProSolo and the ProSolo Finale are entirely different beasts and even have
their own rules.  Did you know that on Stock Category cars in ProSolo one ca
n add cooling switches to run their radiator between runs even if it wasn't
available from the factory like that?  You certainly can't do that in
"regular" Solo.

I realize that one of the great things about these United States of America
is that we _can_ voice our opinions on a topic even if they aren't in line
with the majority opinion.  That's great.  But it certainly does not make
every opinion a good rule to follow.  Lord knows if we followed my
legislative wishes a lot of folks, even in this crowd, would dislike me.

I say let everyone run in the Solo2 Nationals until there's no more room.
Then we expand the Nationals to a full 6 days of competition!!  And please
tell me how that could possibly be a bad thing.

Eric Linnhoff
"Fiction is obliged to stick to possibilities. Truth isn't."
Mark Twain

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