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Re: Vintage Race Dilemas...

Subject: Re: Vintage Race Dilemas...
Date: Wed, 23 Oct 1996 00:02:59 -0400
I'm on the rules committee for CVAR here in Texas, and we recently revised
our FB rules in order to put them in the same group with the FF cars. We
require treaded tires and no wings, with a 1972 cutoff. This group includes
FB/FC/F2/F3/FSV. Our FF group includes FF and rear-engined F-Jr. Our small
formula group includes FV and front-engined F-Jr. We didn't have any winged
big cars, and decided to take the step to restrict acccordingly.  One problem
we have is mixing '73-74 era FIA/IMSA cars on slicks with pre-1973 SCCA A and
B-Production cars/A-Sedans. Any ideas?

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