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Re: Newsletter Layout?

To: "Bob Lang" <LANG@ISIS.MIT.EDU>,
Subject: Re: Newsletter Layout?
From: "Andrew R. Lindberg" <>
Date: Thu, 6 May 1999 13:11:49 -0500
FWIW, I do the newsletter for the Minnesota Triumphs, "Triumphs &
Tribulations".  I think PageMaker is much easier to use than Word if you
want to do much of anything in the way of layout.  We recently upgraded to
PageMaker 6.5 and now I just convert the PageMaker file to PDF, put it on a
zip disk (it runs maybe 50 MB), take it down to Kinko's and they print
directly from the PDF file.  No copying.  Same cost as copying.  The final
product comes out at about 600 dpi, and you can actually tell what's in the
images you've inserted.  That wasn't always the case when we had the
newsletter copied.

Andy Lindberg

-----Original Message-----
From: Bob Lang <LANG@ISIS.MIT.EDU>
To: Paul Heuer <>
Cc: <>
Date: Thursday, May 06, 1999 8:29 AM
Subject: Re: Newsletter Layout?

>Speaking for my own club newsletter, The New England Triumph, Pagemaker is
>used. There's a _lot_ of setup work, but once you get everything
>"defined", things go together pretty quickly.
>FWIW, it used to take something like 20 hours per month to assemble,
>scan, spell check, grammar check, print draft, proof, edit/repair and
>re-print. Now I average about 10 hours per month, more or less.
>I achieved the reduction in time spent by investing a bit of time
>creating some style sheets and that sort of thing. Pays big dividends in
>the long run.
>There are other ways to do this, several of the newsletters that I see
>monthly appear to be done in Word or some other word processor. There's
>no problem with using those tools, but a program like Pagemaker or Quark
>will give you almost total control over layout.
>And, as a by the way, I'm using ancient hardware/software... Pagemaker
>4.2 and a Mac CI... basically stuff that is more than 5 years old. But it
>Editor, the New England Triumph
>Bob Lang Room N42-140Q          | This space for rent.
>Consultant MIT Computer Services  |
>Voice: (617)253-7438 FAX: (617)258-9535     |

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