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Temperatures, oil pressure, and springs

To: spitfires@autox.team.net
Subject: Temperatures, oil pressure, and springs
From: "George P." <ygpz4re@hotmail.com>
Date: Thu, 16 May 2002 07:59:11 -0400
Hi list,

Well, I'm still waiting to get my '78 1500 inspected so I can drive/tune it 
legally.  In the meantime, here's a few questions, some related to other 

Temps:  My temp guage is marked like the fuel guage, with 5 marks which I'll 
call 0, 1/4, 1/2, 3/4, 1.  It seems to be running at about the 3/4 mark.  
Another post thought this wasn't too bad, but it's been in the 50's/60's 
here when I've driven it and I have two electric puller fans, 
thermostatically controlled (they're working correctly).  Admittedly, I 
haven't rechecked the coolant level yet, though the last time I rechecked 
it, it was topped off.  I plan to turn on the heater to be sure the coolant 
is circulated through the heater core and see if that lowers the level at 
all.  Also plan to check the thermostat.  Anything else (radiator was 
recently pressure cleaned/tested)?

Oil Pressure:  Runs around 75psi at speed, 35-40 at idle (currently idles 
around 1100-1200rpm).  I've heard that the pressure can be controlled by 
shimming the spring in the oil pressure relief valve on the block just below 
the oil filter.  Does shimming the spring raise or lower pressure?  Seems to 
me like it would raise it.

Springs:  Saw the post (sorry, forgot who) where the author installed GT6 
springs in his 1500 (with 2 coils cut off).  I also have a set of GT6 
springs, but have thought they'd be too stiff.  How were the coils measured? 
  Starting right at the top or where the first coil seperates from itself 
(clear as mud?)?  Also, after cutting, did you grind the top flat for a 
better seat on the perches?  I've also heard of folks installing Spit MK III 
springs in a 1500.  Can anyone compare/contrast the ride/ride 
height/handling characteristics of GT6 springs vs. MK III springs in a 1500? 
  The MK III springs seem to be just a straight swap (i.e. no cutting 


George P.


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