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Re: Vintage Race Dilemas...

Subject: Re: Vintage Race Dilemas...
From: Mike & Jaye Rosen <>
Date: Wed, 23 Oct 1996 17:17:20 +0000
This sounds like a problem afflicting every vintage racing group everywhere.  
Every club 
seems to be losing the really neat old cars for studier, easier to race and 
overall more 
competitive as well as more contemporary cars.
Here in Canada, VARAC has been racing for more than 20 years and we have over 
past few years lost our entire pre-war group - and gained a bunch of Minis and 
Mustangs. Don't get me wrong, both Cooper 'S' and Shelby are 100% valid 
not vintage) race cars with fabulous histories but... I'd rather see more 
esoteric  and 
interesting cars on a vintage race grid.
Additionally, the newer (mid '60s) cars seem more prone to 'over development' 
Jack Roush motors in the Shelby's and Mini Coopers with between 130 & 150 hp.
Every guy in our club who has pushed things that far then wants wider stickier 
tires to 
handle the HP, then suspension mods to handle the tires - in the end, we have 
that run around Mosport as fast as our Lotus 7s (which are restricted to 948cc) 
Shelbys that turn the same lap times as Formula Fords - end of story.
Having been on the BOD of VARAC for the past 6 years, I've seen this scenerio 
countless times.  When you let newer cars over develop, you tend to lose your 
members with the more original (read here vintage) cars.
You can't win.

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