>It should not cost me more to protest a Ferrari in ASP for track or
>wheelbase then it would a Mazda RX7. Why should that burden fall to me
>not the person that *chooses* to drive a car with expensive (or no)
Many people (maybe even most) don't *choose* to drive a car with expensive
documentation, they already have the car and then need to buy a manual (and
then get the resulting sticker shock). Your hypothetical Ferrari driver
could reasonably expect a megabuck tag on the documentation, but how could
you suspect that the manual for an econobox like the Impreza is over a
grand, or that the 1999 Impreza manual is hundreds more than the 1998
(which it is)?
Some rookie gets protested and looses because he doesn't have the official
manual, runs to the dealer the next day to buy one, sees the price and
decides not to autocross again. I'm not sure this is the effect we want.
>(And this has been one of the better threads on .net in some time btw...)
Definitely agree
Steve Miller
1984 RX7 GSL-SE
including the service manual, electrical manual, parts catalog on fiche
(thanks to Matt Murray!), original sales brochure and original test report
from C&D.