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RE: Oil pressure Blues

Subject: RE: Oil pressure Blues
From: Randall Young <>
Date: Wed, 4 Aug 1999 17:12:49 -0700
Cc: "" <>
Organization: Navcom Technology, Inc
They certainly still exist, in every engine I'm familiar with.  However, 
the design in the TRs is pretty good, it rarely 'sticks' open and almost 
never closed.  Misadjustment and a tired spring are much more common 

Randall  -  who once had to pull a Chevy engine just because of a stuck 
open bypass.

On Wednesday, August 04, 1999 3:57 PM, Jim [] 
> I have to ask this.
> Back in the Dark Ages ( I know, I know) we had things called "Oil 
Pressure Relief
> Valves) and they, dratted devices, used to cause LOW oil pressure in that 
> would stick open, and HIGH oil pressure in that they would stick closed.
> Do these critters still exist?
> If so, are they still troublesome?
> Jim

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