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Re: Fwd: Car shows- slight rant

Subject: Re: Fwd: Car shows- slight rant
From: Michael Hargreave Mawson <>
Date: Thu, 9 May 2002 07:46:51 +0100
References: <>
User-agent: Turnpike/6.00-U (<LxVf5jpHTJ4KxZf4nSFlqLdH9U>)
In article <>, writes
>    Went to a British car show  in Wadsworth, Oh. this weekend. Lots of
>killer cars on display. Again I parked my TR4a out in the lot with the
>riffraff. Paid walk in admission which seemed to be on the honor system. I
>think people that run these things should consider letting all marquee cars
>park by model in the show area. They can separate " show " and  "display"
>easily. Maybe have the " display " types pay 1/2 entry fee of the show cars.
>     I don't see ever being able to get my car up to the level that the show
>winners achieve, it's beyond my financial status, but I think it would do the
>LBC hobby good and promote camaraderie to include those of us who are out
>there in the driver category.
>     I would love to hear from as many people as possible on this thought.
>Maybe there's something I'm missing.

I have never been to a car show, (although I am planning to do so later 
on this year), but as far as I can ascertain, most of them require 
pre-registration.   Some of them charge for this.   Looking through the 
small-print on the registration forms, there is nothing anywhere which 
requires the car to meet a certain minimum standard.   There is also no 
difference between the entry fees for concours cars and "good runner, 
long MOT, bodywork needs attention" cars.   This seems fair - the 
concours car owners may be more likely to have more money (unless 
they've spent it all on their cars), but their cars are the ones that 
will attract the paying public (i.e. those who just like to see pretty 
cars, not the anoraks like us).

My views may be different after I've attended one of these shows...


Michael Hargreave Mawson, author of "Eyewitness in the Crimea"

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