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Re: Insurance Question

To: (Dr G W Owen)
Subject: Re: Insurance Question
From: Simon Favre <>
Date: Thu, 12 Dec 1996 10:08:03 PST
> On the subject of dangerous sports, if the most dangerous sport is to
> be assessed by the number of people who die each year while taking part
> then THE most dangerous sport in the UK is ........  FISHING!

If it's anything like this country (dubious) it's because most people
think a boat is a place to drink as much booze as there is water to
float the boat in.

> This does not of course allow for the fact that an awful lot of people
> go fishing so as a percentage it is probably safer.

Well of COURSE a lot of people go fishing.  It's a bloody ISLAND, then
isn't it?  Sheesh.  Where's John Cleese when you need him?  ;=)

Insurance companies tend to look at the total number of accidents, and
the number per 100,000 people in the population of interest.  That's
what affects their cash flow.

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