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Re: Subject: Re: shop manuals

To: "Mark Andy" <>,
Subject: Re: Subject: Re: shop manuals
From: "Rocky Entriken" <>
Date: Tue, 2 Mar 2004 18:16:53 -0600
Mark Andy's "BTW" to one of Eric's posts really packs it into a nutshell!

Good one. IMHO, a good one across the board, not just for P cars.


> (btw, don't assume that I'm in favor of FSM's for all Prepared cars.  I'm
> not.  But its misleading to say that the FSM is useless in a protest
> situation when you can just look at the rulebook and come up with ways
> that an FSM can help, particularly if you look category wide.  My personal
> opinion is that data from "reputable sources" regarding chassis specs &
> engine specs should be the protestee's requirement and that in a protest
> situation the PC should have the responsibility of reconciling spec
> differences to the "most reputable" source.  I.e. factory docs win.  If a
> protestor protests with no docs and the protestee has a clipping from
> Grassroots saying their bore size is xxx, the PC can rule in favor of the
> protestee and the protestor can appeal, then go find their own more
> authoritative docs).

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