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Re: upholstery shops

Subject: Re: upholstery shops
Date: Sun, 16 Apr 2000 12:43:41 EDT
In a message dated 4/16/00 3:20:45 PM !!!First Boot!!!, 

<< Not "every time he says something"... but racist remarks need to be
 addressed. If you feel otherwise, if your level of tolerance is different
 than mine, well...that reinforces what I feel is a need for some of us to
 react to. Whether it's on a bus, in a school, or on the list. >>

You know, I haven't been following the list for that long, but you really *do 
seem to want to make this a personal battleground. I was thrilled when I came 
here and saw people, well MOST people, being friendly and helpful. It was 
quite a change from the backbiting and sniping on the BMW list. It didn't 
last long though. Soon there was a war here, instigated by yourself. I was 
very relieved when it died down and I cringed when I read your recent post 
because I knew it would generate more non-LBC content. 

The comment may not have been "PC", but then I'm not either. I just didn't 
know the reach of the PC Police were on the list. I suppose if you think that 
you have to spew your agenda and think you can accomplish anything, well, all 
I can say is Rotsa Ruck.

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