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Re: Oil pressure Blues

To: Frank de Kat <>
Subject: Re: Oil pressure Blues
From: Jim <>
Date: Wed, 04 Aug 1999 18:56:56 -0400
References: <>
I have to ask this.
Back in the Dark Ages ( I know, I know) we had things called "Oil Pressure 
Valves) and they, dratted devices, used to cause LOW oil pressure in that they
would stick open, and HIGH oil pressure in that they would stick closed.
Do these critters still exist?
If so, are they still troublesome?


Frank de Kat wrote:

> At 11:58 PM 01/08/99 EDT, you wrote:
> >
> >Well, the new TR had to let me know that it was alive and British. Perhaps
> >someone will recognize these symptoms:
> >
> >Upon starting, oil pressure is about 70-80 lbs.
> >
> >Running about 15-20 mins drops to about 50.
> >
> >Running another 10 mins or more drops to 20!
> >
> >All figures are at about 3000 rpm. At idle, pressure is avg of 20-40 when
> >warm. Temp usually maxes at about 1/2.
> >
> >Driving conditions: warm LA weather (about 85 deg).
> Well...
> My TR6 has been doing a similar thing. It seems to me that the problem is
> related to engine/oil temperature. As the oil warms up, it thins out (And
> of course, flows better!)
> You could check the amount of wear in the upper rocker area. That area is
> notorious for wearing out (And flowing more oil than it should).
> When I added an external oil feed to the upper rocker shaft, my oil
> pressure actually went DOWN, as so much oil was flowing into the upper
> rocker area.
> Probabaly your problem is a combination of a tired oil pump, and worn rockers.
> A thicker oil may help a bit, but then, that's me being really optimistic!
> Regards,
> Frank de Kat
> Dundas, Ontario, Canada
> To see "The Rally Pictures"

Rawchester, Neu Yawk
1979 Spitfire 1500   (Red, what else?)

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