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RE: Car shows- slight rant

To: "''" <>,
Subject: RE: Car shows- slight rant
From: Mark Hooper <>
Date: Wed, 8 May 2002 18:49:08 -0400
Hi Dave:

Let's be realistic here. Most people could take out a second mortgage on the
house and pay an expert to put $40,000 into a car that originally cost
$3000. What do I think of those machines? What most anybody would think of a
machine that cost $43K and could be sold for $15K. That's not the point of
the exercise. 

If the goal of some people is to build a ferrari out of a TR6, one spare
part at a time, then frankly for some it may well be cheaper and more
satisfying to take out that mortage and buy the Ferrari.

When I talk to an LBC owner I like to hear about their struggles to keep the
car on the road despite the numberless disasters that afflict the work. A
little rust here, a rattle there, it's all part of the experience.

Of course I like to see a beautifully restored TR. Gives me a stab of
jealousy from time to time I must admit, but what the hell. In the mean time
I feal that I'm part of a select group of people who can pull their car to
bits and put it back together again. People who know their stuff and aren't
too stuffy to help out where they can. Try to find that among the average
exoticar owner.

Just my point of view.

Mark Hooper
72 TR6 (doing fine, but not done yet)

-----Original Message-----
From: []
Sent: Wednesday, May 08, 2002 4:46 PM
Subject: Fwd: Car shows- slight rant

    Went to a British car show  in Wadsworth, Oh. this weekend. Lots of 
killer cars on display. Again I parked my TR4a out in the lot with the 
riffraff. Paid walk in admission which seemed to be on the honor system. I 
think people that run these things should consider letting all marquee cars 
park by model in the show area. They can separate " show " and  "display" 
easily. Maybe have the " display " types pay 1/2 entry fee of the show cars.

     I don't see ever being able to get my car up to the level that the show

winners achieve, it's beyond my financial status, but I think it would do
LBC hobby good and promote camaraderie to include those of us who are out 
there in the driver category. 
     I would love to hear from as many people as possible on this thought. 
Maybe there's something I'm missing.

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Full-name: DShoop7572
Date: Wed, 8 May 2002 16:40:47 EDT
Subject: Car shows- slight rant

     Went to a British car show  in Wadsworth, Oh this weekend. Lots of 
killer cars on display. Again I parked my TR4a out in the lot with the 
riffraff. Paid walk in admission which seemed to be on the honor system. I 
think people that run these things should consider letting all marquee cars 
park by model in the show area. They can separate " show " and  "display" 
easily. Maybe have the " display " types pay 1/2 entry fee of the show cars.

     I don't see ever being able to get my car up to the level that the show

winners achieve, it's beyond my financial status, but I think it would do
LBC hobby good and promote camaraderie to include those of us who are out 
there in the driver category. 
     I would love to hear from as many people as possible on this thought. 
Maybe there's something I'm missing.


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