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Re: Oil Pump for TR6 and Vandervell...

To: "Triumphs" <>
Subject: Re: Oil Pump for TR6 and Vandervell...
From: "Peter Juergens" <>
Date: Thu, 4 Feb 1999 08:46:48 +0100charset="iso-8859-1"
Hi, listers

Brian wrote:

>Nowadays, metalurgy and manufacturing have improved so much, bearings last
almost forever, and
>there is very little difference in similarly priced brands.

Well, most of the time, -nowadays- means: nowadays cars i.e. nowadays

IMO, the quality of LBC-Parts isn't that good...

OK, they're quite cheap but manufactured somewhere behind the chinese-wall
.... :-((   (sometimes)

For shure, this will not apply to all parts, but the problem is, you can't
look into the parts!

What about that Glacier-bearings you get at Moss-dealers, are those OK ??

Who can answer this ?



'62 TR4

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