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Re: Vintage Race Dilemas...

Subject: Re: Vintage Race Dilemas...
From: Simon Favre <>
Date: Tue, 22 Oct 1996 17:00:04 PDT
>Agree that the Formula B vs.  Formula Ford dilema is a real problem for
>race organizers.  Talk it up among your friends.  The solution is enough
>cars in both groups to establish a decent field.

At the SCCA Laguna event, we had so many open wheelers, they did a split
start for the Vees, but only in the feature race.  I went out mid-pack
with the Vees.  It worked ok.  I can usually hold my own against some of
the Vees. They get to run much lower profile, stickier tires, which I
find irritating.  I can definitely out-drag them on the straight, but
they go right around me in the next corner.

The problem is that the only place I seem to have comparable cars to
race with is at Steve Earle events.  Every other group has added FB's
and Fords that go a lot faster.  I just don't see enough of the real
early Formula cars, like F3, or front-engined Juniors except at HMSA
events.  Given that situation, I am stuck on the Steve Earle hard
compound Dunlops which makes my situation worse.  It would probably cost
me upwards of 6 grand to have a set of wire wheels reproduced to match
the Borranis just to run 2 sets of tires.  ;=(  With Vees, wheels are
cheaper by the dozen. ;=)

>Also agree that most vintage racers are on a limited budget and can't go
>to every event.  ...  I'd like to see the VMC take a more active role in
>coordinating dates and venues to insure that the events are better
>attended, more financially viable, reasonably priced, and subject to
>more similar rules and requirements so you don't have to change tires or
>other equipment when changing clubs.

Amen.  A standardized set of preparation rules would go a long way to
making events more viable, IMHO.  Now if VMC does that, AND if they can
convince Steve Earle...  Hope springs eternal. ;=)

What about spectators?  Is it worth it for CSRG and others to try to
attract more spectators say, via plugs on web sites?

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