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Re: Oil Pump for TR6 and Vandervell...

To: Triumphs <>
Subject: Re: Oil Pump for TR6 and Vandervell...
From: "Power British Performance Parts, Inc." <>
Date: Thu, 04 Feb 1999 08:55:57 -0500
References: <01be5012$856c6720$0e2600c2@gdv413.dew>
Peter Juergens wrote:

> Hi, listers
> Brian wrote:
> >Nowadays, metalurgy and manufacturing have improved so much, bearings last
> almost forever, and
> >there is very little difference in similarly priced brands.
> Well, most of the time, -nowadays- means: nowadays cars i.e. nowadays
> parts).
> IMO, the quality of LBC-Parts isn't that good...
> OK, they're quite cheap but manufactured somewhere behind the chinese-wall
> .... :-((   (sometimes)
> For shure, this will not apply to all parts, but the problem is, you can't
> look into the parts!
> What about that Glacier-bearings you get at Moss-dealers, are those OK ??
> Who can answer this ?
> pete
> '62 TR4

I've used both the Glacier and Vandervell bearings, and over the last 12 years 
never rebuilt an engine twice.  Most of us put less than 5,000 miles a year on 
cars.  Some of us a little more, some a little less.

(OK, I'm ready.  To the guy out there who drives 60 miles one way to work in 
his TR-6
everyday - flame away. ;-)

My point being, the original engines lasted a long time, with the average TR 
motor in
need of attention after 60,000 to 100,000 miles.  Now, I, and just about every
rebuilder I know, take much more pride in their work than the average joe on the
assembly line putting an engine together.  I think it is a matter of 
showmanship.  And
given that a rebuilt motor is lavished with much more attention during 
assembly, the
defects are greatly reduced.  Combine that with the higher degree of care that 
owner shows in maintaining their car, and just about every rebuild should give 
longer service than expected originally.

Just my 4 1/2 cents worth.


Brian Schlorff    '61 TR-4     '64 TR-4     '72 TR-6     '79 Spit
     Power British                             Check out Power British
    371 E. Main St.                                    on the 'net!
Norristown, PA 19401
   (610) 270-0505    

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