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Re: Solo Entry Fees

To: Loren Williams <>
Subject: Re: Solo Entry Fees
From: Jim Hedderick <>
Date: Fri, 15 Dec 2000 20:07:33 -0600
Houston Region for years used to give newcomers a discount for their first three
events. It didn't do much other than drain income. The region solo committee
recently came to the conclusion that newcomers and non-members cost the club 
money -  loaner helmets, loaner numbers, and so on. They eliminated the newcomer
discount and now charge an extra $5 for non-SCCA members. Entry fees for 2000 
$17 and $22. It hasn't discouraged newcomers and has helped the budget 
Our costs reflect the $800 to $1,200 site rentals.

I think general consensus is most would pay $5 more for a nicer or bigger site. 
most, entry fees are the least of our expenses. It's the quality of the event 
people around here seem to be looking for.

Jim Hedderick

Loren Williams wrote:

> <solo chairman hat>
> Out here in Wichita Region, we're looking at the possibility (almost 
> of raising our entry fees.  Currently we charge $10 for members and $15 for
> non-members for regular events. ($5 more for events at our one site that 
> a lot rental)  Our rates have been the same for many years, with the question 
> raising them being mentioned almost every year since I got involved 5 years 
> This year, our Solo program barely broke even. (in fact, I blew my budget by
> $160)  Next year, I want to be able to afford equipment purchases and repairs
> that we all want while staying well within a budget.
> We have many options.  My favorites are the simplest ($5 increments, easy on 
> Registrar), and give the best results:
> Option 1:  Raise to $15/20 for all events. (absorbing the cost of the lot 
> into the overall budget)  $20 seems awfully steep for an entry fee, remember,
> this is Kansas... cost of living is pretty cheap.  This option gives us a 
> budget surplus.
> Option 2:  Raise to $15 for all comers at all events. (absorbing the cost of 
> lot rental into the overall budget, and not gouging non-members)  Given that 
> total entry generally consists of about 20% non-members, we don't lose much by
> doing this.  This option gives us a $1700 budget surplus.
> Our board of directors seems to be inclined towards sticking with their
> traditional policy of "non-member fees must be higher than member fees".
> Getting Option 1 past them probably wouldn't be too difficult with the given
> budget.  I'd like to find some justification/argument to support a $15/all 
> fee.
> What are other regions/clubs doing?  Is there any good philosophy behind why
> you're doing it?
> </solo chairman hat>
> --
> Loren Williams  |
> '96 Mazda Miata | Wichita Region SCCA -

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