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Oil Pump for TR6 and Vandervell...

Subject: Oil Pump for TR6 and Vandervell...
From: "Robert M. Lang" <lang@ISIS.MIT.EDU>
Date: Tue, 02 Feb 1999 22:55:46 -0500

The oil pump is critical for you engine. Why cheap out on this part. Spend
the $80 - it'll be a part that you don't have to worry about. I'm not
trying to be critical - but you really don't want to worry about the oil pump.

WRT the bearings, I just read an article in a club newsletter by Ken
Gillanders of British Frame and Engine... it's kind of a retrospective, but
the gist is that the bearings labelled as Vandervell are actually made by a
company called AE Glacier... in other words, even though it says
Vandervell, they may not be the same Vandervell that Charles waxes poetic
about in the TR6 Parts Guide Vol. 1...

That being said, I'd not try to get too specific about using Vandervell...
if you insist on the Vandervell bearings, you might want to contact APT in
Californicate. ;-) Thier latest catalog has lots of Vandervell parts listed
in there... figure about $55 for the mains and $55 for the rod bearings.

As for the thrust washers - get std. size and .005, you can mix and match
to get the proper end float... get two of each so you can play with it (and
you'll have a couple of spares for the next rebuild!).

TR6's in MachachustZ 

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