On Mon, 1 Mar 2004, Eric Salem wrote:
> FP is mostly Porsche air-cooled flat-six motors and Mazda rotories.
> Neither of which have a block.
Z-cars come to mind instantly.
Note that my original message asked "what is the stock stroke of your
Porche"... That obviously doesn't apply to a Mazda rotary. Are you
saying it doesn't apply to your Porche? Porche's don't have cranks all of
a sudden?
> That's my point. The idea that stock rules can be proprigated to
> Prepared is insulting to the Prepared not-big-detroit-iron crowd and I'm
> probably not the only one that thinks less of the PAC and SEB for
> bringing it up without researching how it would effect our cars.
Oh for pete's sake. First, the PAC didn't have a damn thing to do with
this manual thing. Second, "researching how it would effect our cars" is
a bit of a stretch. I think what you really mean is "researching how it
would affect _my_ car and _my_ situation".
Which is a fine viewpoint to have, just recognize that there are more cars
in Prepared than Porches. The entire point of putting stuff out for
member comment is to find out if a particular sitation is affected badly.
> If the Comment for put out for comment had a rational for the change
> that would be something different, but as stated in FasTrack it strikes
> a person as shot directly against older sports cars, all BMW's,
> tube-frame cars and everybody who's factory shop manual costs more than
> dinner at Baby Doll's in Topeka.
> Mark, I mean no disrepect to you personally. But the only way I can even
> imagine making a rule like this is to chase all cars out of prepared.
Lord. Everyone likes the black helicopters.
The PAC and SEB aren't shy. If we didn't want Porches or tube cars or
whatever in Prepared, we'd propose a rule that said "Porches & tube cars
aren't allowed in Prepared".
> Have some respect for the dying. Let prepared die it's own death.
Bluntly? No way in hell. Prepared is an interesting category that fits
well in autocross. It currently has problems (as do many other
classes/categories... Go ask about traction treatments in STS if you don't
believe me. :-). "Let it die" is a shitty attitude and one that's counter
productive. If you want to give up, fine. Quit posting on the subject
and stay home.
(btw, don't assume that I'm in favor of FSM's for all Prepared cars. I'm
not. But its misleading to say that the FSM is useless in a protest
situation when you can just look at the rulebook and come up with ways
that an FSM can help, particularly if you look category wide. My personal
opinion is that data from "reputable sources" regarding chassis specs &
engine specs should be the protestee's requirement and that in a protest
situation the PC should have the responsibility of reconciling spec
differences to the "most reputable" source. I.e. factory docs win. If a
protestor protests with no docs and the protestee has a clipping from
Grassroots saying their bore size is xxx, the PC can rule in favor of the
protestee and the protestor can appeal, then go find their own more
authoritative docs).