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Re: Coming down

Subject: Re: Coming down
From: "J.H. Roulleaux" <>
Date: Tue, 12 Jun 2001 16:30:52 +0200
From:                   "John Macartney" <>
To:                     "Triumph List" <>
Subject:                Re: Coming down
Date sent:              Mon, 11 Jun 2001 21:59:07 +0100
Send reply to:          "John Macartney" <>

Now seriously entertaining another form of fuel injection, as in
diesel? The cost won't be much different - but at least it'll go
further.Anyone got a Vanguard diesel engine going spare? I'd like to
keep things in the family.


John,how about a nice Turbo Diesel from BMW, would still be a 
little bit in the family. Should be plenty available from the Land of 
Silver Arrows. An engine from a crashed 5 series in your C.G. 
would give you 150 DIN HP with half the fuel consumption,and you 
would not notice that's a Diesel,except at the pump. In addition you 
will have a torque that will drive it full loaded up the Alps with 
engine idling.

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