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traffic cops; no LBC whatsoever

Subject: traffic cops; no LBC whatsoever
From: "Philip E. Barnes" <>
Date: Wed, 10 Mar 2004 12:53:16 -0500
All this talk about traffic cops and how to behave when stopped is my 
hot button. What follows is a rant; you have been warned.

It is a sad commentary on the state of affairs in the US when those 
who have been empowered to "protect and serve" feel inclined to draw 
their weapon if I so much as open the door of my car after being 
stopped. If a police officer views such a simple procedure as a 
life-threatening situation, he is certainly in need of a new line of 
work. Similarly, if I need to demonstrate that I am no threat to him 
(or her, to be fair) it puts me in a position of submission, another 
state I choose not to be put in. It would seem that a few apples have 
indeed spoiled the barrel, to the point that even a routine traffic 
stop is charged with more tension and drama than it can possibly 
merit. I consider myself very fortunate that I haven't been stopped 
by the police in many years. I hope my luck continues to hold.

Don't get me started on traffic radar......
Phil Barnes
Cortland, NY

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