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Re: Vintage Race Dilemas...

To: "Vintage Racers" <>
Subject: Re: Vintage Race Dilemas...
From: "Dave Lapham" <>
Date: 23 Oct 1996 10:42:39 U
        Reply to:   RE>>Vintage Race Dilemas...

On: 10/23/96   James A. Isbell wrote: 

> I have a problem with my car in that it is not vintage.  My car is a 1979
> Lola T540 that was orriginaly a FF was then configured as SuperV and then 
> as Atlantic.  It is a car that is no longer competitive but not yet 
> vintage.  

> I bought it two years ago with the prospect of it becoming vintage in just
> 5 years (CVAR was calling 1974 the cut off then)  If one year was added 
> each year it would be vintage in 1999.  But they changed the rules so now 
> 1972 is the cut off date!  At this rate it will never be vintage!!

But most (if not all) vintage organizations have kept a constant year cutoff
for eligibility (enlighten me if I am wrong, but that's my understanding) so 
while it may have been a logical assumption to conclude that the rules would 
change, evidence from other vintage organizations doesn't seem to support
that.  I think 1974 is the cut off for production cars in CVAR rather than for
formula cars.  

> The only class I can run in is called a non race class and includes huge V8
> powered Mustangs and Corvettes.  Since it is non race that means I cannot
> maintain my VMC license!

CVAR does presently include a 'non-vintage' race group.  A number of SCCA cars
show up and use it as a test and tune weekend.  I would think the Lola could
race in that group.  But, given that the Lola is not a vintage car why the
need for a vintage competition license? 

> Its not safe for me to be in with the Corvets and Mustangs and other closed
> wheel monsters.  I dont have the protection that they have and they cant 
> see me into the bargain. 
I haven't noticed very many monster cars in the non-vintage group at CVAR, it 
seems to be mostly sports racers, Formula Fords, Spec Racers and a few IT cars
on occasion.  Granted, running in a group in which the speed differentials are
great is disconcerting at least, I wouldn't think the 540 would be at such a
disadvantage.  Of course, I'm not riding in it so my perspective may be

> So where do I race?  Well, Im outa here....Im off to the AutoX where its
> safe until they find a place for me.
Of course, one option would be to sell the 540 and acquire a vintage-eligible 
car.  That may not be an even trade, although it might depend on what you 
wanted to get as a replacement.  If you're fond of the Lola 540 however, you
have to accept it's limitations.  Those include it's non-vintage status and 
it's non-competitive status with SCCA.  

> So did vintage racing lose another member?  Why?  There are alot of
> inexpensive open wheel race cars such as the FF and FA laying around out
> there.  They are not competative in modern SCCA and they are not defined as
> Vintage, but there should be a class for them.
It would be nice to have a class for these cars, but who's responsibility is 
it to provide one?  
 Dave Lapham  

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