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Re: Peru Pro

To: autox mailing list <>
Subject: Re: Peru Pro
From: "Mark J. Andy" <>
Date: Mon, 22 May 2000 10:27:43 -0400 (EDT)

On Mon, 22 May 2000, washburn wrote:
> Hmmmmm, not the kind of story I had in mind.  Sorry, no prize for you. 
> I'm sorry to hear it.  Sounds like one of those "s**t happens" things. 
> I would be interested in hearing the perspective of those involved. 

My perspective (I watched John spin into the other guy, watched Rick Cone
_nearly_ hit his opponent, watched a CSP CRX nearly hit Sam Strano, and
heard about other close calls), was that the course was condusive to car
damage.  I was also working turn two (the farthest turn from the start) on
the left side of the course watching folks coming pretty much straight at
me, on the gas, crossed up a little, hoping like hell they didn't swap it
and kill us all.

I felt then and feel now that the course was less safe than it should have
been for autox.  Having said that, I continued to run and pretty much was
just hoping someone didn't spin into me or I spin into them.  I did find
the course very fun, just more dangerous than I particularly liked.

My take on the whole thing is that we should take a note now and try to
ensure in the future that the cars can't get that close together.  We
don't need to freak out and try to write new rules or whatever.  I also
certainly don't want to take anything away from the course designer (dunno
who that was) as I can easily see myself laying out a similar course
without realizing the dangers.


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