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Re: FW: UD/BD Explained (was Fastrack)

Subject: Re: FW: UD/BD Explained (was Fastrack)
From: "Don Kline" <>
Date: Mon, 07 Jul 2003 07:21:39 -0500

Just a few points I'd like to make about your reply (edited below).

>Given that _nobody_ has ever been denied entry to Nationals
>because the event was full, that's a complete load of crap. If
>such a scenario ever occurs - and appears likely to be a
>continuing problem - I would support more stringent qualifying

Verbatum, your statement is correct however before the late fees were 
extended to date of the event (something more and more divisional series 
events do not allow) youe did have to pre-register.  One year a 100%er 
(Lindsey Lowe????) entered but his entry was lost in the mail and he was 
denied entry to the competition.  The next year the ability to enter at the 
event was initiated.

>Wow, that's contemporary. So you know a lot about the sport as it
>exists now, right? Bwahahaha.

I don't feel attendance is a "criteria" for being informed.  There are the 
articles in SportsCar, and all the info (good and bad) in this forum.

> >While I no longer actively autocross (due to work and home),
>Bingo. You're in no position to judge, then.

Judge??? Most people aren't in that position but each should be encouraged 
to contribute ideas and let the SEB "judge".

> >If you feel that since I'm not actively
> >competing that my opinion is less valid,
>I'd say the above is true by definition. If you don't like the
>sport enough to even participate, why should those of us who do
>put out the effort give a rat's ass what you think?

Again the participation thing.  Many of us have gone thru periods of "less" 
activity.  Those more fortunate/determined/capable may not have had these 

As a competetor at 24 Nationals (missed the first 5, and 2001, and probably 
this year) I can only attest to the pleasures I've had _attending_ these 
events.  The chance to work on the protest committee for a few years was a 
blessing, challenge,and joy.  Being "lucky" enough to get the last trophy 
position in class twice was rewarding (the first one took 11 or 12 years and 
was the sweeter of the two).  A few times I've been fortunate enough to not 
be DFL only because some people who registered didn't show up.  I've been at 
the very back and been in the trophies.  For these reasons I agree with most 
peoples assertions that the event shoud remain open to all who _can_ attend. 
  It is what truly has kept me in the sport  After my first National I sent 
a letter about the course designs at the event.  A person from Chicago 
reasoned that since I'd had such a poor finish my comments unworthy of 
consideration, and that I'd probably never return.  The next year I had the 
"pleasure" of helping him fix his car at Dallas (I remembered the name later 
but still would have helped him).  A problem with the way times were posted 
bit me in the butt really hard and rather than lodge a protest of the event 
I pointed out the problem and changes were made that carry through today.  
Each person at national whether being capable of winning or not should be 
there.  And as a last note how many winners have said "I won but half of the 
people there should have never been allowed to show up"  More status factor 
in beating 45 others than 15 who "earned" the "right" to be there.  Like 
Eric L. said, if too many come make it 6 problem 
here....except....harder to see all those old friends who now run other days 

Sorry for the length and digressions but I hope that by defining _my_ 
history my opinions will be deamed relevant.

Don-thanking GOD for his son Jesus- Kline

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