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Re: Vintage Race Dilemas...

Subject: Re: Vintage Race Dilemas...
Date: Tue, 22 Oct 1996 19:09:20 -0400
Agree that the Formula B vs. Formula Ford dilema is a real problem for race
organizers.  Talk it up among your friends.  The solution is enough cars in
both groups to establish a decent field.

Also agree that most vintage racers are on a limited budget and can't go to
every event.  That is also a problem as more events are being promoted each
year.  There were more than 30 possible venues this year that a west coast
racer could have done within a 2 day tow.  That's way more than the average
guy can do (or afford).  I'd like to see the VMC take a more active role in
coordinating dates and venues to insure that the events are better attended,
more financially viable, reasonably priced, and subject to more similar rules
and requirements so you don't have to change tires or other equipment when
changing clubs.  

Every club/organization seems to be looking for their niche in all this, and
while some have found success, others are still struggling.  

I'd encourage some discussion on this topic from those who are interested....


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