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Re: Solo Entry Fees

To: Loren Williams <>
Subject: Re: Solo Entry Fees
From: Pat Kelly <>
Date: Thu, 14 Dec 2000 18:47:23 -0800
        We've often considered having the entry fees site related, but have
opted to one cost for every event. The sites that are least expensive,
less than $500 a day, are also farthest away and draw the fewest
entries. The "in-area" sites range up to $2000 a day. We charge $25 per
person, members only allowed. The members only policy is new after about
four years of allowing non-members. The problem was we had too many
entrants, and the most reliable site won't let us start until 10 a.m.,
and trying to feed nearly 300 through is almost impossible as the days
got shorter. When both ran, it was $25/$35. Even with the high rent, we
still ended up with plenty in our treasury.
        By going to members only the entry level has dropped to about 160 (that
was in our "Slush" Series, which doesn't draw as many as our Regional
Championship Series) or so, and with the $25 fee, we still came out ahead.
        In 01 we'll stick to the members only...and $25. That way we know we'll
clear a profit at the end of the year. It's going to be intersting to
see how it turns out.
        I think any region putting on events should try to have enough to
upgrade, replace, and purchase new equipment. 
        As for non-members paying more, I think there should be some benefits
to being a member, like a lesser entry fee. If you make the non-members'
fees high enough they might be quicker to join...
--Pat Kelly

Loren Williams wrote:
> <solo chairman hat>
> Out here in Wichita Region, we're looking at the possibility (almost 
> of raising our entry fees.  Currently we charge $10 for members and $15 for
> non-members for regular events. ($5 more for events at our one site that 
> a lot rental)  Our rates have been the same for many years, with the question 
> raising them being mentioned almost every year since I got involved 5 years 
> This year, our Solo program barely broke even. (in fact, I blew my budget by
> $160)  Next year, I want to be able to afford equipment purchases and repairs
> that we all want while staying well within a budget.
> We have many options.  My favorites are the simplest ($5 increments, easy on 
> Registrar), and give the best results:
> Option 1:  Raise to $15/20 for all events. (absorbing the cost of the lot 
> into the overall budget)  $20 seems awfully steep for an entry fee, remember,
> this is Kansas... cost of living is pretty cheap.  This option gives us a 
> budget surplus.
> Option 2:  Raise to $15 for all comers at all events. (absorbing the cost of 
> lot rental into the overall budget, and not gouging non-members)  Given that 
> total entry generally consists of about 20% non-members, we don't lose much by
> doing this.  This option gives us a $1700 budget surplus.
> Our board of directors seems to be inclined towards sticking with their
> traditional policy of "non-member fees must be higher than member fees".
> Getting Option 1 past them probably wouldn't be too difficult with the given
> budget.  I'd like to find some justification/argument to support a $15/all 
> fee.
> What are other regions/clubs doing?  Is there any good philosophy behind why
> you're doing it?
> </solo chairman hat>
> --
> Loren Williams  |
> '96 Mazda Miata | Wichita Region SCCA -

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