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Re: Moss quality

To: <>, <>
Subject: Re: Moss quality
From: "Adrian Dix-Dyer" <>
Date: Sat, 9 Sep 2000 10:37:53 +0100charset="iso-8859-1"
Cc: <>
References: <>
I also agree that Moss quality is questionable.
I recently ordered a pair of rear bumper over riders for a TR4A.
Not only were they not a matched pair, not even one was the correct shape,
but one had not even been completely chromed.
They were absolute trash and at £30 ($45) each daylight robbery.

It has transpired that a chroming firm can rechrome my own properly with one
layer of nickel and two layers of chrome for £20 ($30) each so that is the
route I am now taking.

I like the Terri Wakeman idea of two standards of product so the customer
has the choice. In my case Moss was charging top Dollar for rubbish so
perhaps this idea would not work either. Perhaps the only way is to view the
actual product at the point of sale and make your decision on what you see.

Tr4A CT64306 O

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