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RE: Solo Entry Fees

To: <>
Subject: RE: Solo Entry Fees
From: "Larry Joffe" <>
Date: Fri, 15 Dec 2000 15:31:50 -0500

It was a damn fine place to hold a Solo II meeting too!  :)  The next one is
in January as the same Hooters.  I bet you drive down for that meeting as
well, right?

I will be at the PSCC events this year, so turn out will increase by one at
each event.

Larry Joffe
SM #27/127
2000 Audi TT Quattro
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--> Don't laugh.  Our region's Solo co-chairs took my
--> suggestion about holding their first Solo Board
--> meeting at Hooters a few weekends ago.  Three
--> times the number of people that I expected to see
--> showed up!  Sure beats Chuck E. Cheez! :-)
--> Nothing like the senseless exploitation of women to
--> increase attendance at volunteer meetings.....
--> -Arthur ("Check out the cones at station 2" edition.)

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