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Re: Insurance Question

Subject: Re: Insurance Question
From: Simon Favre <>
Date: Wed, 11 Dec 1996 11:00:52 PST
My company's group medical policy has no exclusions for specific
recreational activities.  The biggies some insurance companies really
hate are surfing, skiing, and skydiving.  Some have exclusions for scuba
diving and piloting small planes.  When I got into racing, I checked my
personal life insurance policy, and their exclusion for "dangerous
activities" was only in effect for the first 12 months after you take
out the policy, so I was already in the clear.  My wife read the policy
very carefully.  Now all I have to do is keep her away from my brake
lines...  ;=)

The SCCA carries a blanket policy that provides some form of participant
coverage, but this may not include medical benefits.  I haven't checked
lately.  The other clubs have varying coverage, mostly liability.

I have a feeling that if insurance companies are keeping actuarial data
on motorsports, they probably lump it all together.  They may keep
separate data for off-road competition, but I highly doubt any of them
make any distinction for vintage racing.  They probably do make a
distinction for pro versus club racing.  Any actuaries out there?

>... So for everyone else out there:  how would you get your racetrack
>injuries paid for?  the insurance will eventaully determine that an auto
>was involoved, then they would inquire as to automobile insurance...

You can forget about them going after your auto insurance.  All auto
insurance companies specifically exclude any form of competition.  They
all know this.  I don't even think they can go after another driver's
medical insurance.  Medical coverage is always written to cover only the
insured.  About all they would be interested in is whether or not any
other coverage applies so they can split the cost with another firm.
Your spouse's dependant coverage may apply, as well as any blanket
policy taken out by the sanctioning body.  You could sue another driver
and the insurance company would likely back you up, but as we all know,
any driver who sues another as a result of an on-track incident is
asking to be banned for life.  (IMHO)

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