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RE: traffic cops; no LBC whatsoever

To: <>
Subject: RE: traffic cops; no LBC whatsoever
From: "Randall Young" <>
Date: Wed, 10 Mar 2004 11:01:22 -0800
> It would seem that a few apples have
> indeed spoiled the barrel, to the point that even a routine traffic
> stop is charged with more tension and drama than it can possibly
> merit.

Things are likely different in Cortland ... but there is scarcely a year
that goes by without my hearing of a traffic cop that was injured or killed
during a "routine" stop.  Not too many years ago, there was even a CHP
officer shot and killed while he was clearing debris out of the roadway !

I agree it's a sad state of affairs ... but it's not the traffic cops' fault
Well, at least not most of the time.

And while it's probably true that the cops don't deliberately consider
things like car color and driver attitude ... whether to write a ticket or a
warning is a judgment call and we all know that judgment can be colored by
feelings ...


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