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Re: Coming down

Subject: Re: Coming down
From: "J.H. Roulleaux" <>
Date: Tue, 12 Jun 2001 16:08:09 +0200
Date sent:              Tue, 12 Jun 2001 09:22:01 -0400
From:                   David Massey <>
Subject:                Re: Coming down
To:                     "John Macartney" <>
Copies to:              "Triumph List" <>
Send reply to:          David Massey <>

Message text written by "John Macartney"
>Today I had the low fuel warning light on in CG for rather longer than
I felt was sensible. Arriving at my local filling station, I threw
financial caution to the winds, stuck an asbestos cheque book between
my teeth, pulled out my water cooled pen and inserted one nozzle in
one tank. The fill up was 13.5 gallons (imp) and $70 is now in process
from one account to another.

13.5 gal (Imp) equals 16.9 gal (US).  That works out to $4.15 per gallon. 
We in the states forget how much better we have it than our bretheren in
the old country.  They, fortunately, do not have as far to go.

Upper Lowlands, US
Thanks God, Georgy Boy is on his way to save us, he promised that U.S.
will lower their fuel consumption, Europe will receive more petroleum
and the prices at the pump will go down to U.S level.

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