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Newsletter Layout?

Subject: Newsletter Layout?
From: Paul Heuer <>
Date: Thu, 06 May 1999 08:20:09 +0930
Hi all,

I'm interested in the techniques you use to lay out your newsletter(s).

Specifically the 'landscape page folded in half' style of newsletter.
All I do at present is to create a landscape page with two columns, then
when it's printed, each column becomes one page of the newsletter. Does
this make sense?

My problem is that (obviously) the document does not flow from one page
to the next because of the layout style. I end up having to cut and
paste content all over the document so that when printed, stapled down
the middle and folded in half, I end up with a continuous text flow.

Is there a better way to produce a document of this format? I am using
Micro$oft Word at present, but I also have access to Framemaker. There
is no money to buy any other software.

If you think I have not explained the problem well enough please let me
know. As you can see, I am an amateur and don't know any of the
terminology of the trade.

Sunbeam Car Owners Club of South Australia

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